Chapter 31

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"George, George, wake up," Dream whispered as he gently shook his lover awake.

George slightly stirred before letting out a groan and sitting up. "what time is it?"

"Early morning, but that's not important right now." Dream said in a serious tone which worried George.

"What's wrong, Dream?"


George strained his ears and that's when he heard the faint beating of a drum and the ringing of bells. "What is that?"

"The sound of war..." Dream declared grimly.

"But that can't be... we just convinced Jschlatt to agree to peace talks, and Herobrine doesn't seem to be the impulsive type."

"Something must have happened during the night. Dress up quickly, we need to find out what is going on," Dream declared. George nodded his head and jumped out of the cot.

After the pair were properly dressed, they headed to the entrance of the cave. Dream took George into his arms before spreading his wings and flying off to investigate.


Ranboo soared above a grassy meadow while his arms were holding Tubbo up by the armpits. It wasn't very comfortable to be dangling in this way for the human, but he didn't care. Right now he was fully dedicated to saving his friend.

Suddenly on the horizon, he spotted the animal that he was looking for.

"Ranboo over there!" Tubbo yelled as he pointed in the direction of a black and white animal. The pair landed and Tubbo quickly took out a flask that they had taken from the sky palace on their way out.

Hang on Tommy... they both begged mentally as Tubbo slowly approached the cow.


Herobrine watched as every fallen from all four corners of the earth arrived at the sky palace, while the drums and bells of war continued to echo loudly in the background.

Besides him was Philza with a cold expression on his face. Herobrine placed a hand on his shoulder, "Worry not Philza, we will save Tommy."

Once everyone had gathered Herobrine stepped out to address the crowd. "For the past century, humans have managed to escape our grasp time and time again. They refused to submit to their fate at the bottom of the food chain and continue to fight back, which has resulted in much death on our part, and yesterday they committed the cowardly deed of attacking one of the children, who was obviously not a threat to them."

The congregation of fallen grumbled in anger.

"I don't care if we have to strip off the very crust of the earth, we shall find them and end their race today."

All the fallen cheered in agreement, and Herobrine spread his wings in preparation to take off. All the other fallen followed his actions and with a mighty cry, they left the sky palace in a large flock.

As they neared the edge of the forest Herobrine signaled them to stop. Just barely sticking out of the tree line was Jschlatt and his army, guns drawn and aimed towards their enemies.

"Do not fire till I give the signal," Jschlatt commanded his men.

"Sir, we've never seen those weapons before..." Wilbur told Herobrine.

"Fear not, we are superior to them in every way." Herobrine declared. He then raised his hand before swinging it downward, "Attack!"

The fallen let out a cheer as they flew forward at a great speed.

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