Chapter 28

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"Good evening George!" Niki greeted with a kind smile.

"Good evening Niki, I need a favor..."

"Well if it is something within my abilities, consider it done."

"I would like a slow-falling potion if you have any in stock?"

"I'm actually making a batch right now." She replied before heading over to one of the chests in the room and grabbing a splash bottle.

She then went over to her cauldron and filled it up, before handing it to George. She also grabbed a small container of fresh milk, just in case George needed to nullify the potion's effects.

"Thanks, Niki," George said.

"No problem, you're the one who gets the ingredients to make them anyway."

With a smile and wave, the brunette exited the lab and made his way to the surface.

He cautiously made his way over to the flower field, where he found Dream waiting for him. A wide smile pulled at his lips as he ran over to the fallen, who pulled the human into a hug when he was close enough.

"Dream? Why did you want me to grab a slow-falling potion?" George asked as they pulled away.

"You'll see, go ahead and use it." Dream replied.

George stepped back a bit before throwing the potion at his feet. The particles soon surrounded him and his body felt incredibly light. Dream then reached out to gently take the human's hand in his, before chanting a spell quietly.

Without as much as a warning, the fallen suddenly took flight, dragging the human into the sky with him.

"Dream!" George yelled in fear as he gripped onto the demigod's arm.

The demigod did not stop till they were high above the clouds, which made George wonder why he was not suffocating to death.

"The spell I chanted helps you breath normally in these conditions," Dream explained as he maneuvered George's body around so their left hands were joined, while Dream's right hand rested on the human's upper back.

"May I have this dance?" Dream asked, and George gave him a shy smile before nodding and placing his right hand on Dream's shoulder.

High above the clouds, with only the moon and stars as their witnesses, the pair dance to a song that only they could hear. The slow-falling potion helped keep George in the air, and whenever he started to float back down, Dream would pull him back up.

The smile on George's face warmed the demigod's heart, making him silently promise to protect such a beautiful sight till his last breath. As the effects of the potion started to wear off, Dream slow led the dance back to the ground.

By then the moon was slowly slipping down as well, and the pair found themselves on a rocky beach. George's feet were placed firmly on the ground, while Dream still floated a couple of inches in the air.

George dropped their joint hands while using his right hand to reach for Dream's mask.

"May I see your face now?" he asked softly, his eyes displaying fondness.

Dream gave him a nod, and the human sucked in a breath before slowly pulling the white mask off.

George stared in awe at Dream's handsome face. The demigod's hood had fallen down, revealing his dirty blonde hair. Yet the most attractive feature that the human found was not Dream's sparkling green eyes, but rather the fallen's shy smile.

"George?" Dream called nervously, wondering why the human had not said a word.

"You're more handsome than I imagined," George breathed out, and the fallen's smile grew even wider.

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