Chapter 21

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The next morning Karl, George, and Bad sneaked out of the tunnels unnoticed. They left Red and Antfrost behind, since the former still had kitchen duty, and met up with their fallen, where George presented the gun that he made.

"It certainly doesn't look that powerful," Skeppy commented, as he stared at the hand-sized weapon.

"Looks can be deceiving Skeppy," Bad informed with a smile.

"Now we are well aware that diamond weapons seem to be the only way to do decent damage, but we created a material, that we have decided to term as Netherite, that proves to be much stronger than diamond." George explained.

Skeppy and Sapnap still looked a bit unconvinced, while Dream stayed silent besides George.

"Very well then, shall we test it?" Sapnap stated as he nodded towards Skeppy.

Skeppy turned his arm into a diamond blade and pointed it at Bad. "Let's first test how well your diamond sword works against me, then we can test out the gun."

Bad was hesitant to attack his new friend, but Skeppy assured him that it was alright. The human then drew out his sword, and dealt a series of blows to the demigod's arm.

After he backed up, they noticed how there were several chips in Skeppy's arms, but they were already slowly healing.

"Okay then, let us test that gun of yours," Skeppy stated as he stretched out his hand, and signaled George to shoot.

"Um, can you just make a target? I really don't want to hurt you." George said.

Skeppy rolled his eyes but still created a diamond disc, which he attached to the tree before flying to Bad's side. George carefully aimed the gun then pulled the trigger.

The bullet flew out, making a loud noise that surprised everyone, except Dream, before hitting the diamond disc straight in the center, and shattering it to pieces.

"Whoa... now I'm kind of glad that I listened to you and made a target." Skeppy said.

George let out a chuckle in response, before his face turned a bit somber. "It's saddening that for the sake of peace we humans have to use violence, but we don't have a choice."

Dream laid a gentle hand on the brunette's shoulder. "Once everything settles down, we can look for more peaceful ways to have our kinds coexist. Right now, you need to have something to convince Herobrine to consider peace talks."

George nodded his reply.

"How long will it take you to mass produce this weapon. No offense, but one weapon, no matter how powerful it may be, won't worry Herobrine." Sapnap stated.

Bad and George shared looks. "It will most definitely take a while, but we have enough materials to make one for each member of our community."

"We should try contacting other communities nearby as well. I'll ask Quackity to help me deliver the messages, but I'll keep our connections with the fallen a secret for now." Karl said.

"We also need to train them how to properly handle a gun," George said with a sigh. "Looks like it may still be a while before we can proceed with the next step of our plan."

Dream then reached forward, and took the gun out of George's hands. He began examining it carefully, including the bullets inside. He then returned the weapon to George, and stretched out his arms. The others gasped as a bunch of guns formed on the Fallen's right, and on his left was a pile of bullets.

Dream then flew over to George, and wrapped his arms around the human's waist form behind. The human was still very much in shock, but he did turn around to hug the demigod, who has been very clingy since last night. Not that George minded of course.

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