Chapter 9

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"Okay so... one of us has to go mining, another to the Nether, and the last one will forage around here." George stated, as he read through the list that Niki had given them.

Jschlatt still had no motivation to declare war against the fallen, but they had to stock up on potions.

"I am not going back to the mines! Why can't I do something above ground this time?" Bad complained.

"But you know the mines the best," George reasoned. His friend has been a bit reluctant to go mining these past few days.

"Why don't we switch things up. I'll go to the Nether, George you go mining, and Bad can forage." Karl suggested.

George glanced at his friend, he was very curious as to why he was crying a few nights ago, but Karl didn't want to talk about it.

"No," George argued. "Karl, you've never been to the Nether before, it's dangerous there."

"And you honestly think that I'll let you go in there? I don't want to lose someone again George." Karl stated.

"But I've been to the Nether before..." George pointed out.

"Yeah with Bad accompanying you. I'm not letting you go there alone."

"Why can't we just go together. We head to the mines first, then the Nether, and we search for the rest of the items on the way home?" Bad stated.

"It would take too much time, and what's with you guys all of a sudden? You act like you're scared to go outside?" George asked, and his friends turned their gazes to the floor.

George sighed. They've never been worried to head out before, something has definitely happened.

"How about we draw lots to decide were we go?" Bad suddenly suggested, and Karl agreed.

So George tore a piece of paper from his notebook, and wrote down the three locations. He then tore it into three pieces, folded them up, and had his friends draw first.

He opened the remaining piece of paper on his hand and smiled.


"This is so unfair!" Bad whined as they reached the surface, making Karl and George giggle.

"I'll see you guys at dinner!" George yelled, before taking off in the direction of the Nether.

Karl gave Bad a small wave, before heading deeper into the forest. Bad huffed then cautiously entered the cave. This is where he met that fallen, and he certainly wasn't in the mood for another surprise meet up.

You'll be fine, just get the redstone and get out, Bad told himself.

Bad carefully headed deeper and deeper into the mines, occasionally stopping to map out the new areas in his little notebook. A habit that he had picked up from George.

Bad had to fight a couple of mobs along the way, but he was used to it. He had mastered the art of knife throwing and archery at a young age, so mobs were not a problem. And since spider eyes and gun powder were on his list, it was a win-win.

As he was mining a vein of redstone, he felt eyes on him. He instantly turned around and drew out his knife. He had lost his iron one on his last encounter with the fallen, but he had a diamond dagger which was reserved for emergencies.

When he found nothing in the vicinity, he returned his attention to the vein of redstone he was mining earlier, only to find out that it had turned into diamonds.

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