Chapter 22

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"This is incredible," Quackity commented after the trio had given him a demonstration on how the guns worked.

"How did you manage to make so many?" he asked.

"We had some very good helpers," George answered, sending a wink to Bad and Karl who giggled quietly.

"So do you think that you can contact the other communities nearby?" Karl asks Quackity.

"Oh yeah, I'll try and head out tomorrow."

"Wait, you're going by yourself?" Karl asked in concern.

"Well, not many people want to venture outside nowadays."

The three men shared a look before nodding at each other.

"We'll go with you Quackity, it is not safe to be out by yourself." Karl declared, and he got a warm smile in return.

Quackity took them to his room, where he showed them a map of the surrounding area. He encircled certain areas where he knew other humans lived. They hadn't tried contacting other communities for a year, and after humanity's crushing defeat under Jschlatt's command, they were unsure if the other humans would even listen to them. They were still going to try though.

After their short meeting, Quackity said he would take care of the arrangements, and told the trio to spend the night packing and resting up.

The brunettes retreated to their rooms and immediately started packing all the necessities for the trip. When George was done with his bag, he plopped down on his bed hoping to get a good amount of sleep, until something in his pocket started vibrating.

George reached into it and pulled out the mirror that Dream had given him. He fiddled with it, till the mirror suddenly displayed Dream's masked face.

"Dream?" George called out, very confused.

"Hey Georgie," he greeted back, making the human blush at the nickname.

No one, not even his parents had ever called him Georgie.

"Give me a minute..." Dream said before he talked to someone off-screen for a couple of seconds. "George, Sapnap, and Skeppy want to see Karl and Bad, could you get them please."

George nodded and went over to his friend's rooms. The other two had just finished packing and were rather excited to see George's magic mirror.

They gathered in his room and sat on either side of George. Sapnap and Skeppy had now joined Dream, and the six were quickly updating each other on what had happened.

The fallen said that they had just returned from the farewell party, that Herobrine had hosted for the visiting fallen, while the humans informed them of their trip tomorrow.

The demigods were not pleased by this development and begged them to reconsider, but the humans were very stubborn, so the fallen eventually conceded.

"Can you please meet us tomorrow? George, you remember where the flower field is, right?" Dream asked and the brunette nodded.

"Meet us there before dawn, and bring a weapon of choice."

With that they said their goodbyes, then Karl and Bad headed to their rooms for the night.

The next morning the brunettes sneaked out of the tunnels, and George lead them to the flower field. Though it was still dark, they instantly recognized the outline of the fallen and rushed towards them.

Karl and Sapnap shared a kiss, while the other four merely hugged.

"Give us your weapons," Dream said.

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