Chapter 27

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"Why is all the alcohol gone?" Jschlatt yelled.

"Because I made sure to toss them all out and told Red to stop making it," Tubbo answered calmly, as he watched his father throw a fit.

"Who gave you the right to do that?" Jschlatt yelled in anger. It has been a couple of days since he drank, and right now he was experiencing really bad mood swings from the withdrawal.

"Quackity," Tubbo answered.

"Tubbo, I need it!"

"No, you don't!"

"Son, you go and tell Red to make up a new batch immediately."

"Don't call me that, I stopped being your son when you stopped being a father." Tubbo spat out.

Now that hurt... Jschlatt thought before his brain decided to torture him once again with all the memories of the massacre he witnessed a year ago when he tried to lead the humans on the attack against the fallen, then returning home hoping to find comfort in his wife's arms, only to find her now cold and pale body.

"I need a drink," Jschlatt mumbled out.

"What?" Tubbo asked since he didn't hear it.


"And that is all you care about nowadays, I am ashamed to share your blood. You aren't the person that I used to look up to, and I am not sorry to say that I would not cry if you just fell down and died!" Tubbo ranted in his rage before heading towards the door.


"I said to not call me that, it makes me feel sick!" and with that, the boy slammed the door and stomped away.

As he made his way down the tunnels tears freely fell from his eyes. He was sick and tired of feeling this way. Jschlatt made it seem like his mother's death only affected him. Did he even consider how her death affected Tubbo?

He didn't lose just one of his parents that day, he lost them both. To him, the father that he loved had died that day, and all that was left was a shell.

The boy angrily tried to wipe away his tears, don't cry, not for him. He scolded himself, but more and more tears left his eyes and he eventually slumped to the ground.

He tried his best to stifle his sobs... he was scared. His race wasn't free to roam the surface in fear of death, and all that awaited him was a life trapped underground till he died. He had nothing to look forward to, and no hope left to dream of a brighter future. His heart sank at the realization of living in complete hopelessness. Forced to live this life with no one to give him at least the tiniest bit of love and comfort that he desperately needed.

Suddenly a gentle hand touched him, making him lift his tear-stained face.

Quackity smiled warmly at him, and behind him stood Karl, Bad, and George.

Tubbo tried to speak but all that came out were little croaks. Quackity pulled him into a hug, "You did a great job holding down the fort Kid. I am very proud of you, and though he might not say it, I am sure that your father is very proud of the man that you have become."

Tubbo buried his face into Quackity's chest, as he cried loudly. Letting out all the pain and frustrations that he felt till his eyes ran dry, and he ended up falling asleep from the exhaustion.

With a little help from his friends, Quackity carried Tubbo back to his room where Jschlatt was waiting with a worried expression on his face.

"Is he okay?" he asked in a small voice.

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