Chapter 17

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In a forest clearing Tubbo swung his sword around, going over the different attacks that Quackity had taught him. His father did not wish to train him, so he had to ask someone else instead.

Despite knowing that he wasn't allowed to be on the surface without supervision, he still chose this area, knowing that he could practice in peace.

After a couple of more swings, he stopped to wipe the sweat from his brow. Suddenly he heard the rustling of leaves behind him, and quickly spun around.

At that instant, Tommy flew out of the bush and came charging at him with a wooden sword. The human's reflexes kicked in, and he effectively blocked the fallen's attack with his own wooden sword.

They both jump back, Tommy clearly smiling while Tubbo's expression was of confusion and fear.

Tommy came at him again, and Tubbo fought back viciously. The young demigod was not giving off any signs of bloodlust, but rather excitement.

Their swords clashed loudly, and Tubbo eventually managed to knock out the wooden sword from Tommy's hand. When Tubbo attempted to bring his weapon to the blonde boy's neck, the fallen dodged and picked up his sword.

Tubbo then noticed that Tommy's body had relaxed, and he showed no signs of another attack, so the human lowered his own weapon.

"You're really good! Can we try again?" Tommy asked happily.

"What?" Tubbo stated.

"Let's duel again, I want to become as strong as my brothers so I have to train!" Tommy declared.

Tubbo was stunned at the fallen's behavior. This was most definitely not what he was expecting, from a member of the race that he had considered an enemy for the entirety of his life.

"Come on, let's go another round!" Tommy stated, as he lifted his sword and took on a battle stance. Tubbo hesitated before adapting his own position.

Just before the pair got a chance to charge at each other, they heard someone calling from above.

"Tommy! Where are you!" Ranboo yelled as his eyes tried to scan the canopy for any sign of his friend.

Tubbo didn't have time to react before Tommy flew towards him, and lifted him up to hide behind some bushes.

"What ar-"

"Shh!" Tommy said, cutting the human off. "Let's surprised him," he whispered.

Ranboo soon landed in the clearing, with his eyes darting to all directions. "I know you're there Tommy. I can feel your aura, just come out already so we can go home!" he demanded.

Suddenly Tommy rushed towards Ranboo, and tried to hit him with his sword. Ranboo, being more experienced in combat, effectively blocked the attack and sent the boy flying upwards. Tommy maneuvered himself in the air to stay steady, before charging at Ranboo again.

Ranboo let out a tired sigh as he braced for the Tommy's attack. What he wasn't expecting, was for Tubbo to suddenly rush him from behind as well.

Though skilled, Ranboo was having a hard time deflecting the attacks of the pair. Eventually they managed to knock him down on the ground, and held their wooden swords to his neck.

"Pogchamp! We did it!" Tommy cheered, holding up his hand for a high-five, which Tubbo shyly responded to.

Ranboo then stood up and grabbed a fistful of their hair, not hard enough to hurt the two boys, but it was firm enough to let them know that he didn't appreciate being attacked.

"Ow ow ow, okay I'm sorry Ranboo!" Tommy said, fake wincing in hopes of making his friend release him.

"You should be, you had me very worried, and You..." Ranboo trailed off as he faced Tubbo.

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