Chapter 25

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"Where is it," George muttered out as he retraced his steps.

The night was nearly over and he still hadn't found Dream's mirror. Tired and feeling rather dejected, George sunk to the ground and leaned on one of the trees for support.

I hope Dream won't be too mad. Poor Sapnap and Skeppy, they must be worried about Karl and Bad... George thought as his eyes started to close from exhaustion.

"Well, Well, Well, what do we have here?" a voice full of malice spoke, jolting George out of his doze.

The brunette looked up to see two fallen standing over him, bearing evil smirks. One was a woman, and the other a man.

"He's rather cute," the woman said as she squatted down to George's eye level.

"What's your name cutie?" She asked.

George's heart pounded in his chest. Idiot! I can't believe I dropped my guard and slept in the open.

George was always a careful man, yet his exhaustion made him throw caution to the wind.

"So this is your type Kourin?" the male fallen asked.

"What? Are jealous Seth?"

"Of him? No, in fact... I feel nothing but pity for him. I know what you do to the humans you catch, you sadistic bitch." Seth answered.

Well, George may not know what Kourin does to her victims, but he sure didn't want to stick around to find out. Grabbing a fistful of dirt he threw it at Kourin's face. Some of the dirt got into her eye making her yelp in pain.

George wasted no time in grabbing his bow and taking off into the forest. The fallen may be fast with their wings, but with the tree branches hanging so low, they would not risk flying in after him. After all, they didn't want to face plant into a branch and present George with the opportunity to attack them.

Instead, Kourin and Seth flew above the forest while keeping their eyes on where George was headed. The brunette would occasionally glance over his shoulder to see if they were still following him.

Kourin and Seth lost sight of the human when George entered a thicker part of the forest. The trees were so close together that hardly any moonlight made it through the leaves.

The fallen pair decided to land and scan around the area for the brunette.

"Well, he's a smart one. I'll enjoy playing with him once I catch him." Kourin said, before biting her lip.

"You really are sick in the head, you know that," Seth stated.

"Hush," Kourin hissed. All signs of malicious playfulness were gone from her face. She now bore a serious expression and she was looking around cautiously.

Seth could feel it too, the eerie feeling of someone watching you. Like a snake getting ready to strike. They knew that George was somewhere nearby, and he currently had the advantage.

He'll make a mistake sooner or later, and reveal his position... Seth assured himself as his eyes darted from one tree to another.

"I have a bad feeling about this Seth," Kourin whispered. "Let's get out of he-"

The woman didn't have time to finish her sentence, since a flaming arrow came out from the treetops and hit Kourin's core. She drew in a ragged breath before her body turned to a pile of ashes.

"Now you've done it, you little brat!" Seth yelled in anger as he flew in the direction that the arrow came from.

Seth and Kourin may have disliked each other from the day that they met, but the woman was the only one willing to put up with him every single day.

George quickly jumped down from the tree when he saw that Seth was inches away from grabbing him. The brunette then ran through the thick foliage, ducking under branches and receiving a few scratches along the way. He couldn't die now, he had to return to his friends... and Dream.

"Come here!" Seth yelled as he chased after the human. Not caring about the branches that were hitting him, and all the other obstacles that were delaying him from catching up to the brunette.

George continued running, till his lungs burned and his sides ached. His body eventually betrayed him and he had to stop momentarily to catch his breath.

This was all Seth needed to be able to catch the human, who he pinned to the ground, with George's face digging into the damp forest floor.

"I'm not going to kill you human relax," Seth said, but the tone of his voice was dark, and offered George no comfort. "I'm going to take my time to show you things much worse than death. By the time I'm done, you'll be pleaded for me to stab your heart."

George tried to silence the sobs threatening to escape his mouth but failed. His whole body shook when he felt Seth run a cold blade down the back of his neck.

"Please don't..." George begged. "Someone help me!" he managed to yell out, hoping that one of his friends might hear him and come to the rescue.

"Do continue to scream for help human, it will only make this more enjoyable," Seth said.

"Please help..." he muttered out. Dream... come save me like you always do, he begged in his head.

Suddenly a bright green light managed to seep through the leaves of the trees above, and slightly illuminated the forest floor. Seth paused his actions to look up and unintentionally loosened his grip on the human, who struggled to twist his head to the side so he could see who was gliding above them .

"Well look who's here, might as well call him down to watch the show," Seth said with a smirk.

George looked up and recognized the figure flying above them. Though it appeared that the newcomer hadn't noticed them.

George inhaled a sharp breath, "DREAM!" he yelled as loud as he could.

Seth snapped his focus back to the human that he was pinning down.

"How do you know his-" was all Seth could get out before Dream tackled him off George.

"Dream, what are you doing?" Seth croaked out as Dream held him by the throat.

Dream offered no explanation, his smiley mask concealed the angry expression on his face. With his free hand, the fallen punched through Seth's mask and destroyed his core.

Dream then dropped his dying ex-comrade and walked over to a very shaken George.

Because his back was turned, Dream didn't see the look of betrayal and confusion that Seth wore as he faded away. But George did, it was the last thing the human saw before everything went dark.

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