Chapter 29

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"Here you go Jschlatt!" Niki said as she handed him some bottles of poison.

"Thank you, Niki," He replied with a smile before heading back to his room.

He glanced over at Tubbo's bed and was pleased to see the large blanket covering his whole form. He then set the bullets and poison on his desk.

Jschlatt wouldn't use the gun unless it was absolutely necessary. If negotiations broke down, he needed to be ready to fight back.

Once he was done coating all the bullets he had on him, he set the gun in a safe place so he could check on his son one last time before heading to sleep himself.

It wasn't until he got closer that he realized that something was odd about the form laying on his son's bed. His heart rate quickened as he grabbed hold of the blanket and flung it away, revealing a bunch of pillows underneath but no Tubbo.

Jschlatt quickly grabbed his gun and an ax, before heading out into the night to look for his son.


Tubbo ran as fast as his legs could carry him, towards the place where he would meet up with Tommy and Ranboo from time to time.

A few minutes after the grownups had left his room, Tubbo had awakened and jumped out of bed to go search for his father so he could apologize. He had eavesdropped on the meeting and felt happiness build in his chest when he realized that his father was finally back in action.

He was also pleased to hear that George wanted peace since he didn't want to fight against Tommy and Ranboo. When he heard that they needed to figure out a way to set up the meeting, Tubbo quietly snuck out of the tunnels in search of his new friends.

He believed that he was the only one who had contact with the fallen, so he decided it was his duty to help out. All he needed to do was convince Ranboo and Tommy to help him.

When he reached the spot, he saw Tommy and Ranboo sparring.

"Hey, big man! I thought you weren't coming tonight!" Tommy yelled when he spotted his human friend.

When Tubbo reached them, he wasted no time explaining everything to them. The two young fallen were pleased by the idea of peace as well, since it would mean that they could spend more time together without worrying about being discovered.

"You have to come and talk to my dad. He is well respected among our kind and I'm sure that he will agree to help you." Tommy suggested.

"Um... do I really need to go too?" Tubbo asked nervously.

"Dad won't believe a word we say, so you need to come. Don't worry, I won't let any bad fallen hurt you!" Tommy promised.

"And we'll bring you back home as soon as we're through," Ranboo added.

Tubbo thought for a moment before nodding his head.

"Alright! Ranboo you take his left and I'll take his right." Tommy then said.

"Wait what?" Tubbo exclaimed before his left leg was lifted by Ranboo, while Tommy grabbed his right. Fearing that he may fall, Tubbo draped an arm around each of their necks.

"Don't worry Tubbo, we promise not to drop you," Ranboo assured. "We'll ascend slowly, so your lungs can adjust to the increasing altitude."

"When we reach the palace my Dad can cast a spell to help you breathe easier," Tommy added.

The two fallen started to take off, and Tubbo gripped tightly onto their shoulders.


Tubbo's head whipped around and he saw his father running towards him, a panicked look on his face.

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