Chapter 33

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George glared at the complicated plans in front of him, as Grian and Mumbo tried to explain to him the whole technique of building.

"Ah! I don't think I'll ever get it," George cried out in exasperation. "I think that I'll just leave all the redstone and building to you hermits," he said in a defeated tone.

"Don't worry George, you could always help out in a different way." Grian encouraged before rolling up the layout and flying over to where the other hermits were, with Mumbo not far behind.

Grain's big reveal did surprise the hermits, but they still accepted him as one of their own. They did not treat him any different, but the chaotic man was sure to cause more trouble now that he didn't have to hide his wings, and the hermits had resigned themselves to that fate.

It has been several months since that dreadful final battle. After mourning their losses the fallen, under Philza's leadership, established a form of government alongside the humans. Two of the members of the fallen faction were Dream and Wilbur since Technoblade wanted nothing to do with politics.

It had equal numbers of both races, with two leaders. Jschlatt for the humans, and Philza for the fallen. There were still plenty of things to organize but George knew that they would manage.

In the meantime, the fallen and humans worked together to try and rebuild civilization, with a few adjustments to accommodate the fallen, as they wanted there to be no division between races.

The idea of complete harmony through coexisting was slowly becoming a reality.

George heard cheerful yells up above and smiled when he saw Ranboo and Tommy lifting up an iron beam, with Tubbo sitting on top of it.

The two young fallen landed on top of a half-finished structure and dropped their load suddenly, which made Tubbo yelp in surprise, before turning to his friends with angry eyes and chasing them around the area.

From below he could hear Quackity yelling at Tubbo to not run around the construction site. Besides him, Niki merely giggled before continuing to make lunch with the help of several other fallen and humans.

Sapnap, Karl, Skeppy, Bad, Antfrost, and Red, had left a few weeks earlier to see if they could find any sign of humans from other parts of the world and tell them that there was no longer a need to hide.

George missed his friends terribly, but they should be back next week so he was excited to see them. Besides... he had someone to keep him company while he waited for them to return.

Just then a pair of arms wrapped around his waist, making the brunette instantly smile.

"How'd the meeting go?" George asked his lover.

"Boring as always," Dream answered. "I don't think that politics are my thing..."

George giggled, "if you dislike it that much, then you'll have to tell Philza to find someone more suitable."

"Wonderful idea, I'll tell him later on today over lunch. In the meantime, I want to show you something..."

George turned around and wrapped his arms around Dream's neck. They smiled lovingly at each other, then shared a quick kiss.

Dream lifted the human up and flew to the cliff where they had first met.

"George, I am not embarrassed to admit that you caught my interest the very first time that we encountered each other."

George blushed at his words but stayed silent.

"I knew then that I just had to get close to you, it was like something in my head was telling me to stay by your side, and I want you to know that I can't imagine living without you now."

George smiled shyly at him, then gasped when Dream pulled out two rings.

"Humans used to give rings to their partner in marriage, but these ones are special. They are infused with my powers and once our vows have been made and we both put them on, you will receive half of my remaining life." Dream explained.

The last line caught the human's attention, "what?"

"You are well aware that fallen live for a very long time, compared to humans. So like I said, this will give you half of my remaining life span so we can grow old together."

"Dream, I can't ask you to give up half of your life for me..." George argued.

"You're not asking, I'm offering. Like I said before George, I can't imagine living without you. Will you accept this ring?"

George felt tears gather around his eyes, and his lips tugged up into a smile. "I love you Dream, I love you so much, and yes I accept."

"I love you too, George. forever and ever"

"Good, now give me my ring Dream," George demanded playfully.

Dream wheezed and handed George a ring, with a beautiful blue-green crystal as the centerpiece. "You need to say a vow as you put it on your partner."

"A vow?"

"Yes, something that you can keep because if you don't, the ring will drain your energy. It won't kill you, but you will feel extremely weak till you fulfill your promise."

"Damn, these things are hardcore," George stated, making Dream chuckle.

"I'll go first," Dream stated and George lifted up his hand so his lover could put it on.

"George, I promise to protect you and provide for all your needs. Spoil you occasionally, and be there for you when you need someone to vent to. I promise to show you each day, in my own way, how much I love you. My heart shall remain yours for all eternity." Dream declared, the ring glowed as he said his vow and he slipped the ring gently onto George's finger.

Next George took his ring and looked at Dream with so much love and adoration. "Dream, I promise to always make time for you, no matter how busy I am. I promise to love you unconditionally, to stay loyal, and to support you in whatever way I can. I promise to stay by your side especially when times get hard, and even if we fight, rest assured for I promise to never leave you. My love is yours forever..."

George slid the ring onto Dream's finger, before joining hands as the rings continued to glow.

"This is my vow to you..." They said together before sealing the deal with a kiss.

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