Chapter 24

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"Let's make camp here, then we'll set out at dawn," Quackity said, and his companions nodded their reply.

They ate a simple and cold dinner, since starting a fire would be too dangerous. Then George and Bad slept first while Karl and Quackity took first watch.

When it was Karl and Quackity's turn to sleep, George left Bad back at camp to look for a water source so he could refill their supply, taking only his bow with him for protection.

Eventually, he came upon a clear river, so he knelt on the bank to start filling the bottles that he brought.

Though it was still fairly dark, George could see the sky slowly becoming lighter, indicating that dawn was coming in a couple of hours. He reached into his pocket to touch the tiny mirror that Dream had given him.

The fallen had made sure to call him every single night just before sunrise, and George found himself feeling rather excited that he would get to hear the demigod's voice very soon. The brunette would never admit it out loud, but he has sorely missed Dream these past few days.

Xisuma and Grian's words echoed in his head at that very moment, making his cheeks heat up with blush.

It is much too soon to call this love, so maybe I'll refer to my feelings as just a little crush. Either way, I need to confirm Dream's feelings before I fall in too deep and end up getting hurt, George concluded as he filled the last bottle.

As he was making his way back to camp he suddenly had a shiver run down his spine. Worrying for his friends' safety, George started running but kept his footsteps light, so he wouldn't draw attention to himself.

His heart rate picked up when he saw Bad being pinned to the ground by a fallen, who was also choking the brunette to prevent him from making any sounds. Two other fallen were standing above Karl and Quackity's still sleeping bodies, ready to smite them with swords.

George took in deep breaths as his brain started processing different ways to save his friends. He then observed that while Bad was still currently being suffocated, the brunette was not fully focusing on his attacker. Instead, his attention was on the bag behind him.

George saw Bad trying to stretch out a hand towards the bag despite it being completely out of reach, and suddenly the bag vibrated.

His knives... George concluded, and a plan immediately formed in his head.

He quickly pulled out his bow and pulled back the string, thankfully the flaming magical arrow did not produce any noise when summoning.

He pointed it at the fallen attacking Bad, and aimed for the spot that Dream had told him to shoot.

George drew his hand back and released the string, hitting his target perfectly. The fallen let out a shout of pain, drawing the attention of the two other demigods, before disintegrating into dust.

Bad wasted no time in gaining control of his two throwing knives and causing them to fly towards the two other fallen. Before the demigods could even react, the blades struck through their masks and broke their cores.

Their dying cries woke Quackity and Karl, who stared with mouths wide open as the fallen faded before their very eyes.

"Bad! Are you okay?" George asked as he quickly went over to check on his friend, who was still gasping for air.

"What just happened?" Quackity exclaimed as he glared at the three piles of ash, which were the remains of their attackers.

"I'm fine George, thanks for the save," Bad reassured as he continued to lightly massage his neck.

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