Chapter 5

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"We thought that you died," Dream continued, in a rather calm voice.

"I would have died if Red didn't save me."

Dream glided down to the ground, and approached his old friend. "It's good to see that you survived, but what exactly happened."

Antfrost sighed, "A year ago when the humans attacked, they managed to catch me off guard. I was severely wounded and was trying to run, since they had managed to damage my wings, to the extent that even my healing abilities couldn't keep up with. I accidentally got caught in one of their net traps, and heard someone approaching. In my panic, I shifted into my cat form and that's how Red found me. He took me in and cared for me all this time."

"Why didn't you ever come back to us?" Dream asked.

"You know that I can't lie. Herobrine would know that something was up, and I don't want to endanger Red's life."

"You feel indebted to the human?"

"I love him..." came the surprising answer.

"Love? Does he even know who you truly are?"

Antfrost shook his head, "And I don't plan on ever revealing my true form."

"But how would you know if your love is even returned?"

"I won't, but I'm okay with that. As long as he's safe and happy, then I'll be happy as well."

Silence reigned for a full minute before Antfrost spoke again. "You're not going to tell Herobrine are you?" he asked, as his body tensed up to ready himself for a fight.

Dream scoffed, "You can't beat me Antfrost."

"I will gladly die trying, if it means keeping Red safe."

"Relax, I won't tell him. I do not understand emotions such as love well, but I can tell how special he is to you. So I shall not take away your happiness."

"Thank you Dream," Antfrost replied, as he relaxed once again.

"Besides, I've taken an interest in one of the humans who lives with your Red." Dream pointed out.

"You mean George, so you fancy him?" Antfrost asked, in a semi-teasing tone.

"Nothing of the sort, I just find him intriguing. Take care of yourself Ant, but know that a day may come, where you will have to pick between us and the humans. I pray that we won't have to face each other in battle, you are a good friend to me after all."

"I have already picked my side Dream, and when that day comes... I will do whatever it takes to protect Red."

Dream nodded then spread his wings to take off, but froze when he remembered something.

"Oh Ant," he called, and his friend looked up at him.

"What does the word jealous mean?"


Such a silly thing, jealous, ha I wasn't jealous. I just didn't like how close that human was to him. Dream argued in his head, as he flew back to the palace.

Antfrost had the gall to laugh at his ignorance to such a ridiculous emotion, though the brunette did go on to explain the idea, to the best of his ability.

When Dream finally arrived back home, he spots his friends having a picnic in the garden. Philza sits in the shade where the food was, while the rest were engaged in a game of dodgeball.

Tommy and Wilbur stood at the center, while Sapnap and Skeppy stood on one end, with Techno and Ranboo on the other. Sapnap created a little fire ball then threw it at Wilbur, who shifted into his ghost form so the fireball flew right through him, and into Techno's hands.

"Hey that's cheating!" Sapnap whined.

"There are no rules against using our powers, Snapmap," Tommy teased.

"Don't call me that!" the raven head warned, but Tommy continued to make fun of his name.

Sapnap and Skeppy nodded to each other, then while Sapnap made more fire balls, Skeppy created diamond ones. They started pelting all of it at once, creating a mad dash of balls that Ranboo couldn't keep up with, so Techno had to cover for him.

"Hey that's cheating!" Tommy yelled as he got hit by several of them.

Dream shook his head and chuckled, as the crazy game of dodgeball continued. He glided over to Philza who offered him an apple.

Fallen didn't have to eat to live, so neither of them knew how to cook. Whenever there was a party or gathering, they would only serve fresh fruit and water.

"Where have you been?" Philza asked in simple curiosity.

"I decided to scan the area for any signs of humans," Dream answered plainly and the older man nodded.

Soon the other fallen had tired of their game, and returned to the picnic blanket. That was until Tommy wanted to try and braid flowers into Techno's long hair, which made the pink haired man fly away to escape.

"Hey, get back here!" Tommy yelled as he tried to catch up to his friend, who was practically a brother to him.

Ranboo and Philza flew after the boy in hopes of rescuing Techno, leaving Dream alone with Wilbur, Sapnap, and Skeppy.

"Hey, what do guys think about the humans?" Dream suddenly asked.

A few seconds of silence settled on the group, as the three men thought of an answer.

"Hmm... I don't really know how I feel about them. We've always considered them the enemy, but I can't help but feel like we're the bad guys." Wilbur answered.

Dream nodded, then turned his attention to Skeppy for his answer.

"Well I think they're interesting. I enjoy watching how they react to certain situations."

"Is that why you never kill them right off the bat?" Sapnap asked.

"Yes, I pose challenges that provide me with insight on how humans think. Take the most recent one for example...They were obviously lovers, yet the man did not hesitate to choose his life over his girlfriend's. Perhaps they were fairly new to the relationship, or he did not truly love her."

Love again... Dream wondered. "Do you think that the woman loved him?"

"I think so... she was obviously hurt by his actions. Yet she accepted her fate so calmly, as if saying that she didn't hate him for making that decision. I've seen many humans sacrifice themselves for the sake of protecting their love ones." Skeppy ended, as he grabbed a grape.

Self-sacrificing, just like Antfrost for Red, and Philza for his family...

"How about you Sapnap, how do you feel about all this..." Wilbur asked cautiously.

"I don't really know either. I'm well aware that I used to be one of them, but I feel no pain or remorse when I kill them. I guess most of my emotions disappeared with my memory..." Sapnap honestly replied.

"Are you ever curious about your past life, if you had any friends or family before?" Skeppy asked.

Sapnap shook his head, "Knowing my past doesn't change anything now, and who knows, some of the people that I've killed may have been important to me. So I don't care if my memories never come back, makes things easier that way."

That was a lie... and Dream knew it, but decided against pointing it out.

At this moment Philza and Ranboo returned with Tommy in tow, and Techno trailed behind. So their conversation shifted to teasing the boy, who would yell out anything to defend himself.


Sorry I took so long to update

School's been keeping me busy, and I was sick for a few days

I feel better now, but I'm still pretty swamped with homework

 But I will try to get another update out soon, hopefully within this week 

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