Chapter 13

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Meanwhile, back at the Sky Palace, Dream had just arrived and went in search for his friends. He found Sapnap and Skeppy, who both seemed to be in good spirits, and greeted them just before Herobrine addressed them all.

It started simple with the usual greetings, then Herobrine asked for reports on each sector. Their leader frowned when he heard that there were several casualties.

"The humans are starting to get stronger, these numbers may not seem like much, but every fallen that they kill will be a giant boost to their morale. Please be careful everyone!" Herobrine reminded.

They all shouted their agreement, then proceeded to the reception of fresh fruits.

"Dream," Herobrine called, and the fallen flew up to meet him.

"I noticed that you were a little late, is everything alright?" Herobrine asked with genuine concern.

"Yes Sir, I was just scouting around the nether."

"What were you doing all the way out there? That place is much too dangerous, and I doubt humans would be able to live there."

"Perhaps that is what they want us to think." Dream suggested.

"I guess you do have a point... forgive me for being very protective of you Dream, but you really are like a son to me." Herobrine explained, and Dream simply stayed silent.

"Among our kind, we are the only Fallen capable of creating anything from nothing. The rest have certain requirements or are stuck to one item, which makes us nearly omnipotent. I fear that people may try to manipulate you, to use your powers for their benefit... do be careful who you befriend," and with that Herobrine joined the feast.

Dream however didn't feel the need to taste the freshly plucked treats. Instead, he stood silently in the corner going over Herobrine's words. He choose to give George those stuff, the human didn't manipulate him... and George wouldn't do that... right?

With his thoughts all jumbled up, Dream flew away from the gathering, and returned back to the place where he first met George. There was a lovely sunset, which he watched till the sun completely disappeared and the moon took its place.

Dream sighed, then laid down on the grass. His mind filled with thoughts of the brown haired human that he had just recently befriended.

Why does my chest hurt when I think of him? Why does he consume my thoughts even now?


Quackity knocked on the door of Jschlatt's room, and Tubbo came to answer the door.

"Hey there Tubbo, I brought your dinners." he said with a smile.

Tubbo returned the smile and took the tray. He was about to close the door when Jschlatt appeared from behind the boy.

"Where's my booze?" he slurred out.

"I believe some tea will do you much better than that dreadful stuff," Quackity replied with a smile, ignoring the dark glare that his leader was throwing him.

"Enjoy now!" Quackity stated, before disappearing down the hall.

Jschlatt took his share from Tubbo, then walked over to his bed to begin eating. The boy nervously copied his father's actions, and seated himself on his own bed.

"Uh... Niki's been making quite a lot of potions lately... Bad and George have crafted enough weapons for everyone as well." Tubbo awkwardly informed, and Jschlatt merely hummed.

"I think if we can find a way to communicate with other human communities nearby, we can gather a large enough army."

"And how do you suppose we do that?" Jschlatt asked, though his tone proved that he wasn't very interested in the subject.

"I thought that maybe you would have a suggestion..." Tubbo stated.

"Well I don't, so let's just forget about it okay."

"Why? When will you finally fulfill your promise to me? You said you would defeat the fallen!" Tubbo said.

"Enough Tubbo, I don't want to fight right now." Jschlatt replied in a tired voice.

The boy huffed and continued to chew on his food. His father watched him then sighed, "look son, the fallen have proven to be a greater foe than I could have anticipated. We would fail if we try to fight them again, so let's just accept our fate at the bottom of the food chain, and live our lives peacefully in secret."

"I can't accept such a fate father, I know we can beat them it we just try again." Tubbo declared.

Jschlatt stood up and placed a gentle hand on his son's head. "You are still much too young and naïve son. You have yet to see the horrifying truth of how helpless we are against the Fallen, and I would much prefer if you never found out."

"I'm sorry father, to you it may seem like an impossible feat, but not to me. I will prove it to you one day, that we humans can stand on the same playing field as them." Tubbo stated with determination.

A small smile tugged at Jschlatt's lips, "a pipe dream son, but if you find the need to believe in a better future in order to survive, then go ahead."

After finishing their meal, Jschlatt immediately went to bed while Tubbo brought their plates out to the kitchen. I will find a way father, just you wait...

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