Chapter 12

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George and Dream had heard the bell in the nether, but since the area had a roof of netherrack, they were perfectly safe.

"What was that?" George wondered out loud.

"Our leader is calling us for a meeting, probably to check on how we are all doing." Dream answered.

"Then I should be heading home, I'll be safer there..." George stated as he hoisted his bag up, and onto his shoulder.

"When can I see you again?" Dream asked, making the brunette scramble for an answer that would please the demigod.

"Uh... how about tomorrow night? I need to do some mining here in the nether, and I could use the company." George answered, trying his best to smile.

Dream was grinned behind his mask when he heard the answer, and stretched out his wings to fly home. "I'll see you tomorrow then..." he said before taking off.

The minute that he was out of sight, George's knees gave way and he sunk to the floor. He was rather proud of himself for managing to stay strong for so long, with an all powerful being, that could have easily killed him, hovering over his mortal frame.

The brunette then looked down at all the stuff that Dream had given him. That fallen sure was a weird one, wanting to be friends and all... He thought before he started the long journey home.


They weren't the only ones out in the open when the bell rang. Red was currently collecting water, with his cat beside him when it happened.

Red was very much confused to where the sound was coming from, but then his cat bit onto his shirt, and tried to pull Red away from the stream. The human found this adorable and picked him up.

"What's wrong? You hungry?" he cooed.

"Well well well, what do we have here?" an eerie voice spoke up from behind him.

Red's body went tense as he slowly twirled around, only to discover a fallen with long black hair behind him.

"I'm rather glad I found you, human. Your dead body would serve as a fine gift for Herobrine," the fallen said as he drew out a sword.

Without a second to hesitate, Red threw the pot of water at the fallen, who used his sword to easily slice through it.

It was simple, but enough to distract the demigod so Red could have a head start. The human ran as fast as he could, with his cat tucked underneath his arm.

Unfortunately it was extremely hard to outrun a fallen, and Red was soon tackled to the ground by the demigod. His cat started to hiss at the fallen, who had straddled Red, and was currently chocking him.

"Run..." Red tried to croak out to his pet.

The human's eyes widened, when the feline suddenly started to grow in size, and a pair of wings shot out of his back. The fallen that was attacking Red, had his attention drawn to the surprising scene, and had loosened his grip on the human.

The demigod gasped when he recognized who it was. "Antfrost... but I thought that you were-"

He wasn't able to continue since Antfrost tackled him off Red, and used his claws scratched his mask off. Antfrost wasted no time to hit the fallen's core gem, and after one final scream of pain, Red's attacker disintegrated to dust.

Antfrost turned back to see Red's shock expression, and tried to slowly approach him, since he didn't want to frighten the man. But when he saw the human's body had gone limp, he was instantly at his side.

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