Chapter 6

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That night, Bad cautiously left the safety of the tunnels to head towards a cave nearby, that also served as their community's mine. After creeping through the dark entrance, and avoiding the mobs along the way, he finally reached a lit area.

They couldn't light up the entrance, since it would attract attention. Which was why it was so dangerous to go mining, and only a few members of their community were allowed to do the task.

Bad pulled out his pickaxe, then started looking around for any diamonds, that he might have missed on his previous trips down here. They would need a lot of them if they were to continue experimenting, and improving their secret weapon.

At this exact moment, a certain dark haired Fallen was sitting on the sky palace's roof, with several large diamonds encircling him, serving as monitors.

Skeppy had the ability to use diamonds, that were still connected to the earth, as security cameras. He had only mastered this skill recently, so no one knew of it.

When the dark haired Fallen noticed that several of his feed was getting cut off, he tried to find what was causing it. He then managed to catch a glimpse of Bad's face, before the video got cut.

"Hmm... a human in a cave at night. I wonder if he's brave or plain foolish..." Skeppy thought out loud, knowing how dangerous the location, and time was for mortals.

He then stood up and stretched his wings, "Perhaps some entertainment before bed will do me some good."


Bad huffed, as he set his bag down on the stone floor. Tonight wasn't a very productive night, he had found a ton of iron and gold, but only a few diamonds.

Maybe I should try going a bit deeper, Bad thought as lifted his bag onto his shoulder, and traveled further into the cave. He found a rather large ravine underground, with lava at the bottom.

There has got to be some diamonds down there, He thought as he carefully climbed down the jagged rocky side, with the help of his pickaxe.

Unfortunately, he still couldn't find any. So instead, he collected the other minerals that he could find. As he was was about to dig out some iron ore, he suddenly felt a light breeze of wind pass by.

A shiver went down his spine as he turned around, and searched for whatever caused it. Finding nothing, he turned back to the iron only to find out that it had turned into diamonds.

Bad gasped, and rubbed his eyes in disbelief. After confirming that he wasn't imagining the shiny rocks, he dug them out, and stored them safely in his bag.

He then saw some gold nearby, and walked over to collect it. Then it happened again, one second he was staring at some gold, then he blinked and it turned into diamonds.

"What the muffin!" Bad exclaimed.

He heard amused chuckles echo through the ravine, and it gave off malicious vibes. Frightened, Bad pressed his back up against the wall, and pulled out his iron dagger.

"Who's there?" Bad asked as his eyes tried to scan the darkness.

Bad yelped when he felt something poke his back, and twirled around to find what had hurt him. He saw diamond shards sticking out of the cave wall, which weren't there before. As if to confirm that these rocks weren't normal, the diamonds slowly receded back into the rock, and disappeared.

The fear he felt was making his heart race, and he slowly backed away towards the ravine's other side.

When he heard someone laughing again, the hair on his arms stood up. The cave was giving the voice such an eerie effect, so it sounded absolutely sinister.

Bad immediately started to run, and in his panic, he bumped into something and dropped his knife before falling down. He used his torch to see what he had bumped into, and could have sworn that his heart stopped.

A fallen... Bad bit down his scream, as he tried to scan the darkness for his weapon. It didn't matter that the fallen standing in front of him, wore a mask that had a silly face on it. He was still a dangerous being.

Bad dropped to his knees and felt around the darkness for his knife, knowing that the fallen was creeping closer and closer. When his hands finally felt the familiar hilt of his dagger, he grabbed it ,and pointed the weapon in the direction of the fallen.

Bad jumped in fright, when he realized that the fallen's masked face was a mere inch away from his.

"Boo!" Skeppy yelled. This caused the human to run, and frantically try to scale up the sides of the ravine, leaving his bag behind.

Due to how scared he was, Bad's grip wasn't that strong, and he wasn't being very careful with where he was securing his hold. Seeing the mortal scramble up the ravine wall was so entertaining to Skeppy, that he burst out laughing.

Suddenly the rock that Bad was holding onto for support broke, and the brunette found himself falling. He closed his eyes, and mentally sent an apology to his friends as he awaited certain death. But instead of landing on the hard floor below, Bad found himself in Skeppy's outstretched arms.

The brunette slowly opened up his eyes to see the Fallen's silly mask, as Skeppy continued to laugh at him. The dark haired man quickly flew up to the top of the ravine and gently placed Bad down, before flying back to the bottom to retrieve the human's bag.

Bad was still trembling, and had curled up into a ball with his knife pointed out, when Skeppy returned.

"I haven't laughed that hard in so long, what's your name human?" Skeppy asked, his voice distorted in a way that further proved that he wasn't human.

Bad stayed silent, as his eyes darted everywhere for an escape.

"I'm not going to kill you, relax. Here's your bag." Skeppy assured, as he threw the bag towards the brunette.

Bad didn't move for a few seconds, eyes cautiously glaring at the demigod.

Suddenly, he swiftly leapt to his feet and ran towards his bag, grabbing it tightly before dashing towards the cave's entrance. Skeppy quirked an eyebrow in amusement, as he stretched out his wings to give chase.

As the fallen neared him, Bad twirled around and threw his knife at Skeppy. The dark haired man smoothly dodged it and started to chuckle, that is until he heard a hissing coming from behind.

Skeppy had barely anytime to react before the creeper exploded, and sent him barreling to the side. By the time that he was able to get up and heal his slight burns, Bad was already long gone.


Good news! Christmas break has finally started for me, which means I can finally get back to writing and update more frequently.

Bad news is, my country is currently experiencing a typhoon which is messing with the internet signal, and electricity. So I apologize if I still can't return to my old upload schedule. 

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