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It's a usual Tuesday. Sunoo and I are going to this nearby café where we usually hang out. If only this class would end sooner.

After what felt like forever, the bell finally rang and I made my way to my locker. I saw Sunoo running towards me and I couldn't help but smile a little. He looks cuter today than he did yesterday. How is that possible? Sunoo stopped in front of me with that big smile of his that I've grown to love.

"You good to go?" He asked me.

I haven't even answered and he was already dragging me out the school gates, tugging at my jacket. This is so embarrassing. I covered my face in hopes of it making me invisible to the students' judgmental looks, seeing me getting dragged by this small boy.

We entered the café and made our way to our usual spot. It's small but quiet so it's perfect for studying and doing our homework. We set our bags down and he made his way to the cashier to order our usual drinks. I watched as he talked to the cashier who seemed to be flirting with him. The cashier has done nothing wrong. Control yourself, Sunghoon. I snapped out of my thoughts and continued to watch them talk. Sunoo walked back to our table, the cashier rubbing his neck and cheeks tinted pink. I switched my attention over to Sunoo who was smiling wider than when he left to order.

Suspicious, I asked him, "What are you smiling so big for?"

He showed me his phone and I saw a contact on his phone saved as 'cute cashier boy'. I chuckled darkly but Sunoo didn't seem to notice, as he was busy exchanging eye contact with the cashier. He looks familiar. But I can't quite place where I've seen him before. Maybe he goes to our school. I wouldn't really know, I don't talk to anyone else except Sunoo. He's the only exception.

We first met years back. He approached me on the first day of school. I was new, and he was friendly.

"Hi! I'm Kim Sunoo! You must be new here, since I've never seen you around." I remember thinking, 'How does he have so much energy this early in the morning?'

As much as I hated interacting with people, I didn't wanna be rude on my first day so I introduced myself anyway. "Park Sunghoon," I said with a small bow.

The bell rang after that, making him rush to his classroom. Thank God. He talks a little too much for my liking. And way too cheerful. I stared at the clock until lunch came and made my way out to the school's field to eat alone. Sad, I know, but I preferred to be alone. I was just eating my sandwich that I'd prepared for myself when I heard footsteps from behind me.

I didn't bother to look. Probably some kids playing. I continued to eat when I saw a small figure sit next to me. It was Sunoo. He handed me a small carton of milk, but I just stared at it, wondering what he wanted me to do. Sunoo placed the milk carton beside me and took out his own lunch, eating silently. He must be bored.

He continued to eat lunch with me for the weeks to come, even if I never talked to him. I wouldn't admit it to anyone, but I was starting to enjoy the company of this boy who seemed to be my polar opposite. A month passed by and I decided to pay Sunoo back. We sat at our usual spot in the field and I took out a juice box and placed it in front of him. Sunoo only stared at it, reminding me of the first time he gave that box of milk.

"To pay you back. For that milk you gave me." Sunoo looked shocked, hearing me talk for the first time since we met, besides when I introduced myself. He gave me that bright smile that I used to find annoying. Now I find it to be gleaming, like the sun. My sunshine.

For the first time in my life, I had a friend. He talked, I listened. He had so much energy in him, so happy all the time. He's cute. I'm gonna protect you forever, Kim Sunoo. If anyone comes and takes away that smile, I'll be sure to take away more than just their smile.

Now here we are, still close as ever. It's only too bad he doesn't know I love him. I don't want to ruin what we have right now, so I never told him. Besides, I can protect him with me by his side as his best friend. I remember that one time a kid hit Sunoo with a ball and made him cry. I could feel the rush inside me as I saw his tears fall. I got extremely mad, yelling at the kid to apologize.

He did apologize. And we never saw him after that. Sunoo joked about it at the time, saying I scared the poor kid so much that he switched schools. Yeah, let's go with the less violent version of the story. I used to get constantly overwhelmed with anger anytime anyone came near Sunoo. I scared them all away. But I noticed it made Sunoo sad when another friend left him, so I worked on my temper. I promised myself that I wouldn't hurt anyone as long as they don't hurt Sunoo.

Since then, I've had fewer incidents with my violent tendencies. Can't deny that I've gotten jealous a few times, and may have broken someone's bones or two. But I never let Sunoo see it happen. He's too pure and precious for this world. He doesn't deserve to see something like that.

As we sit in this café, I see him smiling to himself, obviously out of focus because of that cashier. Speak of the devil. The cashier walked up to us with our drinks and I saw him wink at Sunoo, making him go all flustered. I rolled my eyes as the cashier left and leaned back in my seat, letting out a frustrated huff of breath. Sunoo looked at me, noticing my change in mood.

"Something wrong, Hoon?" He asked me, sounding concerned.

"Nah. Just frustrated. I mean, I'm obviously more handsome than you, why didn't he ask for my number instead?" I said, playing it off as a joke. Sunoo seemed to buy it, laughing and throwing his straw wrapper at my face. "Hey! Not the face. This is the money maker, you know?" Exaggeratedly winking at him, making him laugh even more.

I love that laugh. It would suck to hear it though, when it's caused by someone else. 

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