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I didn't make it obvious, but I saw Sunoo when I saw him take out the trash.

I don't want to force him into talking to me when he isn't ready. The old me would've showed up at his front door, demanding an answer. But I wanted to show him that I wasn't aggressive and violent. I doubt he's seeing any changes since he won't even talk to me. I peeked out the window once I went in my house and saw him jog away.

Did he want something? I shrugged and continued making my way up the stairs. As soon as I got to the top, an uncomfortable feeling settled in my stomach. What? I just ate so it couldn't be that. I don't feel sick either. What the hell?

I decided to follow Sunoo to try and see if this gut feeling could be about him. I made myself invisible in case he sees me and I kept my distance from him. He was walking across the street and I suddenly heard someone on the street yelling. I tried to understand what the motorist was saying but he was moving his arms around. He was headed straight towards Sunoo.


All the other pedestrians were running away, some of them trying to scream at Sunoo to move. But he wasn't budging, are you kidding me? It's like he's asking to be run over. I ran as fast as I could to him but a speeding car almost hit me too. I watched in slow motion as the motorcycle rammed into the side of Sunoo's body and they both fell over.

The motorcycle driver crawled and ran away. I let him get away as I held Sunoo in my arms. "Hey! Sun, wake up. Wake up."

I looked at my hand and saw some blood. Oh God. This can't be happening. Not again. Images of my mom dying in my arms with blood pooling around us were flashing in my head. I started to panic but I tried to keep my cool for Sunoo. I can't black out while he's sprawled on the street. I dialed for an ambulance and kept talking to him while waiting for them. He wasn't responding but I hoped he could hear me. Please, God. Don't take him away from me too.

I finally heard the sirens of the ambulance and I watched as they put him on a stretcher and put him inside. I wanted to come but they said only family was allowed inside. Pft. Try stopping me when I'm invisible, bitch.

I snuck in and prayed to whatever God was up there to make Sunoo okay. When we got to the hospital, I stayed behind and ran in after them, pretending I was following with a car. I requested to see him immediately but he was still being examined and a bunch of tests were being run. I wanted to fight my way to his room but I knew he wouldn't want to wake up with the story of me fighting a bunch of people. I had no choice but to wait in the stupidly white waiting area of this stupid hospital.

I kept pacing back and forth until I saw Sunoo's mom enter. I greeted her and updated her about everything that happened.

"I'm so sorry. I tried to run after him but it was too late. If I had a choice, I would switch positions with him right now. No hesitation."

Mrs. Kim looked at me like I was crazy and gave me a warm hug. "What are you talking about, Sunghoon? I would rather have me in that ER than have to see any of my two sons in there. Don't blame yourself for someone else's mistakes."

Her two sons? I smiled at her through my teary eyes but I wiped them away before I started bawling in this public space. "Speaking of mistakes, where is that asshole who ran over my son? Did you get his plate number, Sunghoon?"

"Uh yeah, I caught a glimpse of it. The motorcycle was left there but the driver ran away. I wanted to run after him but Sunoo's safety was more important at the moment."

I wrote the number down on a piece of paper and handed it to Mrs. Kim. She took it from me and gave me a firm nod. "I know you'll take care of Sunoo when he wakes up. I'm going to make my way down to the station and hopefully get this driver to pay for his actions."

I'm not sure Sunoo's going to want to see me but I couldn't say no to his mother. I sat down on the cold, plastic chairs and waited for someone to inform me about Sunoo's condition. After what felt like hours, a nurse came up to me and said that he was in stable condition and that I could go visit him. I didn't need to hear more as I burst his door open.

"Sunoo? Are you okay? What hurts, baby? I'll try to make it feel better." It hurt me to see him lying on that hospital bed in a gown.

He didn't respond and I realized he was asleep when I walked up to him. I sighed and sat down on the chair beside him. I brushed a piece of his hair away from his face and held his hand. I'm sorry I was too slow, Sun. I would give anything to turn back time if it meant saving you from this pain. He looked so peaceful sleeping. I really missed you. I wonder, do you miss me the same way I miss you?

"I know you're asleep and you probably don't hear me right now, but for what it's worth, I really am sorry for everything. Since you left me in the alley, I've been trying my best to hold myself back. I haven't even used my powers just to prove to myself that I don't need it to protect you. I understand if you never forgive me but just know that I'll always be here for you. But if you do choose to forgive me, I swear on my life that I will never hurt anyone again. I've realized that I wasn't exactly the best at expressing my feelings, but this is me now, pouring my heart out to you. And I also realized that I can show how much I care for you in different ways. It doesn't have to be me hurting people who hurt you. If I'm being honest, I think I was doing that more for me than it was for you. I don't know what I was really trying to prove. Anyways, what I'm trying to say is I'm ready to be a better man for you. I love you and I hope you give me another chance."

He still hadn't moved so I just got up. I was just about to leave when I heard him moving around.

"I love you too, Park Sunghoon."

Lord have mercy, I think I might pass out.


sorry for not updating yall, ive been abit sick

but i hope yall like that lil moment at the end hihi

'till death do we part // sunsun auWhere stories live. Discover now