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Finals are finally over!

The school year would be over soon, meaning we would be free from school. It feels like it's been such a long and tiring year. I definitely deserve a break. I was hanging out with the squad after the last day of finals, waiting for Heeseung who was busy with a bunch of other stuff since he's graduating soon.

"What do you guys think about going to an amusement park tomorrow? To celebrate the end of the school year," Riki suggests to us, showing us his phone which was opened to a page where we could buy tickets.

I immediately agreed, wanting to have some fun after all that tedious studying. I glanced at Hoon and Jake who were staring at each other, looking like they were having a conversation with their eyes. I saw Sunghoon nod and Jake takes a deep sigh, but both of them agreed to go.

Riki smiles at us as he buys the tickets, buying another one for Heeseung even though he wasn't around. Another hour passes and we are all walking home together, planning the things we were going to do tomorrow. I was getting more and more excited the longer we talked about it. We said our goodbyes when it came for us to go separately.

Weirdly enough, Sunghoon comes with Jake and they walk together even though Hoon's house is the opposite way. Huh. That's strange. My curiosity got the best of me and I followed them secretly, staying in the shadows. I bump into a random guy from trying to hide in the dark and I quickly mutter an apology. They both stop near Jake's house, and I see Sunghoon grab Jake's arm, stopping him from going into his house. Jake looks kinda sad which surprised me since he's usually such a happy person.

I tried to walk a little closer so I could hear what they were talking about.

"...tell him, Jake. You can't just up and leave. Do you know how much that would upset him?" I faintly hear Sunghoon's voice. Tell me what? I keep listening.

"Have you thought about how much this upsets me too, Hoon? I love Sunoo, as a friend or maybe something more. But due to all of this, I can;t even have the time to try and figure everything out. So I'm sorry if I want to be selfish for once and spare myself the heartbreak."

He loves me? I take another step closer, getting greedy for the details. They both freeze as they suddenly hear the crunch of a leaf that I stepped on. Crap.

"Who's there?" I hear Sunghoon take a few steps near my spot.

"Sunghoon, just calm down, it's probably just a stray cat. It's not worth losing control over," I hear Sunghoon sigh as his footsteps retreat, "Look, all I'm saying is that I can't keep pretending like everything's okay when it's not. This theme park trip tomorrow will make him happy and I want that to be his last memory of me, something happy."

"No, Jake. His last memory of you is going to be that guy who was his friend for months, and then left. You won't be a happy memory but a bitter one. And as much as I hated everyone who loved Sunoo, I actually do like you. You're a genuine person and I know you don't want to hurt Sunoo. This plan of yours, will hurt him. You need to talk to him. Tonight."


"Jake, please. Talk to him. I can't calm him down the same way you can, it only hurts me to see him cry. He's the love of my life and I can't bear to see him hurt again. Please."

Love... of his life? This is all so much information for me to take in. I left after that, not wanting to hear any more secrets. I'll talk with Sunghoon about that soon, Jake first. As soon as I got home, my phone rang. I pick it up and hear Jake's voice.

"Hi Jake. What's up? Did you get home safely?" I greeted him, even though I knew he was home, safe and well.

"Hey, Sun. Yeah, I'm home safe. I hope you did too," I smile at his concern.

"Yeah! Well actually I bumped into a guy because I was on my phone but I'm okay besides a sore spot on my shoulder. Also, I'm glad you're ho-" I heard Jake sigh through the phone and I knew the conversation I was dreading was coming up.

"Listen, Sunoo, we need to talk. It's pretty serious but I don't want you to think badly of me, okay?" I nodded then remembered he couldn't see me through the phone so I muttered an 'mhm'.

"I gotta leave tomorrow, Sunoo. After our theme park fun, I'm meeting my parents at the airport,"

"Leave?!" I was expecting some type of goodbye but this seems a bit too... temporary? "What do you mean, leave? I thought you were here in Korea to stay?"

"I know what I said, but some emergency happened with my dad's business and we have to move back. He needs to go there and manage things until things calm over. I'm really sorry I didn't tell you sooner, Sun. I guess I was in denial about leaving you. Leaving us."

I was speechless at that. Us? Since when was there an us?

"I am hurt, Jake. I really wish you'd told me sooner so we could've spent more time together. But, it's okay, it's not like I could stop you from leaving."

"Oh trust me, Sunoo, if I had a choice, I would stay. But it's for the better. It really is. Maybe someday, we'll meet again. And by that time, we are both happy and successful. Maybe then, can we try to work things out between us," I can hear him trying to keep his composure through the phone, but I know he wanted to cry.

"Maybe someday Jake. I'll look forward to that day."

I couldn't hold in my emotions any longer and I burst out in tears. There's silence from the other end but I know he's feeling the same pain I am.

"Hey, we'll see each other tomorrow, yeah? Don't cry."

I sniffle and say goodbye, wishing tomorrow's goodbye would never come.


sunoo overheard everything oof... i hope it all goes well

a short update because i really miss writing <3

love you all sm!

'till death do we part // sunsun auWhere stories live. Discover now