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Suspension was finally over. My mom was mad at me for a while, once she let me explain, she understood.

I'm not the type to get in fights, so she knows it was for a reason. I was so excited to go back, I miss seeing everyone, especially Sunoo. I yelled goodbye to my mom and I made my way to school. Riki and Heeseung were waiting for me by my locker and I immediately hugged them both.

"Where's Sunoo and Hoon?" I asked, not seeing them anywhere.

Heeseung shrugs, "Man, I don't know. They're probably buying coffee or something, they do that sometimes." I hummed in response and continued to take out my books for my 1st class.

As I closed my locker, I heard that laugh I know so well. Sunoo. I smiled and turned around, seeing Sunoo and Sunghoon walking together with coffees and paper bags in hand. Sunoo sees me and his entire face brightens up, he runs up to me and almost tackles me.

He's suddenly pulled away from me, and I see Sunghoon holding him by the collar, "You're gonna spill coffee everywhere, I know you're excited but don't make a mess please."

Sunoo rolls his eyes at Sunghoon's bossiness, but turns back to me with a smile, "Jake! We've missed you guys so much, that one week felt like a month," He pouts at me and Sunghoon and we both share an amused smile.

Then they handed us three paper bags they were holding, one for each of us. We gasp in delight, seeing the donuts inside. Riki immediately gobbles down on his in under 10 seconds and we look at him in both shock and slight fear. He's licking his fingers until he noticed us staring at him. He raises an eyebrow at us.

"What? I'm a growing boy, I need to eat," We all laugh at him and he looks genuinely lost as to why we found that funny. Man, he's growing up too fast. Soon, he'll be taller than all of us, even Hee!

We all agreed to meet at our typical spot and we made our way to our individual classes. Sunghoon and I were in the same grade but different classes so we walked together. There had been a little distance to walk since our classrooms are on the other side of the building, so I asked Sunghoon something.

"Hey, did you hear from Jay or Jungwon?" I see Sunghoon clench his jaw and his hands forming into fists, sensitive topic, "Heeseung has tried contacting them after the whole incident, but he said neither of them were answering."

Sunghoon kept walking, but he still looked mad, "I don't care. As long as they stay away from Sunoo, I don't care. Even if their bodies are suddenly found in a ditch. Dead. I would give zero shits," This made me stop in my tracks.

He has such a dark energy around him, I've noticed it before but rarely when he's around Sunoo. Usually when he feels furious, it stands out. Could it be? No, that's not possible. I'm sure I would know. I shook my head and caught up to Sunghoon as we walked in silence.

During break, we all met up at the field, like we always do. Riki and Sunoo were taking pictures under a tree because apparently "The lighting is amazing," Sunoo's words. Not mine. The three of us who were left behind were eating our lunch silently, sometimes laughing at Riki's antics. Heeseung lays back down on the grass, closing his eyes.

"You know, even though what my best friends did was wrong, I still can't help this feeling of missing them. I know they were shitty to Sunoo and that we can never forgive them. But, still, part of my heart still wants to reach out to them," He sighs as he opens his eyes, and I see them filled with tears.

Sunghoon looks like he wanted to say something but he sighs and lies down beside Heeseung instead, "I know. And I'm not mad at you if you do miss them. After all, you've only known Sunoo and I for a year and these other two for a couple months, and you've known Jay and Jungwon since you were a child. It's understandable that you miss them," Sunghoon gives Hee a smile full of sympathy, but there it is. The dark energy.

I look at Sunghoon's eyes and they're full of hatred and pain. I tilted my head at this. Maybe he needs my help more than Sunoo does? No, I'm here for Sunoo. We both are. But with different purposes. I was just about to speak up and change the subject until Riki came running to us, holding Sunoo's phone in his hand.

"Hide me from Sunoo please," He wheezed, as we all stayed there, not moving an inch.

"Do you expect to hide inside our organs or something, we are in the middle of a field of grass, idiot. Where are you gonna hide?" Riki doesn't have the time to answer as he screams at the sight of Sunoo charging towards him.

"Should we stop it?" Heeseung asked us, watching them chase each other around.

"No. It gets pretty tired after running for more than 5 minutes," Sunghoon said, referring to Sunoo.

Eventually Sunoo does stop running, and he stands there with hands on his knees, gasping for air. Riki, on the other hand, looks perfectly fine. Looking like he barely broke a sweat. He began to walk toward us with a triumphant smile on his face.

"Nishimura Riki, take one more step towards them and I.Will.Kill.You," Sunoo says with teeth gritted and a half-scared half-angry expression on his face.

"What are you two fighting about anyway?" I asked them, wondering what's on Sunoo's phone that he didn't want us to see so badly.

Riki starts to laugh as Sunoo curses him out, threatening to eat his bunggeopang if he tells us, "I could just buy another box, you know? I'll take the risk, thanks!" Sunoo ran towards us, throwing more threats at Riki, but it was too late.

We all laughed upon seeing what the big deal was about. It was a picture of Sunoo halfway through a sneeze. Sunoo stops in front of us, face red from embarrassment as he crosses his arms and pouts, "The sun makes me sneeze, okay? Shut up," He huffs as we all rolled around on the grass, laughing.

He ends up laughing with us, finding the situation funny, too. I look back to Sunghoon, seeing that the dark aura has disappeared. Hm. Maybe he is good inside, he just has trouble finding it sometimes. I smiled as I observed Sunoo laughing, looking so free of any inhibitions. I wish he would stay that way forever, but forever is a long time. And I would be long gone by then.


ooh.. ominous. what do yall think jake means?  this is a pretty short update since it is kinda rushed but i hope you enjoyed it ! ^^ 

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