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I walked into the cafeteria to see Jungwon and Heeseung already at our spot. I sat down across from them and started eating my lunch.

"Huh?" Heeseung asked me something but his mouth was full so all I heard was gibberish.

Heeseung swallowed his food and asked again, "I said, is everything ready for your surprise tomorrow?"

I smiled at them and pulled out a small box from my bag. "I went by the store this morning before school and I got the gift." Heeseung and Jungwon both grinned at each other and reached over the table to grab it. But I put it back in my bag before they could take it.

"You've both got grease all over your hands and you think I'm going to let you touch his gift?" Jungwon rolled his eyes and went back to eating.

Heeseung's eyes suddenly widened, "HEY THERE!" I stared at him, trying to process his behavior.

"Why are you acting weird?" He doesn't respond and keeps smiling behind me. I turned to look at where his eyes were trailing to.

"Hi Heeseung! Hello Jay, I missed you today." Sunoo said with a small pout. Oh. Thank God I put the box away before they arrived.

I looked to see Sunoo standing behind me with his smile which immediately caused me to smile too. Damn you and your infectious smile.

"Hey there, cutie. I missed you too." I heard a barfing noise across the table as I said it and I shot Jungwon a glare. He only made a motion of sticking his finger in his mouth and acting disgusted.

"Don't be jealous, Won. I know you would love to have a boyfriend as sweet as me." I smile cheekily. He only rolls his eyes and picks at his food.

I ignored him and redirected my attention to Sunoo who sat down beside me. Followed by Sunghoon who only gave a slight nod to all of us before sitting down with his lunch. He seems extra distant today, which is extremely distant, considering the usual way he treats us. How do I get him to trust me? I've tried talking to him multiple times, but he always ends it before it could progress into a proper conversation.

I didn't get much time to think about it as everyone started talking. I only stare at Sunoo, thinking about my surprise tomorrow. I hope he likes my gift for him. I thought about it really well. I know it's something he's been looking for, but he always refuses when I tell him I'll buy it for him.

Well he can't say no now. It's a gift for a special occasion so he has to accept it. I found a hole in your logic. Haha! Everything's perfect and in place for tomorrow. Just need one last thing. This is gonna be harder than I thought. I stare at Sunghoon, wondering if he'll cooperate.


I was eating lunch with Jay's group again. If Sunoo didn't like them so much, I wouldn't tolerate any of this. But he seems to enjoy himself every time we sit here so I let it be. I took a sip of my drink when I suddenly heard Sunoo gasp beside me.

"Jungwon, what happened to your hand?" My eyes trail to Jungwon's bandaged hand and then up to his face. He shrugged and shook his head, "I accidentally sliced it while doing a project last night." I catch him looking at me for a second when he says 'last night' but immediately looks away as they laugh over his clumsiness. Hm. You sure are clumsy, Jungwon. Make sure to watch where you're going. You never know what might happen to you. I cancel everything out after that and focus on eating my lunch without having the urge to break someone's bones.

I heard the bell ring for class and was about to leave with Sunoo when Jay suddenly pulled me back.

"What the hell, man?" I pulled my arm out of his grip and gave him a dirty look.

"Woah, I'm sorry for startling you," He raises his arms, giving me an apologetic look, "But I need to ask you for a favor." I stare blankly at Jay and then over to his friends who seemed to look everywhere but at me. "It's for Sunoo." Now that caught my attention.

"What do you want?" I ask quickly, just wanting to get this over with. The less time I spend looking at his stupid face, the less I have the urge to destroy him.

"I don't know if you know, but it's our one month celebration tomorrow," Oh, I know all too well. Sunoo won't shut up about it. "I'm surprising him tomorrow at the café where we met. I would really appreciate it if you could bring him over to the café after school. I don't wanna ruin the surprise by being the one to bring him there."

I puff air out my cheeks and sigh, "Fine." I started walking away when I heard Jay's voice again. When will he shut up? Sunoo's not here anymore, I don't need to play nice.

"Wait." I keep walking, "Why do you not like me?" I feel something inside me snap when he asks that.

I turn around and look him in the eyes, mine filled with anger. I see him take a small step back, shocked at how mad I looked.

"Many people have come and gone in Sunoo's life. All of them leaving him broken. I don't trust you enough to assume you won't do the same. And trust me, when that day comes, I will be right by his side. Unlike you." I kept my voice calm so as not to cause a scene in the cafeteria. I can't risk being known as the school's introverted psycho who yelled at the popular guy.

Jay looks taken aback and doesn't talk after that. I see Jungwon giving me a bad look, I look over at him and he immediately covers it up. I scoff and walk away, he's wasting his precious time with you. I hear Heeseung and Jungwon talking to Jay but I couldn't care less what it was about. At least now he knows, he's replaceable, but me? I'll be here forever. I breathe in to try and calm myself down, but it doesn't work.

I hear Jungwon yelp in pain from behind me. I peek over my shoulder, seeing Jay and Heeseung freak out about his now bleeding hand. I stop inflicting any further pain and hide myself, walking out of school to go to my alley. I need to get all this anger out, or else I might end up doing something worse tomorrow at the café.

'till death do we part // sunsun auWhere stories live. Discover now