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I really wish Jake hadn't left.

I was only starting to heal from what happened with Jay and Jungwon, and it sucks that we didn't have enough time together. I thought about everything I could've done on the ride home. Then I suddenly remembered. Sunghoon. I thought about what I heard when I was eavesdropping on him and Jake.

He called me the love of his life. Since when? I realized I was leaning on his shoulder and he had fallen asleep. The car suddenly jolted from a speed bump and he jolted awake, looking to me to see if I moved. I quickly pretended to be asleep and I peeked through my eyelashes to see him smiling at me. I felt him move a piece of my hair away from my face and I could feel my cheeks start to heat up.

How did I never notice? I felt him slowly relax as he fell asleep once again, and this time his head fell atop mine. I don't know what it was. But I felt a sense of solace from the feeling of his head against mine, and the sound of his heartbeat in my ear. Along with the quiet vibrations of this silent car ride, I was lulled to sleep.

I woke up to the sudden movement of someone walking. I realized that someone was carrying me, and that I was no longer in Heeseung's car. I peeked my eyes open to see who it was. Sunghoon. It was him again. Taking care of me like he always did. But I've only noticed it now. I stayed still and pretended to be asleep as he entered my room and gently placed me down on my bed. He'd taken off my jacket and hung up my bag. He made his way towards my bathroom and I heard the water running.

I see him come back out with a wet towel in his hand and he sits by my bed, wiping my face and neck. I've never seen him this sweet and caring. I pretended to stir a little and slowly fluttered my eyes open.

"Sunghoon? What are you doing here?" I pretended to yawn and rub my eyes. I need an Oscar for that performance.

He looked a bit shocked at me waking up. I mean if I really was asleep, how would I have woken up with how gentle he was being? I would be shocked too, honestly.

"Sunoo, you're awake. I didn't want to wake you up when we arrived here so I carried you inside and was just cleaning you up a bit before I left to go home," He held up the wet towel to show me what he was doing. He cleared his throat before standing up, "Well, you're awake now and you can clean up on your own. Goodnight Sunoo."

He handed me the towel and grabbed his bag from the floor before making his way out, "Wait!" I yelled out.

"Don't leave me yet." He looked like he contemplated staying for a bit before placing his bag back down and sitting beside me. He took the towel from me and started wiping my neck down while I stared at him.

"So.." He only raised an eyebrow as he stood up to go wash the cloth, "I overheard you and Jake last night." The sound of running water continues, but no response from Sunghoon, "I was the one you heard that night. I stepped on a leaf."

Sunghoon walks out of my bathroom with an unreadable expression on his face, "So?"

I was taken aback by his sudden coldness. This was nothing like the caring, soft boy I experienced while I was 'asleep'. Did I say something wrong?

"So? What do you mean 'so'?" I asked him, wanting to hear it from him.

"I meant so? What do you want me to say? What'd you hear from our conversation?" He asks, acting nonchalant. But I knew he was curious about what I heard.

"Well, was there anything important that I should know?" Two can play that game.

"Nothing," I squinted my eyes at him. He answered that a little too quickly.

'till death do we part // sunsun auWhere stories live. Discover now