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I took Sunghoon home with me, since I didn't think he would want to be reminded of the police coming there.

He came out of the shower, wiping his wet hair with a towel. He didn't have any clothes here so he was wearing my clothes. I couldn't help but giggle at how funny he looked in my clothes. He almost always wears dark clothes, so seeing him in a yellow striped shirt and blue pants made him look cute.

"What are you laughing at, Sun? I knew I would look stupid in these clothes. Would you rather I take them off?" He smirked, obviously teasing me.

I threw a pillow at him, "Ew! Go take another shower, you dirty beast. I don't know you."

He laughed and sat beside me on my bed. He shook his head really fast, splashing me with droplets of water from his hair. Ugh. Thanks so much, Hoon. I raised my arms to try and protect myself from the cold water splashing everywhere. He finally stopped because he felt dizzy.

"So, Hoon," He looked at me with curious eyes, "Like, what are your powers? Are you like Superman where you can shoot lasers out of your eyes or something?"

I faced him with my hands on my chin, like a child waiting for a bedtime story. Hoon looked at me as if I was serious about asking that question. He realized I was being for real when I didn't say anything. He thought for a while before answering me.

"To be honest, I'm not really sure what my capabilities are. I always tried my best to tamp it down since it's pretty hard to keep it on the down low. I'm pretty sure Jungwon knew, he followed me once to an alley where I usually let out my anger."

"Ooh. What alley? Can you take me? Then you can show me your powers too!" Hoon looked like he was hesitating at taking me there so I pulled out my greatest weapon against him. My perfect, sparkly puppy eyes. "Come on, Hoonie, pleaeeeeaaassseeee?"

He pushed my face away from him and rolled his eyes, "Ugh. Fine. You're so disgustingly cute and I hate it."

I cheered and got up from the bed, "You don't think I can see you blushing, Hoon? Turn your back all you want, I know how much you love me."

I turned to get my shoes and I could hear him slap himself on the forehead and muttered a quiet, "Damn it."

I laughed quietly to myself and we made our way out. He led me down the street by his house and turned to a dark corner. I started to feel scared considering I couldn't see anything with how dark it was. Then suddenly, a bright orange flame appeared in front of us.

"So fire? That's so cool!" I clapped my hands, feeling delighted. I'm glad he finally trusts me enough to show me who he really was.

"Yup. But that's only one of the powers I have, Sun." The narrow path suddenly leads to a wider space with broken glass, burnt paper, and a bunch of other broken items. Huh. So it's like a huge rage room all to himself.

"So first, I can control everything here. Basically telekinesis." As he says this, the broken items rose from the floor and I could only hang my mouth open in wonder. All the items shoot to the wall behind him, some breaking and some sticking to the wall. Sheesh. I'm glad I never became his enemy.

"Another one is that I can inflict pain anywhere on your body. I can make a wound larger, break a bone, basically anything to do with your body."

"Could you do it to me? Nothing too bad, just like, give me a small scrape on the knee."

"Sunoo, no. I can't reverse that wound. If Jake was here, he could help you but I can't."

"It's okay, Hoon. I asked for it. I'll be fine, I swear. I just want to see how it works."

I gave him an encouraging nod and he closed his eyes. He breathed out and I could suddenly feel a stinging on my leg. I looked down and I saw a small scratch forming on my skin. Woah. I smiled at him but he didn't look too happy to do it.

"Are you okay? I told you it was a bad idea. I shouldn't have done it. I'm so sorry, Sun. Let's get you home and clean up your wound."

I stopped him by raising my hand and he froze in his tracks. Bam. Don't need powers to do that, "I'm fine, Hoon. This is the tiniest scratch, even a cat could give me a bigger one. Stop fussing."

Sunghoon huffs but didn't utter more protest against my decision. "I can also be invisible but you've already seen me do that. My other power is something I've only discovered recently. When I did it to Jay and Jungwon," He looked down at the ground as he said their names, looking as if he's guilty.

"No need to dwell on the past, yeah? Just show me."

He nodded and I could suddenly feel everything around me go quiet. There was a slight blur in my vision and when I opened my eyes, I saw Sunghoon staring at me. But we weren't in the alley anymore, we were at.. my room? Sunghoon looked at me from our position on the bed and he looked just as confused as I felt.

"I don't understand, Sun. My other power is to take you to your biggest fear and it conjured me, in your home?"

I shook my head, trying to get my thoughts straight but I couldn't understand it either. Sunghoon kept looking at me and I could tell he was trying to figure it out. Suddenly, he gasped and he took a few steps away from me.

"Sunoo, you're," I looked at him, just as confused by the situation, "You're afraid of me."

I looked at him in disbelief. No. Why would he even think that? I helped him out of prison. I'm staying by his side now, even when he wanted to leave.

He spoke up again, "You're denying it, Sun. But you are. I can only control so much. This whole scene, it's from you."

"That's insane! Why would I be afraid of you? I've known you my whole life and you never hurt me. Even if I walked out on you, if I hadn't reacted calmly and called you a monster, you still wouldn't have hurt me. Right?" Maybe I have been denying it. Maybe I'm not as unafraid as I've convinced myself to be.

"I knew this wouldn't be easy for you, Sunoo. I tried to walk away but you were so nice. Were you doing that because, underneath, you were scared that I would hurt you if you didn't accept me?"

That made me go silent. All this time, I wasn't helping him because I wanted to. I was helping him because I felt the need to. I needed to so he wouldn't hurt me like he did with Jay, Jungwon, and all the other people he'd hurt. I've just been lying to myself this whole time.

"I didn't even realize, Hoon," In the blink of an eye, we were back in the dark alley. "I'm so sorry that led you to think I was fine this whole time but, it's going to take me a lot more than an apology to wrap my mind around this. I tried so hard to convince myself that everything would be fine once you were out, because you promised me. No more hurting people. Right?" He only looked at me with glistening eyes, probably feeling all sorts of betrayed right now.

"I know you get out of control sometimes, but that's what I'm here for. I can help you, Sunghoon."

He shook his head as he waved his hand, and I felt myself getting further from him. Literally and metaphorically.

"You can't force yourself to accept me, Sunoo. You can keep trying but there's always going to be that part of you that sees me as nothing but a violent monster. I'm sorry for pushing you away, but it's for the better."

I tried to stop myself from getting pushed away. I held onto the wall, I dug my heels into the ground. But the walls had all sorts of debris and I just ended up cutting my hand from the shards that had gotten stuck from Sunghoon's powers. I watched as Sunghoon winced at seeing my wound.

Is this a sign? Even if he didn't mean to, I still ended up getting hurt.

'till death do we part // sunsun auWhere stories live. Discover now