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It's been such a hard week. Dealing with my mom's death, Dad trying to fix our relationship, catching up with schoolwork, it's all exhausting.

But even with everything going on, my friends have been amazing. They visited me everyday after school and told me what I was missing, both in school and the weird gossip going around. Jungwon usually stays back though, so I'm extra thankful to him.

He was there for me when I suddenly broke down in the middle of the night, and he was there when I accidentally fell asleep on our couch, even giving me a blanket so I didn't get cold.

Of course, Sunoo came over, too. And surprisingly, Sunghoon came along once to check on me. I haven't been able to go on dates with Sunoo recently, and that led to us not talking as much. He's gotten busy with school as well, so it's been pretty hard to catch him. Just another addition to my list of things to be bummed about.

I really wish he was around for me more often. I mean, I don't want to sound selfish but, that night at the hospital, he said he would be there for me. But as of now, and for the past few days, he hasn't been. He's barely around and he replies hours after I send him a message. It's so complicated. I don't understand if he's just busy or if he's gotten tired of me. This sucks.

It's currently Thursday and I'm doing my homework with Jungwon in my room. Heeseung left a couple minutes ago, apparently his older brother can't find a sweater and is blaming everyone in the house, especially Heeseung. Imagine having 2 Heeseungs. I sympathize with their mom, really.

It's around 8 pm and I'm starting to get tired. I get tired really easily nowadays, maybe it's because I'm grieving or something. I don't really understand but I can't do much about it.

"Hey Won?" He looks up at me from the floor where he's currently lying down, instead of studying like he was supposed to be doing. "You wanna call it a night? I've finished most of my work anyways, so I'm in no hurry. And you're just lying there, I thought you had a test?"

"Yeah. I've actually finished most of my homework, I don't have anything due until next week. I just stayed here because I know you like having company." He smiled at me. His dimples look so cute. I've never seen dimples that have looked better on anyone before. And his eyes are sparkling. I never noticed that.

Woah. I shake my head to get rid of those thoughts in my mind. I just need some sleep. I guess I'm just in a really weird mood because of Sunoo. Speaking of Sunoo, I take out my phone to check if he's responded to my text from 2 hours ago. Nothing. This is starting to piss me off a bit. If he feels like something's changing between us, then he should talk to me. Rather than pushing me to the side.

I start packing my stuff up, moving slowly from tiredness. I tried really hard to fix everything, but when I dropped my pens for the 3rd time, I decided to just give up and shove everything off my bed. I'll fix it tomorrow.

Jungwon giggles and starts picking my stuff up for me. "You're really lazy, you know that?"

I just wave my hand at him, too tired to argue. I was already lying down with my eyes half closed, when I heard my backpack being zipped up and the bed dipping down beside me.

"Hyung? You awake?" I hear Jungwon's voice near my ear. I just slightly nod in response.

"Can I stay here tonight? I'm too tired to go home alone, and I've already asked my mom," I open one eye and peek at Jungwon who also had his eyes closed.

"Yeah, of course. Goodnight, Wonie," I turned to my right and started to doze off. But Jungwon started talking.

"Jay? How are you feeling right now?" I opened my eyes to see Jungwon facing me, with big, shining eyes staring into mine.

"Just tired," I told him.

"Just tired?" I furrow my eyebrows at his reply, kinda confused by what he meant

"What about me?" He asks. What does he mean by that? "What do you feel about me?"

"Well, I'm really thankful you're here. I've been struggling the whole week and you've really come through for me. You gave me my homework, even cooked for me, gave up your free time to hang here." I smile a bit, thinking how lucky I am to have such a wonderful friend. "I mean, with all the things you've done, you're practically my boyfriend." I laugh at the joke and look at Jungwon, waiting for him to laugh.

His eyes had widened in shock and his cheeks were slowly turning pink, "Won, I was just kidding."

"No, I know. You have Sunoo," He chuckles halfheartedly, seeming sarcastic. Yeah. Sunoo. He hasn't been around much. I look back to Jungwon who seems to have become less flustered and is now just staring at me.

"I thought you were tired, Won. How are your eyes still wide open?" I said.

"You still don't understand, do you?" Understand? Understand what? "Everything I'm doing for you. The excuses I just made to stay here with you. Even that picture I sent to you, hoping you'd get jealous of Sunghoon."

"That was you?" I asked him.

He continued to look at me and I could feel him slowly getting closer. This is wrong. I try to move away but my body feels stuck. Those eyes. They're so pretty. It's like they're sucking me in. Instead of moving away, I started to move closer and the distance between us disappeared. What am I doing? My mind is telling me to pull away, but my body doesn't. The moment was ruined when my door suddenly opened.

Jungwon and I immediately moved away from each other. I suddenly felt the regret and guilt settling in my heart. I quickly glanced at Jungwon who had an unreadable expression on his face, his cheeks red. I look to my door and my heart immediately drops. Oh no. Not you. Anyone but you.

"What the hell are you two doing?"


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