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It's been about three days since my outburst. I avoided Sunoo after that. I was going through my locker when I felt someone approaching.

"Hey." I looked at him for a second then continued rummaging through my locker. "Have I done something to upset you? Why are you avoiding me?" I look again and see his eyes turned down to the ground, fiddling with his hoodie.

To be honest, I was only avoiding him these past few days because of the whole "I love you" thing. I couldn't tell him the truth about why I'm really upset, nor could I handle being around him when he looked so happy. But I saw how me avoiding him made him feel bad and that's something I never want to see, especially with me being the cause.

I sigh, "I've just been swamped with work and pretty stressed out with my parents lately. Sorry if I made you feel bad. You've done nothing wrong, okay?" I hold his chin up and look into his eyes, silently hoping he believes me.

We keep eye contact for a few more seconds until he blinks and finally breaks out into that big smile I've missed seeing. What was I thinking, trying to avoid him? I could never stay away from Sunoo even if I tried. He keeps me sane, even though it seems the opposite sometimes.

"Oh good! I've missed you so much!" He laughs and gives me a big hug. "You are okay though, right?"

I give a small nod and hug him back, wishing we could stay this way forever. He lets go a little too soon for my liking, and jumps back, remembering something.

"Oh shoot! I gotta get to class! I'll see you later Hoon." He waves goodbye and, without giving me time to respond, dashes down the hallway to his classroom.

I shake my head at his forgetfulness and make my way to my own classroom. I've missed him. I'm so glad we're back to normal.


What the hell?

Someone sent me a photo of my boyfriend and his best friend looking real close in the hallway this morning. The message read, "You deserve better.," with nothing else after that. I texted back but no response. Who sent me that? More importantly, why are they trying to sabotage my relationship with Sunoo?

If it was anyone else I would've reacted differently. But it's Sunghoon for God's sake! It's only natural for them to have a closer bond than we do and I have no problem with it. I block the number and put my phone back in my pocket before walking into class.

I erase the message from my mind and think about that night with Sunoo instead. He still gets shy when I say I love him. Like yesterday, we went to the mall, and I said I love you while we were clothes shopping and he freaked out and hid behind a rack of clothes. I don't think I'll ever get over the butterflies I feel everytime I say it to him. I keep thinking about Sunoo as my class went on, until I hear the bell ring.

I make my way to the cafeteria and see everyone at the table already. How do they get there so fast? I swear the bell just rang. I take my seat beside Sunoo greeting him with a kiss on the cheek. I pay attention to Heeseung's story about some guy.

"So I see him in the school restroom and he goes into a stall, right?. I hear him talking to himself so naturally I'm like, 'You good, bro?', but he doesn't answer," This sounds familiar, "He continues to talk and I hear him muttering things like box, bracelet, jewelry, under his breath." Now hold on... "So I knock on the door and ask, 'What are you talking about?' and this guy just starts bawling. Like full-on bawling, because he couldn't find the perfect present or something," He's talking about me?!?! Jungwon looks at me, his face turning red from laughing, recognizing the story as the event from a few months ago.

I try to motion to Heeseung to stop the story before he reveals that it's actually about me, but his attention is focused on Sunoo whose face has turned bright red, and Sunghoon, who's laughing a little at the story. Ohh crap.. How do I stop this? My mind blacks out and next thing I know, I'm on the ground. I tried to think about what happened until I heard a groan from underneath me. I gasp, Heeseung.

"What'd you tackle Heeseung hyung for?" Sunoo asks, offering his hand and dusting off my clothes.

"Yeah, Jay, answer your boyfriend. What was that for?" Jungwon chimes in, talking in a joking tone.

"I think it's because he's embarrassed that the story's about him," I look at Heeseung in pure shock, and he looks back at me with a smirk. He leans over to whisper to my ear, "That's for tackling me you dumb cow."

"Who are you calling a cow?" I push myself up from the floor, putting extra force on Heeseung's stomach on purpose. "We all know I'm fitter than you, Hee. Just look at my ass, it's bigger than any of your... physical assets."

Heeseung rolls his eyes then sticks his tongue out. He knows I'm right. Then I heard Sunoo laughing and I suddenly remembered that Heeseung literally exposed me a minute ago. Well that's embarrassing. We sat back down at the table and continued to tell stories about each other. I peek over at Sunghoon and see him looking somewhere else, but I can tell he's listening to our stories since I see him smiling and snickering when a funny moment is told.

I'm glad he's starting to trust us a little more.

'till death do we part // sunsun auWhere stories live. Discover now