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It's been almost a year since Jay and I started dating. I've been seeing Sunghoon be less tense around him and the others and it makes me so glad. Hoon opened up to me around 3 months ago about how he felt about Jay and I.

"I love seeing you happy with Jay," He told me one time while we were lying down on my bed, "But ever since you guys got together, it's starting to feel like you have less time for me," He sighed and sat up.

"I don't want to get in the way of your guys' relationship but he hangs out with his friends, so why do I rarely get to see you these days?" I stayed still in the silence, trying to think of something to say.

"I didn't know you felt that way, Hoon. Why didn't you tell me sooner?" He sat there with his back turned to me before answering.

"Well, you seemed so happy hanging around Jay, and I appreciate any time I get with you. I really do," He turns to face me with a small frown, "It just sucks not having you around as much," I lay there again for a while before sitting up, an idea popping into my mind.

"Well how about this, I'll still have dates with Jay, but I'll make sure to hang out with you when we don't go on a date! We can study, go to the café, watch a movie, just like we used to do!" Hoon looks at me for a few seconds with his head tilted, probably thinking about the whole thing.

Finally, he smiles and holds out his hand, "Deal!" I shake his hand back, happy that we worked things out.

I told Jay about it too. He said he felt bad and even offered to apologize to Hoon. I told him it's not necessary but he insisted, so he approached Hoon one day and even got Jungwon and Heeseung hyung to stand behind him with a paper that had "Sorry" written on it. Of course, Sunghoon was mortified. I know he doesn't like big, public gestures like that, but I didn't try and stop them. It was too funny to miss out on, so I filmed it instead. Seeing Hoon standing there frozen while Jay puts up a whole speech about forgiveness and Jungwon and Heeseung in the back playing cheesy music, it was priceless! I'm keeping this video for blackmail purposes, I remember thinking.

Now, everything is good and peaceful. Except for the occasional banter between Jay and his friends. You know, for three people, they have the chaotic capacity of an entire classroom. Maybe a kindergarten classroom.

"Hey babe, how are you?" Jay greets me with a kiss on the cheek as I sit down beside him at the café. I know, it's weird how he still goes to this café even when he works in it. You'd think he'd be tired of all the food and stuff, but he's not. Or maybe he's just too lazy to go anywhere farther from school. That makes more sense.

"I'm good! Got a ton of homework to do though," I huffed as I brought out my notebooks.

"I do too! We can do it together," He beamed at me, taking his stuff out as well.

We sit there for a while, just quietly enjoying each other's company, with me occasionally asking for help since he is a year above me and already knows this stuff. Then the silence is broken with the sound of his phone ringing. I ignored it and let him answer the call while I continued answering these dumb questions. Why do I need to learn about a king who was alive hundreds of years ago? I swear if I die and no one forces kids to learn about me, I'm gonna haunt this country forever.

I snapped out of my thoughts when I saw Jay standing up all of a sudden. His coffee spills on the floor and everyone in the café turns to look at him. I look up at him questionably as he hurriedly packs up his stuff, not noticing the mess he's made and the attention he's getting. I try to talk to him but he's not answering me. I finally grab him by his shoulders and look him in the eyes, surprised to see them filled with tears.

Immediately, I knew something was wrong, so I gave him a small nod and a kiss before letting him run out of the café. I stood there trying to process everything that happened, and muttered a thank you to the employee who cleaned up the spill. I took out my phone and texted Sunghoon and asked to meet him over at my house.

I told Hoon about what happened and even he seemed a bit worried. Jay isn't exactly the type to just up and leave for no reason. I try to do my homework while Hoon keeps me company. He knows I tend to do dumb things when I get nervous and start overthinking. After a few hours of worrying, my phone finally rang. But it wasn't Jay. 'Heeseung hyung' my phone lit up with his name for a few seconds. Oh god. Did something happen to Jay?

Sunghoon snaps his fingers in front of my face to get my focus back. But I kept staring at the phone. He picked up my phone and answered it for me instead.

"Hey Heeseung. This is Sunghoon," I hear voices on the other end while Hoon just nods, "Yeah, I'm with Sunoo right now, he's just kinda... frozen at the moment."

Silence again. I stare at Sunghoon to try and figure out what's going on. I see his eyebrows furrow and I immediately stand up.

"Is Jay okay? What happened?" I whispered to Sunghoon and he shushed me, trying to listen to everything Heeseung hyung was saying. After what felt like forever, Sunghoon hangs up and grabs his bag.

"Come on. We're going to the hospital." I started to get extremely worried. What if something happened to Jay? Our last moments are going to be us not talking and focusing on school. Stupid school. I could've been on a proper date. Now my last memory of him will be about school. I suddenly felt my body being pulled and saw Sunghoon dragging me out the door. Huh? Then I realized I probably wasn't moving at all.

We got into a taxi and we were on our way to the hospital.

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