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We've been trying to get back in the normal swing of things since Jake left and school ended.

Sunoo and I were on the blurry line between friends and more than friends. I would do some sweet thing for him and he would blush while we acted close. But sometimes, we speak 3 words to each other and that's about it. It's really confusing but I'm just glad he finally knows how I feel.

We were just hanging out on a regular sunny day under a tree. I was lying down on Sunoo's lap while he played with my hair. This feels nice. I wish I could freeze time so we could stay like this. But, just when I was about to doze off, a shadow cast over us and my peaceful mood was disturbed.

"Hey, kids, me and my buddy here need to talk to you for a bit." Who the hell? I opened my eyes and saw blue uniforms. Cops? Why would cops want to talk to us? "How are you two related to Park Jongseong and Yang Jungwon?"

Holy shit.

"What do you mean?" I asked, getting up from Sunoo's lap.

"Jongseong's father put out a missing person's report after his son disappeared a couple months ago," Officer # 1 said.

"He didn't question it at first since his son left a letter explaining everything, but after 2 months of no contact from his son who promised to call on the letter, he started to wonder if anything had happened," Officer # 2 continued.

"I don't mean to question your authority, officers, but what exactly do we have to do with their disappearance?" Sunoo asked, pointing to the two of us. I nodded from beside him, but I was freaking out on the inside. I'm not about to be found out, am I?

"We were informed that you had a history with him, Mr. Kim Sunoo, and you, Park Sunghoon, were close friends. We just need to ask you a couple questions in case it might give us a lead to where they might be."

Officer 2 takes Sunoo to the side and starts asking him some questions. Great, I'm stuck with the grumpy one. I try to keep a calm and innocent face as Mr. Grump asks me questions.

"When did you last see them?"

"At our school, 2 months ago."

"We heard that you and another friend, Sim Jaeyun, beat the two boys up. Can you tell me about that?"

"If you must know, Jay cheated on Sunoo with Jungwon. I got so mad seeing them so I just released my anger. We got suspended for a week and I never saw them again after that."

"Where are your parents, kid?"

"They work overseas. I'm all alone."

"Alright. We are done here. Thank you."

"No problem, officer." I pretended to bow when he turned his back to me as I rolled my eyes.

Sunoo walked back to me looking a bit shaken, "What if something bad did happen to them, Hoon?"

"I mean, they kinda deserved it. Do you not remember how much they hurt you?" I reminded him. I mean, was he seriously feeling sympathy for those two?

"Yeah, but what if something really bad happened? They don't deserve that. Whoever could do that to two young boys is seriously wrong in the head. I swear, if they find a guy, I don't think I'll hold back. That guy is a monster." That really puts things into perspective. A monster? This is why he can never find out.

"Hey, it's not confirmed that something bad did happen to them. You just gotta wait for the authorities to say something. Just relax, it's a beautiful day." I was just about to sit back down under the tree but Sunoo looked so worried so I decided to pack up, "Where do you want to go, Sun?"

"Can we go to your house for a bit? I don't wanna be outside but I don't wanna go back to my house just yet," He looked up at me with those doe eyes he knew I couldn't resist.

"You're really abusing the fact that I love you, you know that?" He claps his hands, happy that he got his way again. I only laughed from behind him as he skipped to the direction of my house.

Now, we were both lying on my bed, looking up at the ceiling while music played from my phone. I was playing with his fingers as he hummed to the song. The song ended and this particular song caught my ears. I stood up and extended my hand to Sunoo.

"May I have this dance?"

He pretended to think but I grabbed his hand before he could disagree. I spun him around before melting into the rhythm of a gentle sway. He laid his head on my chest, hands around my waist as we danced around my room.

"Don't you tell me that it wasn't meant to be

Call it quits

Call it destiny

Just because it won't come easily

Doesn't mean we shouldn't try"

"The lyrics sound familiar to you, Sun?"

He only hummed what I think was an agreement to my question.

"It wasn't easy to get us to this position today. If only you knew all the things I had to go through to have you in my arms right now," Sunoo giggles, the vibrations of it rumbling through my chest, knocking on my heart with his joyful spirit. If only you really knew, Sunoo. You would hate me. We kept dancing as the song changed.

"Baby, I'm yours

And I'll be yours until the stars fall from the sky

Yours until the rivers all run dry

In other words, until I die"

After a few more songs, we both lay back down, him falling asleep in my embrace. I stare at him in his peaceful slumber.

I'm going to try and get better for you, Sun. I don't want this moment to ever end, I don't want to ruin us. Ruin you.


this was pretty short, kinda like a filler chapter. 

im so sorry this one wasnt as interesting, i swear the next few will be more eventful!

'till death do we part // sunsun auWhere stories live. Discover now