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It's the dreaded day of their monthsary. And as much as I would love to 'accidentally forget' to bring Sunoo by the cafe, I don't want to get in the way of his happiness.

I walked out of last period, meeting up with Sunoo by the school entrance before making our way to the shop. I made an excuse of "wanting to try out a new drink" in the cafe. He looked skeptical but agreed nonetheless. He's too nice for his own good.

He's been complaining all day about how Jay has forgotten about their monthsary since he's been ignoring him the whole day. We're nearing the cafe when I see Jungwon hiding nearby, but Sunoo doesn't see him. He shows me a thumbs up, meaning everything is in place. I roll my eyes, I can't believe I let myself be involved in this cheesy crap. The things I do just to see you happy, Kim Sunoo.

We walk into the cafe and I see the single table in the middle of the shop decorated with candles and other romantic stuff. Sunoo looks at me in confusion but I just shrug and hand him a paper bag with his clothes.

"Go change in the restroom. I went by your house this morning and picked up some clothes for you." Sunoo looks shocked but makes his way to the back where the restroom was. I'm about to leave the cafe when I hear the voice that always leaves me in a sour mood. It's a good thing I released all my rage yesterday.

"Hey, Sunghoon, do you have a minute? Before Sunoo finishes changing?" I contemplated staying. Is he really that dense? What did he not understand about the whole I-don't-like-you speech from yesterday? But I wanted to hear what dumb shit he had to say now. I stopped walking to look at him and waited for him to start talking.

"Well, uhm," I tap my foot impatiently and let out a heavy sigh, wishing he would get on with it. "About what you said yesterday, I know you might find it hard to trust me, but I like Sunoo very much, and I wouldn't do anything that might hurt him," I scoff at that statement. Yeah. That definitely makes me feel better. " Tonight, I'm giving him a silver bracelet. It's kind of like a promise. That I would never hurt him and that I would stay by his side forever. So it's okay if you don't trust me yet, but I'm going to prove myself, to both you and Sunoo."

Tell me something I haven't heard before, Jay. That seemed to be the end of his boring speech so I made my way to the door once again, but just as I was about to turn the door handle, I heard another door open. I peeked over my shoulder to glance at Sunoo, out of his school outfit. He looks good in the outfit I chose. He always looks good. I give him a small smile, but his eyes aren't directed at me. I grit my teeth and make my way out the door and head home. I can't bear to see him happy with someone else even more than I already do.

I made the mistake of looking back into the glass windows of the cafe. I felt my chest tighten, seeing them hug each other, as if they never plan on letting each other go. I've always felt that way for him, but all those stolen glances, the little flutters my heart feels for him, they stayed that way. Stolen. Unnoticed. I felt something drip down my face. I'm... crying? I shook my head and walked away, deciding to ignore this painful feeling.


What's happening right now and why did Sunghoon give me these clothes?

I've been in a crappy mood all day since my boyfriend decided to ghost me on our 1 month celebration. I'm hoping whatever this is can be a good distraction to my thoughts about Jay and I's impending breakup. I fold my school uniform neatly and place it in the paper bag before making my way out. Instead of seeing Sunghoon, I see... Jay? Someone walks out of the cafe but I'm only focused on my boyfriend standing there looking defeated.

'till death do we part // sunsun auWhere stories live. Discover now