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Those officers really made me nervous.

But going home with Sunghoon, dancing with him, and falling asleep in his arms made it all worth it. We weren't exactly friends nor boyfriends; we weren't anything exactly. But I liked how happy we are now, that's all that matters.

I woke up the next day, Sunghoon missing from beside me. I sat up and checked the time. '11:06'. I guess I slept more than I expected. I made my way downstairs to be greeted by the smell of pancakes. I didn't know Hoon could cook?

"Good morning, Sun! Pancakes?" He took out a plate and handed me some butter and syrup. Sheesh, I don't know about y'all but that was sexy.

"I didn't know that you knew how to cook, Hoon," I took a bite from the warm, fluffy pancakes, "Oh my god! These are heavenly!"

"I've been living alone pretty much my whole life so I've learned a couple recipes. You like 'em?" Do I love mint choco?

"Like them?" I asked him.

"What? Is there something wrong with it? I didn't forget an ingredient, did I?" He started to freak out, checking everything he put in the batter.

"You didn't let me finish, Hoon, you gotta chill. I love them!" He let out a sigh of relief and clutched his chest, "I love the one who cooked it more though."

He freezes when I say it and I giggle and give him a kiss on the cheek as I put my plate in the sink "I gotta go back to my house today so my mom doesn't get worried. Especially with news going around about Jay and Jungwon going missing, she's been cautious about where I go. I'll see you later, Hoon! Bye!"

He only waved to me, still in shock with me saying I loved him. He never let it show how much I affected him. It's funny to see it happening though.

I went back home to my mother fussing over me. I assured her that I was fine and that I was with Sunghoon the whole time. She calmed down after that. She really trusts Sunghoon since I've known him for a long time. After a couple hours of hanging around, I called Hoon, hoping to talk to him for a bit. But there was no answer. That's weird. He usually answers on the second ring.

I grabbed a jacket and started walking towards his house, telling my mom I'll be back. I heard police sirens nearby and started to shiver a bit, from the cold, night air and from anxiety with the cops. I walked a little faster until I saw a bunch of police cars on the street. Outside Hoon's house? What the hell is going on?!

I pushed past all the people and ran inside the house. Where is he?

"Sunghoon!" I yelled out his name but no answer. I started to panic in the midst of the cops searching his house, "Excuse me!" I called out to a nearby police officer, "Where is the person who lives in this house?"

"He's being taken down to the police station." The female officer told me.

"What?! Why?"

"He's been deemed a suspect for the disappearance of Yang Jungwon and Park Jongseong," I can't believe this!

Sunghoon? Suspect? Ridiculous! I called my mom to let her know I was fine and home with Hoon. She didn't need to know about this. I called a cab and we started driving to the local police station. Oh, Hoon. Just wait a bit, I'm on my way.

As soon as we got to the station, I hurried down to what seemed like their front desk, "Hi, I'm a friend of Park Sunghoon. Where is he?"

The grumpy officer looked me up and down before sighing, "He's being interrogated right now but sit down over there, he'll be out in a couple minutes. You can talk to him when he's in the holding cell."

Interrogation and a holding cell. Sunghoon would obviously never! I sat down on the hard plastic chairs with my leg bouncing up and down. God. The tense atmosphere, the hard chair in the hall, the busy people. This reminds me of that night at the hospital when Jay's mom died. The night before everything turned to shit.

I sat there for about 15 minutes more before I heard another police officer down the hall, "You'll go in the holding cell for now, kid. We'll figure out what to do with you."

"This is ridiculous! Why would I kidnap two guys and kill them? You've got this all wrong." I heard that familiar voice and my head whipped to the direction of the sound. I saw him turn the corner with his hands cuffed and two officers holding him by the arms. A bit excessive for an 18-year-old.

I peeked towards the man at the front desk who had fallen asleep and I tiptoed away to where I saw them lead Sunghoon to. I passed by the other cells until I saw Sunghoon sitting on the floor with his head in his hands.

"Hoon!" He immediately looked up when he heard my voice. I saw the tears in his eyes. Oh baby, you're going to get out of here.

"Sun! Hey, when'd you get here?" He tried to wipe the tears away and held my hands through the bars. I never had the urge to hug him more.

"I got here while you were being interrogated. What happened, Hoon? I got so worried for you." I kissed the top of his hand when I said this.

He looked away from me, guilt and grief all over his face, "They suspected me of kidnapping and murdering the two. I told them it wasn't true but they're searching my house right now and I'm just so scared."

"Hey, look at me. If you didn't do it, then you shouldn't be scared. They'll come up with no evidence from your house and you'll be set free. Just wait!" I assured him, only thinking of positive things right now.

He didn't respond and only sat back down on the ground, "Sun, what if they did come up with evidence? What would you do then?" He looked up at me, his eyes full of emotions. What does he mean?

"Well, I'd simply not believe it! I've known you all my life, Hoon. You couldn't possibly do something like that."

"Maybe I'm darker than you think, Sun. I'm not innocent and pure like you. I'm a monster. Remember when I beat them up? I felt so glad everytime my fist made contact with that fucker's face. I hated him. And I loved hurting him. How can you say you love me after knowing that?"

I sighed and sat down on the floor, putting my hands on the bars that were separating us, "Your anger was justified, Hoon. You are not a monster. I've seen you be as innocent and sweet and carefree as I am. I know you, Hoon. You are a good person."

"No, I'm not! You don't know me, Sunoo! Stop acting like you do!"

There was silence after that. That hurt. That really hurt. I stared back at Sunghoon whose eyes were staring at me, filled with rage and darkness. Who are you? Those aren't the eyes of the Sunghoon I know and love. I swear his eyes turned red but that may just be the heat of the moment. I feel my own eyes fill up with salty tears.

He sees them and starts to walk towards me, his entire demeanor shifting from wild and angry to soft and worried, "No, Sunoo. I didn't mean that. I'm sorry."

I shook my head and backed away from him, the tears now flowing like a waterfall down my face, "Don't."

I ran away from that place, leaving him to wallow in his own self-pity and regret.

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