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I decided to go over to Sunghoon's house and check around for what officers may have found.

I mean, if he was innocent they wouldn't find a thing. I approached the house and tapped the shoulder of an officer nearby.

"Excuse me, ma'am. Did the police find any evidence inside?" I asked her. The police thinks for a moment before shaking her head. But I knew she wasn't telling me something. So I tried to appeal to her emotions, "Please, officer. This is my friend's house and I just need to know if he's done anything or if he's safe."

I even got some fake tears to come up to appear desperate. The female police sighs and places her hand on my shoulder, "Look, kid. As long as your friend has some type of explanation as to why he had an article of clothing that had been identified to be Yang Jungwon's, then he'll be alright. Mr. Park has paid a heavy sum to the police to investigate this so you best hope your friend isn't guilty."

Oh god, Sunghoon. Why would you have his clothes? Could he have actually been the reason for their disappearance? That wouldn't make any sense at all. He never gets violent. Except for that time he beat up Jay at school... Right before they disappeared.

"No. No no that can't be," I muttered to myself. This is all too much.

I opened the door to my room as I lay down on the bed. I didn't even notice that I'd fallen asleep until I heard rustling around outside my window. What the hell? I opened my eyes to see Sunghoon climbing through my window. I peeked at my clock to see what time it was. What was he doing in my room at 3 AM? But I guess a better question would be, how the hell did he get out of jail.

"Hoon? How did you get out? Is everything okay?" I asked him.

"Sunoo, you have to let me explain. Everything is more complicated than it looks. I can't really explain it right now but-"

"Did you escape?!" I suddenly yelled at him. He quickly came up to me and covered my mouth with his hand.

"I need you to stay quiet. Please. Just let me talk for now, okay?" I nodded and he slowly removed his hand from my mouth. We both sat down on my bed as I prepared myself for whatever he may be wanting to tell me.

"It's all true, Sunoo. I took Jay and Jungwon and kept them in my house," I gasped. What? "After we got suspended from school, I tracked them down and took them here. I was so mad at what they did to you and I couldn't just let them get away with that and walk away. I did it for you."

"Did it for me, Hoon? Did you not stop to think if I would've wanted for them to die? Do you think I would've wanted for you to go out and hunt down every person that's hurt me?"

He looked away from me and rubbed his neck, a habit he does when he's anxious. I stood up and slowly took a few steps back from him, "You don't mean that, do you? You didn't really?" No response.

"All those people, Hoon? That kid from school that hit me with the ball? Oh God. That's why n=he never came back. You dealt with him."

Sunghoon looks up at me with a guilty look on his face, "What was I supposed to do, Sunoo? Let him get away with it? Let him keep pushing you around?"

"My God, Hoon, he was a kid! He didn't know what the hell he was doing!" This is all sounding crazy.

"I was a kid too, Sunoo! I had found the one person that accepted me for who I was and I've loved you since then. I didn't know how to properly deal with my feelings and all these emotions and power inside me. It was confusing for me then, and it's still confusing now. I felt like I had to protect you or else I would lose you, too. I couldn't let that happen."

"But that doesn't mean you go around killing people, Hoon! How did you think that would've made me feel if I knew?" I felt my tears rolling down my face, my emotions getting the best of me.

"You weren't supposed to find out! No one was. I accidentally left out Jungwon's shirt because I was having so many regrets that day. I started to think the same things you're telling me now. I knew you would hate me if you ever found out about everything I'd done. That's why I asked Jake to stay. He would've protected you better than I'm doing now."

Jake? Does that mean what I think it does?

"Yes, Jake knew. He isn't who you think he is either Sunoo. But he's the opposite of me. He heals people, makes their anxiety disappear. I destroy people's lives Sunoo. And now I've gone and destroyed yours. Just like I did with my parents. I'm sorry. I understand if you hate me right now. I promise to stay out of your way starting today. Goodbye, Sun."

He got up and started to walk towards the door and I was standing there, still trying to process everything he just told me. How would you take it if you found out your childhood best friend had powers this whole time and killed people who hurt you, then finding out that the other guy you liked knew about the whole thing all in one go? You would be in shock, too. But before he got out, I stopped him.

"I don't hate you, Sunghoon. Even if I wanted to, I don't think I ever could. I just need a little time to think, that's all. If they ask you tomorrow about Jungwon's clothes, tell them it was me. Tell them I borrowed it before the whole incident and accidentally left it at your house when we all hung out. They could ask Heeseung and Ni-ki about it since we were there together but I'll talk to them and take care of it. You're going to get out, Hoon. But please, promise me. No more killing people when you get out. You'll have a fresh start. And I'll help you through this."

Sunghoon suddenly started to cry and he hugged me. I just let him cry, knowing he was going through a lot.

"Thank you, Sunoo. I don't think I can ever make up for everything I've done but I promise. No more violence."

I smiled at him and wiped away his tears, "Thank you, Hoon. You were always there for me, now it's my turn to be here for you. Now, get back to the station before they figure out you're gone. I'll see you when they let you out."

And for the first time in our entire friendship, I saw him use his powers in front of me. He slowly disappeared right in front of me, but I could still feel his presence in the room. I heard his footsteps down the stairs and the front door open and close.

Before sleeping I texted Heeseung and Ni-ki and told them to vouch for me in case the police questioned them. I left out everything about the whole killing thing but I knew they would do it.

After dealing with everything, I laid back down on my bed. This day has been so eventful. But I'm going to stick by Hoon. He means well, just never had anyone reach out to him. Plus, it's not like I can leave him now. Especially when he needs me the most.

I love you, Park Sunghoon. I won't let you down.

sorry for the really late update ive been so busy ><

anyway, happy new year to everyone!

'till death do we part // sunsun auWhere stories live. Discover now