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I sat there in the cab, thinking the worst thoughts on our way to the hospital.

We finally got there and I basically flew out of the taxi. I ran into the hospital and saw Heeseung hyung in the lobby. He saw me and Sunghoon walking in and jogged over to us.

"How's Jay? Is he okay?" I asked Heeseung hyung, slightly out of breath from all the running.

"Yeah, he's okay. In a way," Heeseung hyung said, sounding a bit off.

"What do you mean?" I asked, still not understanding what's going on.

"Just go to the 3rd floor, you'll find Jay there in the hall." Heeseung hyung told me, giving my shoulder an encouraging squeeze.

I looked to Hoon to try and figure out what's going on but he just shrugged and made his way to the elevator. 3rd floor. That's the ICU. I pressed the button to the 3rd floor and started fiddling with my thumbs. I was just about to burst out and list all the possibilities of what might've happened but Sunghoon started talking. Thank God he did cause I might not be able to stop if he let me start.

"I'm sure Jay's fine, Sunoo. Heeseung didn't look too worried. And Jay's a strong guy. Just keep your spirits up, yeah? I'm sure whatever's happening right now might be hard for him, he's gonna need you," He says, giving my hand a tight squeeze.

"Thank you, Sunghoon. I needed that," He gives me a small smile before the elevator doors open.

I make my way down the hallway, keeping my eye out for Jay. I see him standing in the hall with his head down, with someone's arms wrapped around him. I call out for him and he looks at me, surprised. I see Jungwon's head peek at us from in front of Jay.

"Hey, Swan. Sorry for leaving so suddenly," He says, greeting me with a hug.

"Hey, it's okay. I understood it was urgent. I'm just glad you're okay," I hold his hand and give him an understanding nod, "What happened anyway?"

Jay sighs, "My dad called me a couple hours ago and told me Mom had to be rushed to the ER. She's currently here in the ICU and the doctors are keeping a close watch on her. I just got so worried so I had to hurry down here the moment I found out. I really am sorry for bailing."

I had my mouth open in slight shock, I didn't know what to expect but that certainly wasn't it. I see Jay sit down on those hard plastic chairs in the hall and put his head in his hands. I look at Jungwon who shifted his weight from one foot to another, looking uneasy.

"I'll just give you two some space. Sunghoon?" Sunghoon looks at me, and I give him a nod, 'I'll be okay,' I mentally told him, and he seemed to have gotten the message and left with Jungwon. I took a deep breath and sat down beside Jay, gently rubbing his shoulders.

"Hey. I know it's hard right now, but it's going to be okay. I'm here for you, okay?" He just nods and I lay my head on his shoulder as we sit there in silence, only the faint sound of a heart monitor filling my ears.


Jungwon and I stood there in the elevator waiting for it to get to the ground floor, where we'll be waiting, along with Heeseung. That hug earlier was pretty weird. Especially the way Jungwon looked when he saw us. He looked uncomfortable. And slightly... disappointed?

So I decided to break the silence. "You like Jay, don't you?" I looked down at Jungwon who seemed surprised at my blunt statement.

"What? How could you say that? He's my best friend," He stutters a little, caught off guard. He avoids my stare, nervously shifting his weight from one foot to another. Again. A habit of his when he gets uncomfortable, I'm guessing. Got you.

"Don't lie to me. I saw the way you looked a few minutes ago when Sunoo and I arrived. I know how you wanted to be the only one there for Jay, but unfortunately, we arrived. Am I right?" I look at the numbers on the elevator display, seeing it go down.




"I know how you look at Jay when he smiles. I saw your mild disappointment in the café, during their first month celebration. You can't make excuses. I know exactly what's on your mind. But try and remember this: my best friend is currently with yours. So don't you dare try ruining what's between them. Savor his presence in your own time. But right now, I suggest you stay out of the way. And don't even try going behind his, or my, back. Trust me. I will find out. And if you don't stay away? And you end up hurting Sunoo? Then, I will be the one to ruin you."

I looked him dead in the eyes, making sure he understood every single word I just said. He only stares back at me with mixed emotions. Fear and anxiety. Perfect.

"Oh, and, if you ever tell anyone what I told you tonight?" I lean down to his height, whispering in his ear. I see his eyes widen, now filled with pure fear.


The elevator doors opened and I walked towards the exit. I didn't care to look back. I know he knows I'm being serious. He's been following me around ever since the first time we met. He never sees me, but his suspicions are enough to make him afraid.

I texted Sunoo, making up some dumb excuse about a test I had to study for and told him I'd be heading home early. He replied back telling me to get home safely and I put my phone back in my pocket, knowing he's busy with Jay and probably won't respond again for some time. I made my way into my alley, ready to break some shit.

I'm in the mood to destroy something. Someone.


yaasss 3 chapters, i'm feeling motivated today so here's 3 hehe... im so excited for the next chapters. shit's going doowwnn

'till death do we part // sunsun auWhere stories live. Discover now