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2 days from now is a month from the day I met Jay at that cafe. Hoon and I often eat with them during breaks but sometimes we go to our usual spot where it can be just the two of us. He rarely ever talks around them, but I understand since it took him a month to utter a word to me. I'm walking down the hall for my next class when I sense someone walking behind me.

"That you, Jay?" I turned around to peek at my boyfriend, but instead saw Sunghoon with a frown on his face. "Oh. Hi Hoon! You seem off, is something wrong?" I try to look at his eyes but he avoids it by looking dead ahead.

"No," he replies. "Everything's fine. Just a bit tired." Ah. That explains the unhappy vibe.

We walked in silence for a minute and I was about to open my mouth until he suddenly spoke, "So are you still down to study at your house later?".

I nod quickly and smile, "Yeah, of course! But I'm gonna need your help with a few things later." He raises his eyebrow at me, but nods anyway. He's always like this. He pretends to be annoyed and closed off, but I know he loves helping me.

"So what'd you need help with?" Sunghoon asked as he sat down on my bed. School was done for the day and we'd both finished the work we needed to do. I needed Hoon's help to think of my gift for Jay.

"Okay, so Jay and I's first month anniversary is in 2 days and I need your help to figure out what to give him." He rolled his eyes and stood up, grabbing his bag from the foot of my bed, looking irritated.

"I am not gonna help you plan a gift for your boyfriend. I'm heading home. Goodluck with that." He turned around and walked out the door. I just let him go, not in the mood to fight. Why's he being such a jerk? It's not like he hasn't known Jay for a while and he hasn't done anything to hurt me. I wonder why he still won't accept Jay.

I fall back down on my bed with a sigh and stare at the ceiling, trying to think of possible gifts I could give to my boyfriend who seems to have everything. I suddenly sat up, an idea popping into my head. I grab my scissors and a few other materials and get to work. I'll deal with Sunghoon later. He's probably just going through something right now.

After about 2 hours of me cutting, gluing, printing, painting, and decorating, I held up my gift and smiled. I'm proud of myself for this. I really hope Jay likes this, it took a lot of effort and I'm sure it's something he's never had before.

Oh, I'm so excited to see his reaction to this!

I gently put my gift away, careful to not place it somewhere it could get ruined. I took out my phone and saw no texts from Sunghoon. Dang, he must be really pissed. I sent him a gif of a cute cartoon dog saying sorry, but no reply. I'll try and talk to him tomorrow, instead.


This day just keeps getting worse. It's like the universe has it out for me or something. This morning, I overheard Jay and his friends talking about his surprise for Sunoo.

Apparently, Jay convinced the owner of the cafe where they first met, to let him use the shop for a couple hours on their month anniversary or whatever you call it. Talk about predictable. But, knowing Sunoo, he'll be crying tears of joy and he'll tell me all about the butterflies in his stomach as he looked into Jay's eyes and all that bullshit.

I'm all for Sunoo being happy but he's been blowing me off lately to hang out with Jay and it's pissing me off. It's always with the 'I'm walking home with Jay today. I'll see you tomorrow!' or 'Sorry Hoon, I won't be home later. Jay and I are going out on a date. We can study next week.'

"Next week my ass," I muttered under my breath as I walked out of Sunoo's house. I know it may seem rude to just walk out on him when he was just asking me for help, but I needed to blow off some of the rage that's been building up inside me throughout the whole day. I sense someone over my shoulder but it's nothing out of the ordinary. I live near a pretty busy street so I'm used to it.

I turn to an alley with a bunch of broken objects. Glass, tiny burnt pieces of paper, small bits of whatever was on the receiving end of my anger. No one ever goes down here since it's dark and pretty well-hidden. I go here when I feel stressed or just feel like letting go of some tension. I've been feeling a lot of that since Sunoo started dating Jay so there's some buildup of broken items.

I raise my hand and a glass bottle goes flying to the wall. I let out a small sigh of relief hearing the fragments get crushed under my shoes as I walk over them. I snapped my fingers and squatted down to a perfectly clean book by the corner.

"This is for you Park Jongseong," I say as my finger meets the cover of the book. I stand up and watch the book burn with red, angry flames. Just like how I feel every time I hear his stupid name come out of Sunoo's mouth in such a sweet, sickening tone. I suddenly hear a glass shard breaking in the distance and I immediately make the fire disappear. I listen intently, with my eyes sweeping side to side in the dark. Who the hell would go down here?

"Ow fuck," I heard a familiar voice. "Why the hell is there glass everywhere?" But I still couldn't see who it was. I could hear the person scuffling through the alley. I kept listening as he got nearer to where I was crouching. "Sunghoon? Are you there?"

I stayed there. Frozen in place. How could he find me? Was he following me? My eyes widened with horror. Could he have seen me using my powers? I hear him getting closer to me and I conceal myself, just in time for him to look at my previous spot.

"Huh. That's weird. I swear I saw him go down this way." He took out his phone and looked around. He shone the light directly at me. But he's not gonna be able to see me. He looked around for a while until he finally gave up and left while cradling his bleeding hand. I guess he sliced his hand on some broken glass. Serves you right for sneaking around.

I put my hood up and made my way back home. I'm not going to be found out now. Keeping it secret all these years, it's not gonna be wasted by some nosy teenage boy.

'till death do we part // sunsun auWhere stories live. Discover now