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Everything's been going smoothly lately. Sunoo and I are still going strong after 6 months, Sunghoon seems less hostile. I swear, I see him laugh at Heeseung's stories every now and then. Jungwon acts really weird around Sunghoon, I'll have to ask him about that soon. But so far, everything's been pretty peaceful.

I snap out of my thoughts and focus on my boyfriend motioning to the swing beside him. He's so childlike sometimes. I take a seat anyway and we sway lightly, watching the sunset. We sit in silence as I stare at my Sunoo's face in the golden glow of the sunset. I silently take my phone out and snap a few photos of him in this lighting. How does he look even more handsome than usual?

"I never thought you could look even better than you already do," Sunoo rolls his eyes at my cheesiness but I can see him blushing, "You're glowing more than you usually do, Swan."

Sunoo swats his hand as if telling me to stop with the sweet stuff, making me chuckle at his shy side that I only see every once in a while. I turn back to look at the sunset and we sit there for a while in comfortable silence.

"Hey?" He suddenly talks and I turn my head to see him already looking at me.

"What?" I ask.

"I-," Is this? I wait for him to finish his sentence, hoping it's what I'm thinking. "I still have some homework to do. We should probably start heading back."

Dumbass. What were you expecting? I hid my disappointment with a smile and stood up, extending my hand to Sunoo, slightly bowing.

"Shall we go, my love?" Sunoo laughs and takes my hand. We walked to his house and I kissed him on the forehead before he made his way to their front door. I was about to leave as well when I heard his sweet voice calling me.

"Oh, right, Jay?" I see Sunoo halfway through their door, looking at me with that smile. "I love you."

HOLY SHIT. This was the first time we said it aloud. I mean, we knew we loved each other, it was just never said in words. I just stood there, frozen and mouth gaping, like an idiot. I see his face slowly fall as he walks back into his house.

"Okay bye then.."

I realized what he might be thinking. Snapping out of my daze, I jogged over and shoved my foot in the door to stop it from closing.

"Wait!" Sunoo looks up at me, surprised.

"I'm sorry for not responding immediately. I was just so shocked. I thought you were going to say it when we went to the park and was kinda disappointed that you didn't. Then you actually did so I had to take a few seconds to process. What I'm trying to say is, I love you too, Kim Sunoo. I have since I saw you walk in that cafe. And I loved you even harder when I got to really know you. And I love you most, right now, at this very moment." I say it all in one breath, scared that he might not hear me out if I don't get it all out immediately.

"Now I'm the one who has to process all that." Sunoo blinks a couple times, I could practically hear his brain trying to form a coherent sentence. "Do you really mean that? Everything you just said?"

"Of course I do. You know I never lie, Sunoo. Pinky promise?" I hold my pinky out and wait for him to do the same.

"You're so dorky sometimes, you know that right?" He laughs at me and interlocks our fingers together. "Wait 'til I tell the whole school how much of a softie Park Jongseong actually is."

I act shocked at this, "You wouldn't dare!" He lightly hits my arm and laughs.

"I love the sound of your laugh. And you. I love you." I pull him into a hug, feeling all his warmth against mine.

'till death do we part // sunsun auWhere stories live. Discover now