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I pretty much texted with the cafe boy all night, getting to know him a little bit. I figured out he does go to my school, only a grade higher. Explains why he's familiar. Which means he's the same grade as Sunghoon. Jay hyung asked me out on a date for today and now I'm in a dilemma.

I have no idea what to wear for the date. Jay told me we were going to a restaurant and then to a park after. Ugh, this is so frustrating. I paced around my room trying to think of possible outfits. I have to look good. I know he's hella rich so I can't be caught wearing something shabby.

"Don't you think that maybe you're overthinking just a tad bit on clothes?" Sunghoon asked.

I jumped a little, clutching my heart. God, I forgot he was there. I called him over to help me decide on what to wear but I still have not chosen an outfit and it's already 4:50. He's picking me up at 6. I repeat, AT 6PM. This is a major emergency.

"You ask me to come here for my advice on your clothes, then proceeded to reject everything I suggested. Seriously, just wear anything." Sunghoon remarked, scrolling through his phone.

"Easy for you to say, Mr. I-Look-Effortlessly-Good-All-The-Time." I tapped my foot impatiently. He's barely helping. "You know, if you're just gonna sit there, get out of here and do something else."

"Wow. Rude much? Just say you want to get rid of me, I'll go." He rolled his eyes at me. "You're so dramatic."

"I wasn't even saying anything." He continues to stare at me, fed up with my shit. I stick my tongue out at him, not knowing what to say.

He sighed, "Fine. Wear that white button-up shirt you have and wear your tan sweater over it. Tuck it into your dark brown plaid pants and add some accessories. That's my last suggestion, take it or leave it. Rather, I'm leaving."

I pictured it in my head and smiled. I tackled him on the bed and gave him a big hug.

"Thank you so much! You're finally helpful for once!" He hugged me back and suddenly pushed me off.

"You're heavy. Now go take a shower, you have like 40 minutes left and you take forever to get ready." He said as he got up from my bed.

"Okay okay. Thank you for the help. I love you. You know the way out. Bye!" I closed the door in his face, hurrying to get ready with the little time I had left.

God, wish me luck.


I love you too.

But of course, I couldn't say that out loud. I let myself out. Walking down the street, I couldn't help but think about him and that stupid date.

"What does he find so attractive about that guy anyway? He's not good enough for Sunoo." I muttered to myself. I did some research on the guy after Sunoo told me about him. He's in my grade but I never really bothered getting to know other people because I only have one friend, and he's the only one I need.

Park Jongseon. Tall, rich, seems to be popular but only has two friends, Yang Jungwon and Lee Heeseung. I swear to god if he hurts my Sunoo, he's going to get what he deserves. His small trio is pretty known around the school, judging by their social media. Jay being the handsome and charismatic guy, Jungwon is a taekwondo player, and Heeseung in the school's basketball team. Makes sense that they're popular, I guess.

I check the time and see it's around 6:30, just enough time for Jay to pick Sunoo up and go to their destination. I go to the restaurant they're eating at. Psh, seems cheap. Is this the best you can do, Jay?. I scoffed and waited outside until I saw them walking through the doors. I looked around, making sure no one could see me as I went inside and took a seat right beside them.

They're talking about school. Really? School as a topic on a first date. He's pathetic. I got bored by their conversation and zoned out. Until I heard Sunoo suggest that they share their food, with Jay telling him it's his first time in the restaurant as well. Ugh. Gross.

I got frustrated at the thought of them sharing food and had the sudden urge to snap his neck. I walked behind him and raised my hands but stopped myself, snapping out of my murderous thoughts. I can't let Sunoo see something so bad. He looks happy. I sat back down beside them and listened to Sunoo complain about his test.

I watched as Jay shivered and looked around the restaurant. What's he looking for, I wonder. Don't try looking, Jay. You'll never see me coming for you.

"What's wrong?" Sunoo asks him.

"Nothing. Just felt a shiver down my neck a minute ago and felt someone staring. Just my imagination though." He responds, rubbing his neck. They continued to eat and talk, but I could see Jay peering over his shoulder every now and then. Scared?

They finish eating and he pays for the meal. Typical. I hope he knows money won't impress Sunoo.

I followed them out to the park and watched Sunoo blush. I should be the one making him blush. Not some shallow, rich boy. Does he even really like Sunoo or does he see him as some project that he's gonna dump to the side when he's satisfied? I felt the rage in me bubble up again when I watched him chase Sunoo around, hearing their giggles. How dare he make MY Sunoo laugh? I blinked and Jay suddenly yelped in pain. Oops. Lost control for a second there.

I watch as Sunoo freaks out over Jay. He'll be fine. It's just a small sprain. Sunoo helps him up and that's the last thing I see as I turn my back to them. I can't lose control when Sunoo tells me about this tomorrow at school. I can't risk him knowing and getting hurt.

That's the last thing I would want.

'till death do we part // sunsun auWhere stories live. Discover now