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I woke up when Sunghoon entered the room.

It probably would've taken pretty bad hearing to not hear him practically break the door hinges. I didn't want to ruin his moment so I let him drone on about everything he was feeling. Don't judge me, it's good for him to let out his feelings every once in a while. Right before he was about to leave, I opened my eyes.

"I love you too, Park Sunghoon" I said, my voice was still a bit weak. Probably since I haven't had anything to drink or eat since I got here, which I'm guessing has been a couple of hours. Which reminds me, I should get something to eat.

I saw Sunghoon's back tense up, like he wasn't expecting me to respond to him. He instantly turned around and ran to my side. He pressed the button on my bedside for the nurse and started bombarding me with questions if I was okay.

"I'm fine, Hoonie. Stop worrying, you're starting to sound like my mom." I patted his hand and smiled at him.

"I'm allowed to worry, mister. I watched you get hit by a motorcycle, do you know how worried I've been? You could've died. What were you thinking, zoning out on the road like that? God, I thought I was gonna lose you again. I would've preferred you just didn't talk to me forever rather than lose you to a road accident." Is this what happens when he has no one to talk to for weeks? He's become so chatty. I kinda like it.

"Hoon. Breathe, baby. I'm honestly fine." I tried to sit up and immediately winced at the pain in my ribs. And just on time, the door opened and the doctor walked in. Doctor Franz. He's cute.

"Hey there, Mr. Kim Sunoo." He greeted me, looking down at his clipboard. I waved to him shyly and smiled. My heart monitor started going up and Sunghoon stared at me and then the doctor. Something seemed to click in his brain as he tightly held my hand and started staring down at the doctor. Chill out, I just told you I love you.

"Your ribs were affected by the impact. You just need to be here for about a week, for your ribs to heal. But after that, I can release you." Doctor Franz told me.

"Yeah, okay Doctor Franz. You can go now." Sunghoon grumbled, like a little child who didn't get his way.

"Actually, I need to check on the patient for a bit. Just a couple minutes. Do you want to stay here or wait outside?" At this point, Sunghoon was practically burning the doctor down with his stare.

"Actually, Doctor," He said 'doctor' with a sneer on his face, "I'm going to stay."

Doctor Franz just nodded and walked up to me to check my vitals and all that doctor-y stuff. He was smiling at me the entire time but he looked a bit uncomfortable with Sunghoon staring him down.

"Um," He cleared his throat and smiled at me again, avoiding Sunghoon's gaze, "We are all done here. You're good, Mr. Kim. Just don't move too much so your ribs can heal faster, okay?"

"Okay. I'll take good care of him, Doctor. You can go." Sunghoon practically pushed him out the room and closed the door.

"What was that? You scared the poor man." I asked him.

"Yeah? I better have. He can't take what's mine." Mine, huh?

"Woah, slow down there. What would he take? I'm not yours." I teased him.

"Excuse me? You're mine, Kim Sunoo." He suddenly hugged me.

And thank God for that. I wouldn't know how else to hide my reddening face. I winced and pushed him away because of my ribs. "Still healing, Hoonie. Go easy."

"Oh, I'm sorry, Sun." He sat down beside me and caressed my head, "I really hate seeing you like this. If I could take it all away, I would." He frowned a bit while staring off into the distance.

I waved my hand in front of his face to try and get his attention. "What's important is that I'm alive and I'm here with you."

He smiled at me and continued staring at the wall, like he was thinking of something. His eyes suddenly widened and he perked up. "Wait, what if I could take it all away?"

I looked at him questioningly but let him keep talking.

"I was able to get into your head and I wasn't aware I could do that before I tried. If I could just focus really hard."

He placed his hand over my chest and closed his eyes tightly. I held my breath too. For some reason, I was feeling nervous for him. We stayed like that for a couple seconds until he sighed and opened his eyes. He looked disappointed. I didn't let it show but I was kinda disappointed too.

"I'm sorry. I really tried to make it work."

I smiled at him and sat up. Wait.

"Hoon, I sat up!"


"No, idiot. I sat up and I didn't feel the pain. You-you did it!" I pressed around my ribs to make sure I was healed. I was. Holy shit he actually did it.

"I did? Oh my God, I did!" He jumped around and gave me a big hug. His eyes were sparkling like I've never seen before. "I'm sorry if I'm too excited, I've just been used to my abilities hurting people. Not healing them. That's never happened before. It's like a miracle."

"I'm gonna call the nurse over." Sunghoon looked at me pointedly and took the button away from me. "Relax. I need to tell him I'm okay so we can leave. Together?"

"Fine. But he better not try anything. I'll go get your mom from the cafeteria, so she can sign your release papers and we can leave. Together." He gave me back the button and made sure to glare at Doc Franz on his way out.

So possessive, this one. Gosh, I love him.


aaaaaaa it's ending soon 

i really enjoyed writing this and im glad yall liked reading it too

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