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It's Monday. The first day that Jay's gonna be back since his mom died. It's also been 3 days since Sunghoon went over to his house.

He won't tell me what they talked about, only saying, "Things are gonna work themselves out." Like, damn Hoon, just leave out every important detail and be ominous as heck. I walked out of class making my way to the cafeteria, hoping to see him there. I perk up when I see the familiar blonde head and make my way over, giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"Jay, how are you? I've missed you so much," He gives me a smile but it doesn't seem to quite reach his eyes. I see Sunghoon on the side staring him down, what happened here? I try to brush off Sunghoon's cold behavior and try to talk to the group. Heeseung seemed to be the only one who matched my energy, everyone else looked extremely uneasy.

After noticing the atmosphere, I talked a little less and focused on eating my lunch. Before I could get up to make my way to my next class, Jay grabbed my hand.

"Hey, Sunoo. Can you meet me after school? Just head to my house. We have to talk." Oh no. Is this what I've been dreading for the past few days?

I felt my smile slowly disappearing, "Yeah okay!" I tried to smile again and shake off the bad feeling, but I just started to overthink. This is about that text I got a few days ago, isn't it? I looked at Heeseung hyung who looked just as anxious as I felt.

I can't think about it too much, I have to focus on my test for now. I sat down in class and tried not to worry. As soon as class ended, I started to get really nervous. I texted Sunghoon to come with me, worried about what Jay wanted to talk about. I waited for him by the school gates and we made our way to Jay's house.

Hoon's got this weird vibe going on with him right now but I'm too preoccupied with my thoughts to ask about it. As soon as we made the turn down Jay's street, I started to feel that sinking feeling in my chest. He's gonna break up with me. I just know it. I can feel my heart pounding in my head as we approach his front door. I see Jay's car in their driveway, he's already here.

I opened the door and saw Jay and Jungwon sitting on the couch. They both look at me, or is it behind me? They both looked anxious but I'm sure it's nothing compared to what I'm feeling right now.

"So what did you need to tell me?" I asked, my voice small.

Jay stands up and hesitates for a moment, looking at Sunghoon behind me. Then he clears his throat and starts talking, "Sunoo, I have to tell you something really important. I hope you know that I love you so much, and that I will never forget you and the love that we shared," Sunghoon scoffs from behind me and I swallow, trying to get rid of my dry throat. Here it goes.

"I made a mistake. Three days ago," Three days? I look at Sunghoon and he nods, confirming what I was thinking, "Um, there's no easy way to say this, nor is it easy to admit it. But you have to understand. We were going through somewhat of a rough patch and I was overly tired and grieving. My feelings and logic were all over the place," He rambles.

I cut him off, "You cheated on me," He looked at me in shock, unable to say anything. I had someone in mind, but I needed confirmation from him,"Who, Jay?"

He avoids looking at me, not talking, "Who was it Jay?! Fucking tell me," I'm getting fed up with his avoidance. I felt Sunghoon placing his hand on my back, showing his support.

I looked at Jungwon on the couch, who was avoiding my gaze, and I knew. He was right. I can't believe he wasn't lying. I chuckled bitterly, tears forming in my eyes and a lump forming in my throat.

"I have nothing to say to both of you," I turn to leave when Jay touches my shoulder, I flinch and immediately back away, "Don't fucking touch me."

"Swan, I'm so sorry. It was a mistake, I swear. It's never going to happen again. I was just so overwhelmed with everything and you were barely around. I couldn't help it." Is this an apology?

"How are you making it seem like it's my fault that I was giving you space to grieve on your own?!" I am outraged, how is he blaming me for his actions? "I love you, Jay. But did you even really love me? Or did you lie about that too? I thought I was right for keeping my distance, but no. You had to go and destroy everything. And with him too," I looked at Jungwon who kept avoiding me, "God, Jungwon, I treated you like my brother. But this isn't how you treat family.," I spit out, my words stinging just as much as my heart.

"You wanna know another reason I distanced myself from you?" I took my phone out and opened my texts. 'Heeseung hyung.'

I clicked on his name and opened our conversation, handing it to Jay. I can see his eyes sweeping left to right, reading the texts. I take my phone back and he stands there, mouth agape.

"Yeah, Jay. I knew. I fucking knew. Heeseung hyung texted me three days ago. He'd come back from his house and saw you, but he left before you two saw him. It could've just been you two, having a sleepover, so I ignored it and waited for you to confirm what went on between you. Hell, Heeseung is YOUR friend but even he respected me more. Now look at you, staring at me like an idiot. You didn't love me, Jay. If you did, you wouldn't do that to me. Sunghoon was right for not trusting you, the memories I have with you mean a lot to me, but you? You're worthless. I hope it was fucking worth it."

I glare at them both but I'm sure I look less than intimidating with tears streaming down my face. I ran out the house, Sunghoon staying behind, knowing he understands I needed time to myself. I know he knew about what happened, but I wasn't mad at him for keeping it from me. It's good for me to hear it come from Jay, himself. I felt a drop on my arm and I looked up to the sky. Great timing. Now I'm crying and wet from the rain.

I sat down on the swings of the park where Jay and I used to go. What did I do wrong? I started to cry harder, the weight of the situation just sinking in. I started to blame myself for everything, regretting not being there for him. I look at the silver bracelet on my wrist, suddenly feeling it become heavier. I struggled to take it off, making me even more frustrated. I finally got it off as I screamed. I stayed there, drowning myself in my tears. I didn't even hear someone come up to me.

I suddenly felt the rain stop and a shadow over me.


well...that happened... 

'till death do we part // sunsun auWhere stories live. Discover now