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I woke up the next day, turned off my alarm while looking for a cold spoon to try and get rid of my puffy eyes. I don't want to be sad the entire day.

I changed into my outfit and met up with the others by the park where Heeseung agreed to pick us up. Riki was there, munching on some snacks while Heeseung seemed to be fixing something inside his car. Riki passed me some chips as we waited for Jake to get out of his house. For someone who lived right across the meetup spot, he was taking so long. He soon gets out, looking a bit sweaty while he fumbles with his bag.

"Hey, sorry for making you guys wait, Mom needed help with some last-minute packing," He approaches us, eyes slightly sad from remembering that he had to leave.

He saw Ni-ki eating on the side and stole the entire bag from him, dumping all of it into his mouth. They chased each other around for a while, until Riki gave up and opened a new bag of chips. Sunghoon arrived last, and I suddenly remembered what he said to Jake last night.

"He's the love of my life and I can't bear to see him hurt again."

I'd completely forgotten about it and I quickly avoided his gaze, feeling flustered and a bit awkward. He greets everyone and Heeseung tells everyone to get in the car. Jake calls shotgun and Riki scoffs and pouts like a child and makes his way to the back, making sure to let everyone know he was sulking.

We all just laugh at his cute childlike antics and take our seats in the car. I was squished between Riki and Sunghoon, the very person I was avoiding. We make our way to the amusement park while Jake plays some songs from his phone.

"Hey, Sunoo, did I do something wrong? You looked like you were avoiding me at the park earlier," Sunghoon asks from beside me.

I can feel him staring me down, trying to figure out my thoughts. I just took a deep breath and locked away every question I had for him. I'll wait for Jake to leave before I discuss things with Sunghoon.

"What? I wasn't avoiding you, I was just a bit sleepy so I may have unintentionally ignored you. But I swear, it's all good," I gave him one of my signature smiles to convince him and he smiled back, relaxing into his seat.

Everything's silent for a few minutes, only the music from Jake's phone filling the air. Until Fire started playing, and chaos ensued.

"BULTAOREUNE! FIIIIIIRRREEEEEEEEEEE OHHHH," Riki starts to scream out the song lyrics from beside me, making me cover my left ear. Jeez, this kid is so loud.


"MWTODO EOPTJI," and there goes Heeseung, acting as a backup singer.

They continue to yell out the lyrics as Hoon and I try to keep the last few bits of our hearing until the prechorus comes. Riki looks at me as he yells-slash-sings the lines, holding out an imaginary mic for me to join in.

"Ni meotdaero sareo eochapi ni kkeoya," He leans towards me, still holding out the imaginary mic. I'm not letting up that easy.

"Aeeseuji jom mareo jyeodo gwaenchanha," Jake leans towards me too, holding out another imaginary mic. I look back and forth between the two. They're crazy.

"Come on Sunoo! You know you want to," Heeseung looks at me through the rearview mirror, wiggling his eyebrows and that mischievous smile.

I get infected with their energy and take a big breath, "EVERYBODY SAY LA LA LA LA LA!" I pretend to hold the mic out to the pretend crowd and they yell back, "LA LA LA LA LA!"

'till death do we part // sunsun auWhere stories live. Discover now