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We all laughed at Ni-ki falling down on his ass as he and Jake played football.

It's been a week since Jake made that deal with Sunoo and everything's great. I don't have any reason to doubt Jake, his mature decision with his relationship with Sunoo really showed that. I respect him. So with no incidents of my temper, everyone's been pretty happy.

I haven't seen Jay and Jungwon around, which I'm kinda bummed about since I was really looking forward to hurting them. Sunoo looked much happier than he did last week, it seems he's finally started to move on from that piece of shit. We were all sitting together in the field, and Ni-ki suddenly challenged Jake to a football match.

Jake played football back in Australia so we all knew he would win, but Ni-ki being the naughty young boy he is, he still tried. Keyword: tried. He's not doing very well considering this is around the 4th time he's fallen on his behind. We laughed again as Ni-ki tries to trip Jake, and finally manages to score.

"Hey! That's not counted," Jake huffs, stomping over to us 'referees,' "That was foul play by Ni-ki."

"Oh come on hyung, I deserved that point," Oh he did not just pull the hyung card. He rarely ever calls Jake hyung so we know he's got a sensitivity for that, "Come on, Jakey hyung, please?" He goes on his knees, hands clasped together and mouth formed into a pout.

Heeseung and I stare back and forth between the two, waiting for Jake to fold. We all know he has a soft spot for Ni-ki.

"He's definitely gonna fold," Heeseung whispers to me, eyes still fixed between the two.

"You don't know that, Jake is really passionate about football gameplay," I whispered back.

"Oh, come on, you two," Sunoo suddenly says, getting in between them, acting as some sort of mediator, "We could simply settle this with a simple game of 'rock-paper-scissors'. What do you think?"

Jake and Ni-ki look at each other, both weighing the pros and cons, "I'm good with it, Jake. You?" Ni-ki extends his hand, making his decision.

Jake thinks for a minute more and shakes Ni-ki's hand. Heeseung gets behind Ni-ki and I get behind Jake, Sunoo stays in the middle.

"Okay, ready?" Jake and Ni-ki both nod, game faces on.

"Rock, paper, scissors!" I hear Jake cheer and Ni-ki groan. Jake won! Which means the point is voided.

Jake and I jump up and down, feeling like we both won, I suddenly hug him in the spur of the moment, and I see Sunoo look at me with his eyebrow raised. I let go of Jake and he pats me on the back and we all continue back to class. As we walked down the halls, I saw two faces I thought I would never have to see again. You're so fucking dead.

I hear Sunoo gasp from beside me and I look at him to see tears pooling in his eyes. He runs away to the restroom and I tell Ni-ki to follow him. Heeseung looks uncomfortable and Jake looks a bit confused, not recognizing the two at first. But as soon as he figured it out, he looked mad as well. We told him all about what they did. How dare they? And they look so happy, too. Giggling and acting all sweet and shit. The audacity of you, fuckfaces.

"What do you both think you're doing back here?" They both look at us, surprised to see us. The bell had already rang so I'm guessing they assumed they wouldn't bump into us, "I thought I told you to get away from this school?"

Jungwon chuckled from beside Jay and tugged on his jacket. Jay looked like he wanted to say something but followed Jungwon out. Oh no. I'm not letting you get away this time. I ran toward the two and pulled on Jay's shoulder, punching him square in the face. Heeseung gasps, never seeing this side of me. I keep punching him while Jungwon tries to pull me off of his boyfriend.

I saw Jake make his way over to me and I thought he was going to try and stop me. Instead, he goes to Jungwon and pushes him off my back. He grabs Jungwon by the shirt and raises him against the wall, looking just as mad as me. I continue to hit Jay as he tries to fight back. You aren't laying a hand on me, asshole. A few students had seen us fighting and soon enough, I heard the principal yelling at us to stop.

Now, all five of us were sitting down in his office, no one uttering a word.

"Why were you four fighting? And you, Lee Heeseung, why didn't you try and stop it?" The principal stared us down, waiting for an answer.

"I didn't want to get in the middle of all the punching, it would just seem like a bad idea," Heeseung starts off, not wanting to be involved.

The principal sighs and lets him off with a warning, leaving us four. I understand why Heeseung wouldn't wanna get involved. He's a model student after all. The principal continues to lecture us about friendship and all the reasons why we shouldn't fight. In the end, he gave us all a 1-week suspension. I don't really care for it, I'm not a particularly excellent student.

We get out of the office, Jay and Jungwon whispering among themselves and Jake going to look for Sunoo. I turned to dumb and dumber beside me, talking before they could get away again.

"You think we're done?" Jay looks scared, his cheek still dirty from the blood that had dried, "Those punches weren't enough to make you feel the pain you caused on Sunoo. You are going to pay,"

Jungwon smirks and scoffs, "Yeah? What are you gonna do? Burn us at the stake?" He laughs and tries to get Jay laughing too, but he's not laughing. He was just on the receiving end of my anger and I know he's scared.

I start to laugh, too. Louder and more maniacally than Jungwon. He stops laughing and takes a step back, grabbing onto Jay's arm, "Thank you for the idea, Jungwon," I raise my hand, my pointer finger lighting up with a single flame, "I'll keep it in mind for when I see you next time," I turn my back to them as I pretend to shoot them with my flaming finger.

The flame shoots off and latches onto Jungwon's shirt, making them freak out. I laugh once again, making the fire cease just as soon as I heard Jungwon start crying, "I'm giving you about 2 hours to get as far away as you can, after that, then I can't guarantee your safety," I hear their footsteps running away, but I know they won't get far.

I let out a satisfied sigh, just in time for Heeseung to come up to me.

"Sunoo's fine, Ni-ki stayed with him the entire time," I nod at Heeseungs, glad that Sunoo's okay, "I heard you guys got suspended for a week. Sorry about that," He looked guilty at leaving us there but I just gave his shoulder a pat.

"Hey, don't feel guilty, you weren't involved in the fighting anyway. And those two were your friends for a long time so it's okay that you didn't wanna get involved," He only looks at me with an apologetic smile and I make my way home, texting Sunoo that I'm fine and that he doesn't need to worry.

I check the time and see that only an hour has passed, it never hurt anyone to start a little early, right? I begin my hunt for Romeo and Juliet who are probably packing their stuff up right now. I gave them a taste of my magic earlier, they're not gonna like the rest of it. I go by Jay's house first, but they're not there. Then I go by Jungwon's but they're not there either. Hmm...Where are you boys?

Lastly, I go to the cafe and there they are. I saw them both through the window, looking pretty stressed with backpacks in hand. I see you took a pit stop before leaving. Big mistake. I hid in the dark, waiting for them to leave, and when they finally did, I followed them. They went down a dark street, with no people in sight. Perfect. I raise my hand and they both stop in their tracks, unable to move. I hear them start to panic as they try to pull on their legs, wondering why they can't move.

"I guess I got here a little early, huh?" I say, stepping into their view.

This is gonna be fun. For me, atleast.


dark hoon coming thru 

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