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I looked up to see a guy in a hoodie, holding up an umbrella. As soon as the rain stopped hitting my body, I started to shiver. The stranger immediately reacts and hands me the umbrella, taking his hoodie off and handing it to me. I hesitate for a bit but he smiles at me and puts it in my hands, nodding at me.

I sniffle and put the hoodie on, feeling less cold. His cologne smells amazing. He took my hand and led me to the benches, sitting down, waiting for me to sit down beside him. I sit and we stay there for a while, with him holding the umbrella between us. Eventually the harsh rain turned into a light drizzle and my tears turned into small hiccups. He didn't try to talk to me, just waited for me to calm down.

"Hi. Are you okay now?" He had a slight accent that I couldn't exactly place, but he looked friendly, like a dog, "My name's Jaeyun, but you can call me Jake," He puts his hand out, smiling at me again. Can't deny that he's extremely handsome.

I stared at his hand through my blurry vision, and shook it, "Kim Sunoo. I'm sorry you had to meet me like this," I wiped my face with my hands, trying to get rid of evidence from me crying, as if my eyes weren't swollen and he didn't just watch me cry for like 15 minutes, "I'll throw your hoodie in the wash when I get home and I'll return it to you tomorrow. Where could I meet you?"

He laughs, his entire face lighting up when he does so, "You can just give me your number, I'll text you!" I take out my phone and give it to him. I may be heartbroken, but I sure am not blind. He gives himself a call and hands my phone back to me, "There. Now I can text you whenever I want," You sure can, cutie.

"I think I've seen you at school. Do you happen to sit in the middle of the cafeteria, with 4 other people?" I'm shocked, surely I would've noticed if someone like him went to our school. But I was preoccupied with Jay and my eyes were always focused on him.

"Yep, that was me," I smiled sheepishly, "The blonde one was my boyfriend, we broke up today. Hence, me crying like a dumbass in the park where we used to go on dates. Is that too cliché?"

"No, it's totally normal. I'm just glad I found you before you got yourself sick, sitting in the cold rain like that," We both laugh, just now realizing how dumb I probably looked. He asked me where I live and I told him it's about 5 blocks away.

He suddenly stood up and walked away, leaving me on the bench. When he realized I wasn't following he looked at me, and tilted his head towards the direction he's going, "Come on, let's go to my house, we gotta get you dry before you go back to yours," When he sees me hesitate, he laughs a bit and walks back over to me, stretching his hand out.

"Come on. I swear I won't bite. Plus, my house is closer, it's literally across the street," He points to a brown house by the street across the park, "That's my window right there, in case you're wondering how I found you," I grabbed his hand as I got up and we walked across the street.

He opens the door and I immediately notice how cozy his house is. It smelled a bit like vanilla. I can tell he's pretty well off considering the neighborhood he lives in. He greets his mom and his older brother with a hello and introduces me as a friend. I suddenly snap my fingers and gasp loudly.

"Australian!" I burst out. Then I suddenly realized how rude I seemed and bowed multiple times to both his brother and mom, apologizing for sounding rude.

"I am so sorry, I've been trying to pinpoint what Jake's accent was and I finally realized. I got excited," I prattled on, feeling embarrassed.

Jake's mom just laughs and tells me it's okay, they have the same smile. This family's genes are insane. How are they all attractive? I bow one last time before Jake shows me his room upstairs. It's surprisingly cleaner than I expected for a teenage guy's bedroom. He rummages through his closet and hands me some clothes, showing me his bathroom. I felt shy but he was very insistent, so I took his clothes and showered.

When I got out of the shower, Jake was on his bed, strumming a guitar. He sees me walk out and smiles at me. His clothes are slightly big for me but not like it was swallowing me from the size. Comfy. I like it. I walked over to his bed and stared at the posters on his wall. So he likes music.

"You can play the guitar?" I ask him, looking at the pictures on his desk, seeing him in a soccer uniform.

"Yeah. I'm better on the bass guitar though, I used to be in a small band with my friends back in Australia," He says, continuing to strum random chords, "I transferred over here this year, so I'm new." That explains why I couldn't remember seeing him around before.

"Can you play a song?" I ask him, taking a seat by the foot of his bed.

"Sure," He thinks for a minute before playing. I recognize the song as soon as he starts singing.

"Walking down 29th and Park

I saw you in another's arms

Only a month we've been apart

You look happier"

Of course he can sing too. I stare at him in awe as he continues the song. I didn't even realize I had been crying until after he finished singing.

I clapped, cheering him on, "You did so good! You sounded so angelic, I started crying," He covered his face, feeling shy from the compliments I'm showering him with, "I've always wanted to learn how to play the guitar," I suddenly mentioned, lightly gliding my fingers over the strings. A light hum from the guitar, filling the air.

"I could teach you!" Jake exclaims, "I'm pretty good at teaching and I would love to get closer to you," He seemed so excited, like a puppy. Bingo!

I nodded and smiled back at him, his excitement was infectious. I looked at the time on my phone and suddenly realized the time.

"Ooh! My mom's gonna look for me soon, I have to head back home," I stood up and gathered my stuff, including the wet clothes, "I'll give these back to you, I have your number so I'll text you!"

"See you around, Sunoo," He waves goodbye and I thank him again for helping me out today. I make my way downstairs and let myself out, thanking his mom too. I smile to myself on the walk home, happy to have made a new friend.

Hopefully this one lasts.

'till death do we part // sunsun auWhere stories live. Discover now