38 - The End

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I spent the night at Sunoo's house after we left the hospital.

We really missed each other and it made me realize that without him, I have absolutely nothing that goes on in my life. He talked all night and I listened. The way things originally were. Perfect. I was just happy that everything was back to the way they were before.

Although, I think he's really taking advantage of my powers. Last night, he asked me to get the milk from the fridge with my powers because he was too lazy to walk. Is this how it's going to be from now on?

I woke up earlier than him so I made my way downstairs to make him some breakfast. I knew the smell of pancakes would wake him up instantly. That boy loves to eat.

I was just cooking peacefully, when everything suddenly started to shake. An earthquake? What the hell? I immediately ran up to Sunoo to make sure he was okay. It wasn't a strong earthquake but that was really weird. We don't get many of those.

After checking up on him, we both went downstairs where his face lit up at the sigh of the pancakes. He ran to get a plate and I chuckled at his excitement.

"Thanks so much for the breakfast, Hoonie. Love you!" He managed to say in between bites.

I just smiled at him, I'm full just by watching him eat. Was that too cheesy? Ah, I don't care. I'm just too happy right now. Nothing could spoil my mood.

"So after this, would you like to take a walk over to the mall and just hang?" I asked him.

"Hang? Sure. Just let me finish these delicious pancakes and then I'll freshen up."

We walked to the mall and entered random shops, trying on some clothing. Eventually we ended up at the food court, where we ate. Again. If being his boyfriend means having to buy him food every two hours, then I'll get three jobs.

"So, Sunoo, I know it might be a bit soon to ask you this. But I really love you and I can't think of anyone else I'd want to spend my whole life with. Will you be my b-" I was cut off by people screaming.

What is going on today? Right in the middle of my speech too. Sunoo and I ran out to the center of the mall where a huge boulder crashed right into where the fountain used to be. An earthquake? And now this? People started running outside and I held Sunoo's hand and ran out with him.

Holy crap. There were more boulders outside, crashing on top of shops, cars, and blocking the roads.

"What is going on?!" Sunoo yelled out, trying to communicate with me through the stampeding people.

"I don't know. It's like the universe is crashing." Wait. It can't be because of me right?

"What?" I saw Sunoo staring at me.

"It's nothing." I didn't want to worry him.

"No. Tell me." He's not gonna let this go.

"I'm just thinking. Could this be because of me?" I told him.

"Huh? That's insane! How could this be because of you?"

"Think about it, Sunoo. For some reason, I was placed on this Earth with powers that could hurt people. And yesterday, I healed you. Something that goes against everything I used to do. What if this is the universe's way of saying that this isn't the way things are supposed to be?"

And at that moment, the people around us seemed to slow down in time. Sunoo slowly let go of my hand as he stared at me with that same look in his eyes that I saw weeks ago. He looked confused and scared, but this time, I knew he wasn't scared of me.

'till death do we part // sunsun auWhere stories live. Discover now