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It's been about three weeks since Sunghoon and I last talked.

Heeseung and Riki come over to my house sometimes, checking up on me. Heeseung told me that he knew all about Sunghoon but Riki didn't know anything. I do miss Sunghoon, but I still can't get over everything he's done. I was in my living room eating a bowl of cereal in front of the tv when someone knocked on the door.

I walked over to the door and opened it. "Heeseung. What are you doing here?"

"Can't I visit my best friend without a reason?"

I raised an eyebrow at him, suspicious, but I let him in anyway. I offered him some food but he declined, saying he just ate. We both sat down and I continued my movie.

"How have you been? You look terrible."

I stuck a tongue out at him but kept my eyes glued to the screen, "Way to greet your best friend."

He laughed at me and settled into the couch, stealing a bite from my cereal. "Seriously? I just offered you some literally 30 seconds ago." He just shrugged and continued to munch on my cereal. "Why are you really here, Heeseung? Besides to steal my food."

He sighs and turns to face me. Oh boy, that's his serious talk face. Lemme pause my movie. "Am I in some sort of trouble? You're giving major big brother vibes right now."

He shook his head, "I just wanted to have a talk with you. You know, about this whole situation you're in with Sunghoon?"

I leaned back into the couch and took a deep breath. I really wish he hadn't reminded me of Sunghoon.

"I get that it's a lot for you, but you have to patch things up with him sooner or later, you know? You can't just keep ignoring him. Plus, I can tell how hard it's been for you too."

"I know, Hee. I miss him so much. But I'm not sure if I'm ready to forgive everything he's done just yet. I still can't exactly wrap my head around everything."

"It's totally fine if you're not ready to forgive him, yet. But you should at least hear him out, yeah? He feels terrible and he's got a lot to tell you. It's totally up to you if you want to keep in contact with him. But he's still your best friend, Sun. Just pay him a visit, hear him out."

I looked at my phone and scrolled through my messages and pressed on his name. I kept staring at it. I typed out a message but I couldn't seem to send it. Heeseung got up and tousled my hair. I huffed as I tried to fix my hair.

"Any time this week, okay?" Then he left.

I don't want to deal with this right now.

I went upstairs to take a shower and changed into better clothes. I made sure to lock the door and started a light jog. I was using this as a distraction but what Heeseung said to me kept creeping back in my mind. Does he really feel terrible about it?

I shook my head in hopes of shaking him from my thoughts. I turned the corner and kept jogging. I didn't even notice I had been jogging towards his house this entire time. I saw him coming out the front door and I quickly hid behind the fence of someone's front yard. Sorry to whoever lives here. He was just throwing away some trash but I could see that his eyebags had gotten darker. And his hair was a mess. It's like he hasn't thought about himself since we last saw each other.

Once he went back into his house, I jogged back to mine. He looked really bad. Maybe I should text him when I get home. I couldn't help but smile a little. He really felt so bad about it all. After all this time, maybe I really don't have anything to be afraid of. I mean, if he didn't change, he definitely would've hurt me too. Right?

I was so deep in my thoughts that I didn't even hear the people on the sidewalk yelling at me. I saw a single headlight heading toward me and something hit my body.

And everything turned black.


yall r gonna hate me lmFAOOOO

'till death do we part // sunsun auWhere stories live. Discover now