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I made my way over to Jake's house, stopping by the park before heading in. I move my hand across the swings. And I remember our date.

"I never thought you could look even better than you already do," I recall him telling me, "You're glowing more than you usually do, Swan." I guess Jungwon glowed more than me, huh Jay?

That was also the day, when we said I love you to each other, for the first time, What I'm trying to say is, I love you too, Kim Sunoo. I have since I saw you walk in that café. And I loved you even harder when I got to really know you. And I love you most, right now, at this very moment," What did I do wrong? He said he loved me but how could he betray me like that?

I wipe away the tears, deciding to let it go. I can't keep being sad. It's not worth my time. I checked my appearance in the reflection of the metal slide, and crossed the street to Jake's house. I knocked on the door, waiting for someone to open it. I'm greeted by his mom, and I tell her I'm here to meet Jake. She tells me to go on up, since I already know the way. Wow. Is his whole family this warm and welcoming?

I knock gently on Jake's door, "Come in," I hear his muffled voice through the door.

He giggles, and that's when I notice another voice coming from his room. His girlfriend? I open the door and a small rubber ball comes flying at my head. I immediately duck and I hear them giggling again. I look up to see another boy, jogging over to pick up the ball.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't hear Jake say come in," He bows down to apologize. I tilt my head a little, he doesn't look Korean, "I'm Nishimura Riki, Ni-ki, for short."

Ah. He's Japanese, "So Ni-ki, you're a transferee too? I haven't seen you around and I'm pretty familiar with most of the faces in the school," He nods at this.

"Jake and I toured around the school together and we figured, why not be friends since we're the only foreign transferees?" Ni-ki looks at me and does a small shrug, he's now lying down on the bed, throwing the ball at the ceiling and catching it. That does kinda make sense.

"Move your ass Riki. And for the last time, you gotta call me hyung! I'm 3 years older than you which means you have to," Jake pushes Ni-ki off the bed and he rolls off, hitting the floor with a thud. He gets up, rubbing his butt and glaring at Jake in the process.

"Well I'm not gonna, and you can't make me!" Ni-ki sticks his tongue out at Jake and laughs as Jake sighs and rubs his temples.

Ni-ki does act like a kid, but not in an annoying way. More like a little brother type of way. Jake grabs the guitar and hands it to me, "So, are you ready to learn the guitar? Ignore the idiot behind you, he's usually harmless," I grin and grab the guitar from him, getting ready to have my hands held by Jake... I totally meant I was ready to learn guitar. Ahem.

"So we're gonna learn some basic chords first. So to do the C chord," And with that, the lesson starts.

After 2 hours of my fingers being stretched all over the strings of this guitar, I'd wanted to shove my hand in a bucket of ice. This is not as fun as I thought. I groan and lean back on the bed, massaging my fingers. Jake laughs and places the guitar back on its stand.

"You'll get used to it eventually," He leans back on the bed beside me.

"I don't think I will," I frown upon inspecting my finger tips, the string marks etched into my skin.

"I'm sure it's not that bad," He suddenly grabs my hand and brings it close to his face, gently handling it. I love how careful he is to not hurt me, "Yo, Riki, head downstairs grab some ice," he orders Ni-ki and he immediately stops playing and stands up straight, doing a salute.

"Sir, yes, sir," then dashes out of the room to go get some ice from the kitchen. Jake continues to hold my hand, running his finger against the marks. I'm enjoying this close contact very much, until Ni-ki comes in with that ice Jake asked for. He hands it to me and I put it on my fingers.

"I gotta get home, Jake. My mom's calling me," Ni-ki shows his ringing phone to Jake and leaves, dashing out with a rushed 'BYE.' That kid sure loves to run. That leaves me and Jake alone in his room.

"So, you wanna try those chords again?" Jake asks me, reaching over for his guitar. God, no. My fingers need some extra TLC.

"No!" I jump over in front of him, a very extra attempt to try and stop the lesson from continuing. I'm relieved to see he stopped reaching from the guitar, that was until I noticed the position we were in right now. Half of my body was sprawled across his lap while he's slightly leaning back. He freezes up, shocked at the close position.

I turn my head towards him and notice that if I just move a little to my right, our faces would be so close I would be able to feel his breath on my face. I see Jake's eyes glance at my lips and I unconsciously bite them. He looks back up at my eyes and he starts leaning back more, giving me more room to move. I was just about to get up, and in a split second, he pulled my arm and I was staring into his eyes once again. This time, he was less tense. My breath gets caught in my throat, seeing his gorgeous face this close to mine.

I didn't get any more time to admire his striking features as I suddenly felt his lips against mine. I tensed up for a moment, but melted at the warm feeling. We pull away a minute later, both of our faces red and hearts racing. Hot diggity dawg.

"I-I'm gonna get going," I quickly get up, avoiding any eye contact, "I'll see you tomorrow at school. Bye!" I hurriedly left, bowing to his mom on the way out.

I ran to my house and into my room, flinging my bag to the side. I dive into my sheets and squeal like a little girl. I put my fingers on my lips, still feeling the warmth of his on mine. Thinking about it makes me squeal again, throwing tiny punches to my pillow, feeling the butterflies in my stomach once again.

Once I'm done reliving the moment, I stayed still, holding my chest. That shit blew my mind. I think I'll never get over it. Never! I went to sleep that night, with a huge smile on my face. 

'till death do we part // sunsun auWhere stories live. Discover now