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I stayed on my bed, in the same position as when it happened.

He left in such a hurry, face as red as a tomato. I started to grin, how'd I get to score that? I bite my bottom lip, remembering the events from the past 10 minutes. I lean my head back on my bed, still out of breath from the intensity of before. We'd only known each other for about a day, so I'm hoping he doesn't think I'm moving too fast.

He just looked so pretty in front of me, I had to. I finally stood up, after deciding I'll talk to Sunoo tomorrow at school. I don't want to be messing this all up. I prepare my things for tomorrow and go to bed. I'll see you in my dreams, Sunoo.

I woke up feeling nervous, I gotta talk to Sunoo today. I didn't want things to be unclear between us so I wanted to have a conversation with him. I waited for lunch and texted him, 'Where are you?' He told me about this spot in the school field and I made my way there. When I get there, I see him, Heeseung and Sunghoon sitting together. Didn't Heeseung used to be friends with Sunoo's ex? Wonder what happened there.

I cough when I get closer, hoping to get Sunoo's attention, and I do. He looks up at me and smiles, his cheeks turning a deep shade of pink. I see he still hasn't gotten over the kiss.

"Hey Jake! What are you doing here?" He asks me, hand covering his eyes, shielding them from the sun. From my view, standing up, I could only see his lips which reminded me of last night. I gulped and got lost in my thoughts for a few seconds, "I, uh," I stumbled over my words, trying to remember what I came here for.

I try to divert my attention away from his face and look at his friends instead. Heeseung gives us both a questioning look, eyes switching back and forth until he seems to understand. He leans over and whispers in Sunghoon's ears and I see his eyes widen. Sunghoon whispers something back and Heeseung nods.

"Instead of you going somewhere else to talk, we'll leave you two alone," Heeseung announces, while standing up and brushing the dirt off his pants.

"What he said,'' Sunghoon says.

They both leave and give Sunoo a pat on the shoulder, and Heeseung gives me a wink and a thumbs up. Okay, I may need to work on how transparent I am. I walk over to Sunoo and sit beside him, giving him a smile. He avoids my gaze and this makes me smile even wider. I love how nervous he gets.

"I wanted to talk to you about last night," I started the conversation.

He sighed, "Look, Jake, you're a great guy and all but-" I cut him off.

"No, Sunoo, listen to me first. I like you. But we're not quite there yet. We've only known each other for 2 days and that's not enough time to actually get to properly know you. I also know you just came from a breakup so I don't want you to rush into things when you're not ready. For now, we can be friends, maybe you will let me and Ni-ki hang out with you guys and we can get closer. I'm in no hurry to be with you, but if you decide you want to try, then tell me, and we will try," I grab his hand, tracing over where the string marks were yesterday. I kiss his hand, kind of like a confirmation of what I said.

"Thank you, for understanding and being so mature," He smiles softly, looking genuinely grateful, "It's refreshing to see a guy your age be so well-spoken. And I agree, I'm still in the healing process and I'm afraid that if I rush into things with you, I might just end up hurting the both of us. So, let's take things slow and steady, yeah? Start as friends and see where it leads us in the future?"

I nod, feeling satisfied with our decision, "Let's just put what happened last night behind us, call it a taste for the future," I joked, winking at him.

Sunoo gasps and hits my arm, blushing, "I'm kidding, I'm kidding," I laughed as we both made our way back to the school.

I won't let you down, Sunoo. I could hear whispers behind us as we walked but when I turned around, I saw no one. I heard Sunoo sigh beside me and he, too, turned around.

"I am so sorry for my friends, they're both idiots," He looks at me apologetically, "Come out, Heeseung! You too, Hoon, I know you're both there."

I hear some scuffling and loud whispers, Sunghoon being the first to appear, stumbling out of the pile of trash by the wall. How in the hell did two tall dudes fit there without being seen? Sunghoon curses at Heeseung, dusting off his uniform. He looks like he's glaring at the dumpster and this makes me laugh a bit. Sunghoon suddenly turns to look at me and I see the corner of his lips turn up a bit, amused by the situation.

Heeseung finally comes out and Sunoo looks annoyed, pinching the bridge of his nose, "If you want to back out of the whole 'being-friends-with-my-friends' deal, I understand completely," I look back at Heeseung and Sunghoon who were bickering over who knows what, and I smile back at Sunoo.

"Nah, I think this is gonna be really fun." I told him. He stares at his two friends who have now turned their backs against each other, acting like two siblings who didn't get what they wanted, and he laughs.

"Yeah. They may act like dipshits sometimes, but I do love them," I can tell by the way he says that, that he's being genuine. Someday, you'll love me like that, too. Then we suddenly felt ourselves falling to the ground.

"Aw! You love us Sunoo! We love you too!" I hear Heeseung's voice.

I peek out from under the pile and see Sunghoon getting ready to walk away, but Heeseung catches him.

"Nuh-uh, pretty boy, you're going on this dog pile whether you like it or not," Heeseung grabs Sunghoon's legs which causes him to fall down, smack down on top of us. We all groaned in unison at the added weight.

"Uh, guys, I know you love me, but is crushing me really the way to show it?" Oh shit, Sunoo. We all got up, realizing Sunoo was at the very bottom the entire time. He catches his breath as I hold onto his arm, helping him get up. Then he glares at the two.

"Sorry Sunoo," Heeseung and Sunghoon say at the same time, with their heads down like children getting scolded by their mom. Sunoo laughs at this and we all go our separate ways to our classes.

I can tell this is going to be a great year. 


sorry sunjake shippers, you're gonna have to wait <3

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