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I was over at Sunoo's house. He was talking about some drama in his class but I kept zoning out.

"Hey?" I cut him off mid sentence, "Why haven't you been hanging out with Jay?"

He looks to the ground, looking a little guilty and sad, "I didn't want to seem like I'm pestering him for attention, especially in this vulnerable phase of his life," He looked up to me, eyes glistening in the light, "You don't think he hates me, do you?"

I shake my head at this. As much as I would love to say yes, I know that Jay loves him.

"I'm sure he just misses you. Don't you think you should at least text him back? I can hear your phone buzzing every now and then and you haven't spared it a glance." He sighs and sits up, facing me.

"I just don't want to seem too clingy. I've come over about twice since that night and I noticed Heeseung and Jungwon are always there. He's never alone so I assumed he'll be okay without me for a couple days." His tone makes it seem like there's an underlying reason he's not telling me, but I guess it's for a good reason. I'm not gonna force him to talk about something he doesn't want to.

I don't know why I'm encouraging him to keep things healthy with Jay. I guess he has proven himself, after all. He's been showing great intentions from the start and as much as it pains me, he makes Sunoo really happy. Which is why I'm really questioning his actions right now. Why is he ignoring Jay? I didn't want to keep pushing him to tell me so I went back to being silent, and him back to telling that story.

After a couple minutes, I started to feel something bad in my stomach, so I offered to go to Jay's house. I had to give him some homework anyway. Maybe I could talk to him a little about their relationship, and see what my gut was warning me about. Sunoo looked like he didn't want me to go at first, does he know something I don't? Why is he acting so dodgy? But he let up after convincing him, so I left.

I've been really starting to see why Jay is so popular. He's friendly, charming, and obviously isn't the worst looking guy out there. But I'm still pretty cautious about him, just not as much as before. I turn down to his street where the rich people live. I forget how rich Jay is, sometimes. He's more down to earth than I initially thought of him to be, and is actually pretty mature.

I ring the bell but no one answers. Huh. His car is in the driveway, I know he's home. Maybe he fell asleep or something. I turn the doorknob and see that it's unlocked. He can get robbed so easily from this careless mistake. I make a mental note to tell Sunoo about that so he can tell Jay.

The house is pretty quiet so I assume he's up in his room. This is starting to feel like a horror movie. Me visiting someone's house, the door unlocked, house eerily quiet. Only thing missing is a dead body in his bedroom. I open the door to his room only to see something way worse than the most horrifying scary movie. Always trust your gut.

"What the hell are you two doing?" They move away from each other but it's too late, I've already seen it happening.

Jay looked absolutely terrified, meanwhile Jungwon looked accomplished, proud of what he just did. Maybe there's going to be a dead body in this room after all.

"Sunghoon, what are you doing here?" Jay asks me, stumbling over his words like an idiot.

"I came here to give you homework that was assigned to us this week, thinking you were working on stuff. But obviously, you were busy with other stuff," I said, looking at Jungwon who looked embarrassed but was also smirking. You little shit.

"No. No. I wasn't. It was a mistake and I was just really tired. I made a lapse in my judgment. Sunghoon, you can't tell Sunoo. Please." That is a bullshit reason. But I see Jungwon looking crushed after Jay says that. You deserve it. Fucking jerk, I told you to stay away. Not so proud now, huh?

"Oh, I won't," Jay makes a huge sigh of relief, "Because you're telling Sunoo." Suck that relief back in, cheater.

"What?! I can't tell Sunoo. He's gonna be crushed. I can't do that to him," He closed his eyes, looking like he's holding back from crying.

"Well, I've got news for you Jay. You already betrayed him. It doesn't fucking matter if it was a mistake, or whatever excuse you make up, you still did it. And now you gotta own up to it. You are a piece of trash and you're going to live with this guilt, whether you like it or not. I'm giving you three days to tell Sunoo. If you don't tell him, I will make you." I finish my speech and see Jay fall back down on his bed, head in his hands, looking stressed.

"And as for you, you little shit. I warned you, didn't I? I told you to stay out of the way. But you're soooo hard headed. I told you, I always find out. You can't keep this shit from me," I walk up to Jungwon, towering over him, "When Jay goes to tell him, you better be there, begging on your knees for Sunoo's forgiveness. If I don't see you kneeling, trust me, I'll do anything to make you kneel," I tap his knee with my foot, slightly kicking it, "And I mean anything."

"I'm disappointed, Jay. I genuinely am. I was just starting to think of you as a friend. I actually didn't just come here to give you homework, I came here to talk to you about Sunoo because I know you both have issues right now. And I wanted what was best for the both of you, so I came here to try and talk to you about it. But now, I can't think of anything but the worst about you. I was right. You're nothing but a shallow asshole. And he wasted his time on you. I hate you, Park Jongseong."

I left them there. I couldn't care less about what they do next, as long as they apologize to Sunoo. I'm holding everything in for now, don't wanna kill them before they give Sunoo some closure, right?

I texted Sunoo, saying I'm headed home since it's getting dark out, but I don't think I could face him right now, being a witness to his boyfriend's infidelity.

The things I'm gonna do to them both once this is all over.


chapter 13 has been sitting in my docs for a while so im releasing it. 3 chapter update today since i published it all pretty late hihi 

'till death do we part // sunsun auWhere stories live. Discover now