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I smile sinisterly at the two boys who have become completely frozen in front of me. I only froze their legs, yet their entire body can't move. I start to laugh, feeding on their fear.

"You boys ready for some fun?" Jungwon started to scream, tears cascading down his face like a beautiful but sad waterfall, "Oh Wonie," I shake my head, feigning disappointment, "No one can hear you. You see, since you stepped into this area, you ceased from the vision of others. They can't see you."

I circled around Jungwon who was hysterical, "They can't hear you," I leaned in extra close, making sure he felt my breath down his neck. I loosened Jay's legs, wanting to be entertained.

Jay looks at me, thinking I'm busy with Jungwon, and runs. He ran so fast I was starting to think he might actually get away. I see him disappear down the street and I turn back to Jungwon, who looked deflated at his boyfriend leaving him to die.

"Aww poor Jungwon," I pat his head, pretending to pity him, "Your boyfriend left you, just like he did with Sunoo. Sucks, doesn't it?" Jungwon shakes his head, trying to deny the fact that his boyfriend left him.

"Stop crying. He's not gonna get far anyway," I look at my wrist, checking the time, "In fact, he's gonna be back here in 3, 2, 1," We hear footsteps behind us as Jay comes back right where he started.

He's looking behind him, thinking I would be following, and runs straight into me. He fell down on his ass, rubbing it to get rid of the pain. I towered over him, my shadow casting on his small body on the ground. He froze as he slowly looked up at me, and I smiled back at him with my head tilted.

"But, how? I ran all the way down the street. How are you here?" He stuttered over his words, starting to feel dread in his bones.

"Oh Jay, you still don't understand?" I kneel down beside Jay, taking his hand, tracing his palm with my finger, "You're never escaping," I press down on the middle of his palm and he screams out in pain, his fingers bending in weird directions.

I attach them both to me, dragging them to my house. I hear them scream for help behind me and I just let them. It's funny how they think they still have a chance to get away. Spoiler alert boys, you're not! I drag them down to the basement, tying them up beside each other. They struggle against the ropes, still trying to get away and I just sigh.

"Hey," They don't look at me, "Hey!" Their heads snapped up at me, eyes full of fear, "Let me get this straight with you, you cannot escape. You can try all you want. Hell, I'll give you tools to cut those restraints with. But, you're not escaping. Say it with me, ma-gic."

Neither of them speak, just shivering in fear like a bunch of idiots, "Fucking say it!" They flinch at my loud voice, as they shakily try to say magic. I nod, satisfied, knowing it's settled in their minds that they're not going to escape.

"Now, who do I start with, huh? The boy who cheated on Sunoo and broke his heart into a tiny million pieces?" I pretend to think, pointing at Jay, "Or the boy who I warned to stay away but didn't listen," I pointed to Jungwon.

They both looked at each other, too scared to say anything. I gasped and clapped excitedly, "Oh, I know! I'll do both of you at the same time! Since you like to be a two-timing lying skank, I should be able to take you both on right?" They look terrified! Lovely.

I walk over behind them as I rub their shoulders with my hands, their breaths hitched, and I could feel them tremble against the palm of my hands. I slowly took their breath out of them, watching as they gasped for air. Hmm. Is this too much of an easy way out? Yeah, it is. I dismissed it with my hand and they tried to catch their breaths, both wheezing in hopes of getting the air back in their lungs. What could I do to make them pay? They continue to struggle for air and I started to get annoyed.

'till death do we part // sunsun auWhere stories live. Discover now