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I roll my eyes at Sunoo on the way to the cafeteria. He won't stop rambling about Jay and his friends. Apparently, Jay invited him to eat with his friends today to introduce them or whatever. Honestly, I'm only doing this to make him happy. I couldn't care less about his boyfriend or his friends. We walked into the school cafeteria and tried to find our way between the stream of students coming in.

"Oh god. I can't do this. Let's just go to our usual spot." Sunoo spun around and tried to leave.

I was ready to go with him. In fact, I was already way ahead. Unfortunately, I heard someone call his name. I look to the source of the voice to see that stupid blonde waving his arm in the air. Ugh. So this is really happening. I hear Sunoo squeal beside me as he walks towards the table. A simple squeal like that. From any other person, I would find it annoying. But why does it make my heart skip a beat when I hear it from him?

I nodded my head towards them and took a seat beside Sunoo. I feel one of them staring me down, but I take no notice.

"Oh, why are you acting all cool?" He lightly hit my arm. I didn't say anything and only stared them all down, one by one. "Hi! My name is Sunoo. It's so nice to finally meet you guys! This is my friend, Sunghoon, he's a little quiet around strangers but he'll warm up eventually."

Typical Sunoo, ever-so-friendly. That friendliness has been the reason for you getting disappointed and hurt in the past, and it's gonna get you hurt in the future too.

Heeseung and Jungwon both introduce themselves, excited to meet him. They seem like an alright set of friends, but I'm not going to get attached, this whole thing isn't gonna last anyway. I leaned back in my seat, blocking out their voices. Instead, observing them and their demeanor.

Heeseung was older than all of us, so he had a more mature vibe than everyone else. The little one, Jungwon, looked really young, which made sense since he's a year below Sunoo. I catch him staring at Jay from time to time, seeming to listen to his every word. Then he looks at me, caught off guard when he sees me staring at him too. He gives me a small smile but I keep a straight face. He coughs and looks away, intimidated. Yeah, don't get comfortable. I'm not here to make friends.

Lastly, I look at Jay. He looks engrossed in the story Sunoo was telling about his childhood. I really hope you treat him well, Jay. I don't wanna be cleaning up another mess anytime soon. He laughs every time Sunoo does and it's starting to piss me off. His entire being pisses me off. Maybe it's just me being possessive over Sunoo, but I really do not like his vibe.

The bell soon rang, indicating the end of lunch. Thank fucking God. If I spent another minute hearing blondie's voice, I would snap. I walk out, getting to class and I see them hugging in the corner of my eye. This sends me over the edge and I hear someone in the crowd trip and fall, probably breaking an ankle.

I couldn't care less. I needed someone to receive my anger, and it couldn't be Jay. Sorry random kid. Today's not your lucky day.


They got along so well. I let out a sigh of relief.

I've been so nervous before today, that they might not like each other. Sunghoon, however, hasn't muttered a word since they sat down.

"So..." Sunghoon's eyes looked straight into mine as soon as I started talking, catching me off guard. He raised an eyebrow as if waiting for me to keep talking.

I cleared my throat before continuing, "How long have you and Noo been friends for?" He scoffed and I saw a look flash by his eyes but he covered it up, just as quickly as it passed.

"Me and Noo," He said 'Noo' as if it disgusted him, "Have been friends for a long time." Then immediately looked away, ending any future conversations between us before I could even start talking again. Did I do something wrong? I push those thoughts aside and look at Sunoo instead. Love of my life. My sweetheart. The peanut butter to my jelly. The-

"Ayo Park Jongseong!" I suddenly felt someone shaking me, "You're looking at Sunoo with literal heart eyes." I looked to Heeseung whose hands were on my shoulders, then to Sunoo whose face had become red, and then to Sunghoon who was staring at Sunoo with an unreadable expression.

"Sorry I was just thinking about how cute he is." I winked at Sunoo and he turned a deeper shade of red I didn't even think was possible. Sunghoon's gaze shifted to me and he looked like he was ready for murder. I guess he's really protective of Noo. Don't worry, I promise I won't hurt him.

I watch Sunoo as he and my friends continue to tell stories, getting to know each other. Sunghoon still doesn't talk, not even looking interested in being here with us. This makes me a bit worried, my boyfriend's best friend can't not like me. That's just a bad omen. I snap out of my thoughts when I feel Sunoo's hand on mine.

"Everything okay?" He whispers to me, noticing how I've zoned out.

"Yeah, it's all good." I assured him with a small nod and smile, and he turns back to my friends, listening to whatever story Jungwon was telling.

What can I do to make you trust me, Sunghoon?

'till death do we part // sunsun auWhere stories live. Discover now