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I watched as Sunoo ran out the front door, with tears running down his face. I felt darkness inside me, begging to be released. Not here, not yet.

I slowly turned back to the two assholes that looked guilty, Jungwon looking more surprised at the fact that Heeseung told on them. Jay opens his mouth to talk to me but I raise my hand to stop him.

"Don't. You've said enough. I will not hear you out, not without Sunoo. I promised to stick by him and always be on his side and that's what I will do. You fucked up. Don't start telling me your fucking excuses and beg me for forgiveness because I won't ever forgive you. And if you want what's best for you and Jungwon, I suggest you pack your shit, and leave the school. Even better, leave this city. I'm calm right now, but I can't guarantee this same demeanor for when I see either of your faces again. Especially you," I said as I pointed to Jungwon who looked equally terrified and smug that he was able to destroy their relationship.

Delusional. I hope they don't heed my advice so I can beat their faces in. See how smug you look when you're bleeding by my feet. I walk out the door and head home, concealing my anger and saving it for the near future. Those two don't know what I'm capable of. I know they won't listen to me. And when that day comes, I will destroy them. The same way they destroyed my Sunoo.

I texted Sunoo asking where he was and he replied saying he was at a friend's. At least he's safe right now. I got home a bit calmer, knowing Sunoo is safe and finally away from those undeserving shits. I was surprised to hear about Heeseung though. He really betrayed his friends, just to save Sunoo's heart? Hell, he should've become Sunoo's boyfriend instead.

I texted Heeseung, thanking him for doing that. I decided that Heeseung can stick around, knowing that the two won't let him back in the friend group, now that they know he snitched. It's better this way. Sunoo must be going through a lot right now, but he's strong. And Heeseung and I? We'll be there for him, every step of the way.

I woke up the next morning, and made my way to school. I met up with Sunoo before class and saw how puffy his eyes were. I swear if I see either of those two here, I will kill them. I only smile sympathetically at Sunoo, wishing my abilities could lessen his hurt, but it can't. I give him a hug, I wish I could absorb all his pain so he doesn't have to feel them anymore.

Lunch comes and we go back to our spot in the field, this time with an extra person. A tall shadow casts over us as Heeseung arrives. Sunoo's more quiet than usual, obviously still feeling the hurt. Heeseung looks at me, as if asking about what we could do to help. I merely shake my head, knowing he needs time to process everything.

He keeps chewing for a while until I see his eyes widen. Oh no. He suddenly stands up and takes out his phone. He fiddles around with it for a minute until I suddenly hear TWICE's Alcohol-Free start playing. Heeseung sets his phone down on the ground and starts singing and dancing. Sunoo looks up at him, looking half-amused and half-confused. Meanwhile I am half-horrified and half-terrified, what is he doing?

Heeseung points to me before the chorus starts and I immediately shake my head. Hell. No. I am out! I try to get away but Sunoo tugs at my jacket. I look at him, with his big brown eyes, shining even more in the afternoon sunlight.

"Hoon, please? I'm really sad right now and maybe you dancing could help," He exaggerates a pout and pretends to wipe a tear. Now I know damn well what you're doing. I shake my head once again, refusing to embarrass myself like that. But he keeps staring at me with those beautiful doe eyes. God dammit. I sigh and move towards Heeseung. I start mirroring Heeseung's dance moves and singing along to the songs.

Sunoo starts to laugh at our horrible voices, clapping like a seal at our stupidity. Heeseung continues to give it his all, despite looking like those gas-station things that flail around in the air, "I'm drunk in youu-uuuu-uuu."

Thank god our spot is pretty hidden from students. If it wasn't, I would simply die of embarrassment. The song ends and Heeseung and I collapse to the ground, trying to catch our breaths. Sunoo continues to laugh and clap as he, too, falls back beside us. We all try to get our breathing back to normal when Sunoo pulls out his phone, showing us a video of our horrendous performance. We look like idiots.

But it is pretty funny. We continued to laugh at the video, glad that everything was okay for a moment. At the end of the day, Sunoo approaches me by my locker, followed by Heeseung who was asking us if we were down to study. I said yes, but Sunoo declined.

"I actually have a guitar lesson to go to!" He exclaims excitedly.

"Since when did you play the guitar?" I asked him, genuinely curious since I have never seen that boy pick up an instrument.

"Since never, which is why I'm learning it, dummy," He rolls his eyes at me, "That friend I was with yesterday, he found me crying in the rain at the park after the whole... incident. He lent me his hoodie and stayed with me until the rain stopped and I'd calmed down. Then we went to his house and I found out he plays the guitar which I've been wanting to learn, by the way."

I raise my eyebrows at this, knowing damn well this boy isn't interested in playing the guitar. Then I heard someone call his name, "Sunoo! Hey! You ready for our lesson later?" A golden retriever in the shape of a human boy approaches us, a big smile on his face.

"Yeah. I'm so excited! By the way, these are my friends, Heeseung and Sunghoon," He points to us and we wave to him. He shakes our hands one by one as he introduces himself.

"Hi there, my name's Jake, I just transferred here. If you're wondering about the accent, I'm from Australia," He pointedly looks at Sunoo as he says that, and Sunoo laughs. Probably an inside joke.

I shake his hand, "I can see why Sunoo is interested in learning the guitar from you," I smile deviously at Sunoo, knowing he only asked for guitar lessons because this dude's good looking.

Sunoo glares at me from behind Jake and he mouths to me, 'Shut up,' and I laugh a bit, "Thank you for keeping him company yesterday. He doesn't really think things through very well. As you can tell by the way he sat in the rain, practically begging to get sick," I tell Jake. This one looks harmless. I'll have to see about him. 


heehoon friendship <3

4-chapter update today since i got some extra time

'till death do we part // sunsun auWhere stories live. Discover now