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After the park, I headed home.

I wanted to clean up a bit in the basement and go to my alley. I still felt so much anger towards that dude from the mall. Poor Sunoo. He can never seem to catch a break. I noticed something weird about Jake though. A few hours ago, while we were confronting that guy, he made me calm down in seconds just from his touch. It's weird but I was too caught up in the moment to ask.

I opened the door to my house and went downstairs, the place stinking from all the torture that had happened here a week ago. The bodies aren't here anymore, I made them disappear. If it wasn't for the blood stains on the cement, it would be like they were never here. Ugh. There's too much of a mess. I'll clean it after my rage session at the alley.

I went upstairs to change into more comfortable clothes. When I got downstairs, I noticed the cold night breeze blowing into the room. I immediately heightened my senses, noticing that my front door was slightly open when I'm sure I closed it when I got in. Who's here? I sensed a presence in the room but I know they wouldn't show themselves if they knew I knew. So I pretended to go out, closing everything in the house, leaving no option for that person to escape except my front door.

I hid behind a tree, waiting for any movement inside. Until I saw a tall figure move towards my basement, I waited for him to go inside before I entered. I saw a white glow from the basement, my curiosity picking up since my lights down there were slightly yellow and definitely not that bright.

I creeped up behind this person, recognizing the clothes from a couple hours ago. And that white light... it was coming from him? I saw him pick up a torn fabric from Jay's jacket. Ugh. Now I can't let him go. He drops the cloth, hands shaking from fear. I rolled my eyes and waited for him to get closer to me.

"Who really are you? Jake?" I said, emphasizing Jake if that really is his name. I immediately knocked him out cold. I can't risk letting him go without knowing who he was first.

I dragged his body upstairs, locking him in one of the vacant bedrooms, making sure to take his phone before leaving him. I quickly cleaned up the basement, just in case. What does he want? I remembered his calming effects on me, and that white light from him in the basement, is he someone like me? No way, I've never met anyone like me.

I decided I won't get an answer now, considering I gave him a pretty heavy blow to the head, he's not gonna wake up 'til tomorrow. I cleaned myself up, making sure to get rid of any clothing that had traces of Jay or Jungwon on it.

I woke up the next day to the sound of banging through the walls. I guess Jake woke up. I make him stop moving and I enter the bedroom, standing in front of the door so he has no way of getting out. His hands were red, starting to bruise from the continuous banging. I stared at them more and realized the redness and swelling was healing itself, in less than a minute his fists were pretty much back to normal. Okay, he's definitely not normal.

"Wait, Sunghoon, I can explain myself," Jake starts to say, but I cut him off.

"What are you doing here Jake? Who are you? What are you?" I asked him all at once, wanting an answer right now.

"You know who I am. I'm Sim Jaeyun, Jake for short," But that's not the answer I wanted. A book flew out of the case and hit Jake straight in the face.

"God damn it, I know you're Jake. But who are you? I know for a fact you're not normal. The way you calmed me down yesterday, the white light, your hand healing, it's not normal. Are," I pause for a few seconds, my eyes softening, "Are you like me?"

Jake sighs, "We are something of the same kind, but we aren't the same. You are full of darkness and evil, and I'm the opposite of that. I can take away pain, you cause pain. But we are here for the same reason," He explains to me. Sunoo.

"I want to protect Sunoo as much as you do, Sunghoon. The universe sent me here but it never told me he already had someone protecting him. You," Jake chuckles, as if finding the situation ridiculous, "But why, Sunghoon?" I tilt my head at him, curious to what he meant.

"Why did you kill Jay and Jungwon?" I froze, hoping he'd forgotten about that, "I won't forget it, Hoon. I just need to know your reason."

"They hurt Sunoo." I ended my sentence there, and Jake just nodded. As if he actually understood. He's purity and peace while I'm darkness and chaos. Maybe he's what Sunoo really needs.

"Look, Jake. I promised myself I wouldn't kill people anymore. I used to think that I was doing it for Sunoo but I think I've just been using it as an excuse to release all this darkness within me. I can't help it, Jake. But I know Sunoo wouldn't want all these people dying. Whether or not they hurt him," I confessed to Jake.

He walks towards me, gently placing a hand on my shoulder, "I can only take away so much of your pain, Sunghoon. But I can't take away the darkness. We were both just born that way. But you have to learn how to control it, it will be better that way," I suddenly stood up, tears in my eyes.

"Better for who, Jake?! I keep on hurting people around me. I'm scared. I'm scared of," The tears start falling, "I'm scared of hurting everyone I care about. Sunoo. Heeseung. Ni-Ki. You. God, I don't want to admit it but you all matter so much to me and I don't want to end up hurting you like I hurt Jay and Jungwon."

"You won't hurt us, Sunghoon."

"How do you know that?! Yesterday, breaking that guy's leg, it felt so good. And I realized, I'm a monster. What kind of person hurts other people and gets satisfaction from it? I'm a monster Jake. I need to get away from you and everyone else. I'm going to leave," I went to my room, preparing my stuff with Jake following right behind me.

"No, Sunghoon, you can't leave. Sunoo needs you here," Jake tries to tell me, but I just brush him off, continuing to pack up my stuff, "You can't leave him, Hoon. It will destroy him, even if you don't intend to." This makes me stop. I faced Jake, who also had tears in his eyes.

"Sunghoon, your purpose here is to protect Sunoo. There's one too many of us here for him. And you can't be the one leaving. So. I'll leave," I open my mouth to talk but Jake beats me to it, "I've already decided. You matter too much to him for you to just leave. And even if I'm gone, I'll always be around, looking out for the sun."

I know he's set on it and it would be no use to stop him. I hugged him, feeling good knowing that someone else cares for Sunoo the same way I do.. He mentions that he'll be leaving by the end of the month, wanting to spend more time with Sunoo while he still can. As much as I loved having him around, having another protector for Sunoo kinda renders me useless, and it's overwhelming for all of us.

"Promise me, if I ever disappear, you'll protect Sunoo."

"I promise, Hoon."


super super late update i knoww

i got vaccinated a few days ago and ive just been resting :)

'till death do we part // sunsun auWhere stories live. Discover now