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okay, before this chapter starts, i just want to warn you about some pretty graphic violence! if you dont have the stomach for that, you can just skip it. sunghoon's inner psycho shows in this chap so if you cant handle it, just skip the part! that's it hope you enjoy!



I woke up in a pretty good mood today. It's been 3 days since I got suspended, 4 days more and I'd get to see everyone again. Not that we haven't hung out after school, but I miss the lunch hangouts and all that.

My basement has been pretty silent since last night, I guess they lost their voices again. They're gonna die soon anyway, from exhaustion and with all that bleeding, especially now that it's the 3rd day. I've got something special planned for these boys. I scroll through my phone for a while, seeing that Heeseung sent a selfie of him, Riki and Sunoo eating together with the message, 'We miss you!' in our group chat. I send them a selfie of me flipping them off, writing, 'I'm having the time of my life without you idiots!'

I do miss them though. Anyway, enough about them for the day, I make my way downstairs and open the door of my basement. Light floods the dark space and Jungwon looks up at me with widened eyes, kicking Jay to wake him up. Jay shakes his head at me, as if begging for me to stop all this. I only smile at them, setting down my bag of tools.

"Now, who wants to go first?" I pouted when non one answered, "Oh come on! You never answer me when I ask, can someone man up for a change?" They glance at each other, neither one wanting to go first.

In the silence, I take a good look at them both. Jay's once expensive jacket is now ripped, dirty, and caked with blood. Jungwon's cream jumper looks almost dark brown with his blood all over it. Both their faces were sunken, deep bags under their red, swollen eyes, and bruises on their arms. I only fed them enough so they didn't die while they were under my watch.

"I'll go," Finally! I jump up from my spot on the stairs and take out my baseball bat. I know, pretty brutal, but I wasn't here to give them a light beating and let them go home with a lesson in mind. No no no. I was here to make them pay for their mistakes. Am I doing too much? Maybe. But I'm doing this so they can't hurt my Sunoo ever again.

"Jay? What are you doing?" Jungwon looks at Jay in confusion.

"Better to get this over with than waiting for the pain to come, Won," I gag at them. 'To get this over with?' That's basically implying that they're gonna get out, which they won't.

"Yeah enough with the sappy shit," I rolled my eyes as I swung my bat against Jay's stomach. At the same time, I let his restraints go, and I watched as he clutched his stomach, kneeling on the ground and gasping for air.

I got down on one knee and held his chin with my finger, raising his head to look at me. He has his eyes shut, still coughing from the blow. I sneer at him, wanting him to suffer even more. I stood up again and raised my bat, ready to swing, until I heard someone at my front door. I froze in my position and listened intently, putting my shoe against Jay's mouth so he could shut up.

I looked back to the two and gave them a threatening look, "I'm going to be back, you two better shut the hell up," I pointed my bat at them, slowly making my way up the stairs.

I kept listening and heard Heeseung's voice. Heeseung? But there were more voices, Sunoo. Ni-ki. Jake. What are they doing here? One of them knocked on the door and I froze, looking down at what I was wearing. Shit. I quickly ran upstairs changing into clothes that weren't smothered in splashes of blood. I messed up my hair, making it look like I had just woken up and opened up the door, acting surprised to see them.

'till death do we part // sunsun auWhere stories live. Discover now