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The weekend came pretty fast. The group had planned to go to the mall, since we hadn't hung out properly for a while. And with finals coming up, we would run out of time to have fun soon.

We went to a clothing shop first, scouring the racks for a good find. Sunoo is holding up two shirts, asking Heeseung which one looks better. Heeseung is trying to argue that they both look good but Sunoo won't let up. Sunghoon's quietly going through the clothes, he wasn't interested in buying anything but came anyway. Riki was beside me, picking up any piece that he liked, not even thinking of the price. Sigh, this kid. As we were checking out, I could see the cashier eyeing Sunoo. Hoon seems to notice this too, as he stands up taller with that cold, intimidating face he does when he doesn't like someone.

The cashier caught his stare and he looked uncomfortable as he scanned our items quickly, probably wanting Sunghoon to stop staring. I chuckleD at the side, I can feel the darkness, but I can't see it just yet.

After paying, we all decided to go eat in the food court. As we sat down with our food, Sunoo excuses himself to go to the restroom. We ate our food, talking in between, until we noticed how long it's been since Sunoo went to the restroom. Sunghoon checks his watch and so do I. It's been 10 minutes. Sunghoon and I seem to simultaneously agree and we both run to the nearest bathroom, leaving Heeseung and Riki behind.

We turned down the small hall beside the food court where the bathrooms were. And that's when we saw Sunoo, being cornered by that cashier guy from earlier. Sunghoon's eyes immediately darkened, and his energy went from light to really heavy in a split second. He reacts quickly and yells at the guy, energy becoming darker than it already was when he saw Sunoo's face looking terrified between the dude's arms.

"Hey! Get away from him!" The guy almost immediately reacted, but when he saw us, he smirked instead, keeping one arm around Sunoo.

"Why? Is one of you his boyfriend?" I can feel Sunghoon about to explode so I touch his arm lightly. His eyes snapped to mine and I swear I saw his eyes flash red for a second. I shook my head, making him calm down from my touch. His exterior immediately shifted, but his eyes still held the same anger. Confusion flashed through them for a second but I see him push them away and focus on the problem at hand.

"No, we aren't his boyfriends. But I am someone who can make you suffer greatly if you don't let go of him right now, and walk the fuck away," Sunghoon said calmly, but somehow the calmness makes him scarier. I shivered a little, getting goosebumps from the unusual energy I'm getting.

The dude seemed to get scared too, but he tried to keep that look of smugness on his face. He pretended to shrug and let go of Sunoo, who immediately ran to us and I hugged him, making him calm down, the same way I did with Sunghoon. Sunghoon glared at the guy who stayed smirking, with his hands in the air. Just before we turned to leave, he flips us off and yelled a, "Fuck you!"

Sunghoon caught this and I heard the guy behind us scream in pain as I heard a crack and a thud. I attended Sunoo but I was able to catch a glimpse of the guy before we left. He was on the ground, bone coming out from his leg. I shuddered at the sight of all the blood. I caught a glimpse of Sunghoon who looked kind of satisfied, but covered it up quickly with concern over Sunoo. It can't be, right? But that thing that just happened... It must be.

We arrived at the table and the two looked happy to see us until they saw Sunoo who was shaking and on the verge of tears. We gave him some water and he calmed down after a couple minutes, but still not regaining all of the energy he had before it happened. How do I fix this without him noticing?

I have an idea but I'm not sure if it's going to work. I handed Sunoo a drink, making sure my finger touched the drink without anyone noticing. He drank it and his breathing immediately calmed down, but his hands were still shaking a bit. I guess I have to work on that trick. I start to feel his nervous energy transfer to me, and I dismiss these feelings. I could handle them better than Sunoo can.

After Sunoo ate, we all decided to just go to the park and chill out from the crowded mall. Sunoo and I were sitting on the swings, Sunghoon pushing on us both and Heeseung was on the spinning thing, begging Riki to stop pushing him round and round. Riki finally stops pushing Heeseung and he gets off, walking sideways from dizziness. He goes behind a tree and bends over, his lunch now all over the grass. We all groaned in disgust, Heeseung walking up to us looking pretty pale.

"You all good there, bud?" I laugh, patting his shoulder but keeping a good distance. I don't want vomit all over my clothes. Heeseung only mutters weakly in response, clutching his stomach.

We hear a phone ring and we whip our heads toward Riki, who held his ringing phone in hand. He smiles sheepishly at us, "Mom's calling, I gotta go," He answers the phone and starts walking away, waving goodbye to us.

We all agreed to go back to our own houses, considering it was getting pretty dark. My house was just across the park so I watched the remaining three leave before I entered my house. I saw Sunghoon walk down towards his house but he had that dark aura again. I didn't want him to get into anything dangerous so I followed him quietly. He went into his house and entered that basement where his dogs were. Oh, maybe he's just feeding them. I quietly snuck in after seeing he left his front door open. I went upstairs, looking behind me to make sure he was still in the basement. Weird, I couldn't hear any dogs. I ignored this and looked inside all the rooms, having a weird hunch.

There wasn't anything upstairs, just as I finished looking at all the rooms, I heard Sunghoon's footsteps approaching. I quickly entered the last door I'd entered. I sighed in relief, until the door suddenly opened and the lights turned on. I held my breath, hoping he wouldn't notice me behind the door. I realized I was inside his room. Fuck. I have to get out of here before he sees me. As soon as he rummaged through his stuff, I snuck out as quietly as I could and ran down the stairs.

I wanted to see what was inside the basement so badly. I know for a fact that it isn't dogs. I was just about to leave, deciding to just go back here when he wasn't home, but I heard Sunghoon running down the steps. Shit. Hide behind the couch. He was dressed in more comfy clothes that looked a bit old. He left the house, turning out the lights and scanning the rooms with his eyes before he left.

I peeked out the window to make sure he was gone and opened the basement door. My hand flew over my nose at the absolute stench of this room. It was really dark and the smell was horrid. I held my other hand away from me, the small space lighting up with the faint white glow of my hand. Eventually the light grew until it was enough for me to take in the sight of this room.

God, what the fuck? There was blood everywhere. Well, blood stains. Some of it had dried and turned an ugly shade of brown. Did Sunghoon do this? That would explain the vibes I get from him. I looked around some more until I saw a piece of clothing in the corner of the room. It was barely recognizable with all the blood on it, but I saw a particular design that caught my eye. P.J.S. I ran my finger over the embroidered initials on the once whole sweater.

Who could PJS be? I dropped the piece of fabric as I realized. My hands shake as I slowly back away from the undiscovered crime scene. The glowing light from me quickly disappeared. I extend my hand out to hold on to the railing of the stairs to try and calm myself down.

"Who really are you? Jake?"

And that was the last thing I remember. 


i know... jake??? glowing white light????? what?????????

i swear i'll make it make sense adhjkshda 

just stay tuned for the next couple chapters !

'till death do we part // sunsun auWhere stories live. Discover now