Sorra's birthday and a Romantic bath

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you had been back in Konoha for about a month now. the phone bills were through the roof cuz of you, Suki, and Jakki. even Naruto was using the phone, he was calling Ciggy. Ciggy kept him updated on Moon and they talked about random crap you never payed attention to. Sakura and Kiba had been inseperable and the same with Hinata and Naruto. poor Jaki was dealing with morning sickness and you sent her your sympathies. Kakashi and your mom were constantly calling and sending picture messages with their cellphones. their bill was pretty big also. so far everything was pretty good. Lady Hokage couldn't believe it when you told her about Itachi and Kisame was yet to be found. Sasuke was ten times happier because the loadof his brother was finally off of his shoulders. nowhe was training for himself not JUST for power to kill. you were peacefully sleeping when Naruto, Sakura, Sasuke, and Kakashi all jumped on you. 

Naruto: aw! our baby Sorra is finally 17! 

Sakura: took her long enough! 

Naruto: you just turned 17 last week! 

Sasuke: yeah and Kiba gave her a present she'll NEVER forget! 

Sakura: shut up Sasuke! 

Kakashi: he's right! i passed by your house after the party and i could've heard you guys a mile away.

Naruto: i DID hear them a mile away. 

you: dying...can't...breathe...

they all got off of you. 

Naruto: heh heh! sorry. 

Sakura: there's gonna be a party tonight for you! it's at Sasuke's 

Sasuke: yep! i want to make sure your birthday is special!

you: aw! thanks Sasuke. 

he gave you a quick kiss and Naruto picked you up. he slung you over his shoulder and you freaked out. 

you: holy sh*t Naruto what the hell?!?! 

Naruto: i'm carrying you to the breakfast table. 

you: but i can walk! 

Naruto: so? this is more fun!

you: my but is in the air and i'm not wearing pants! 

Sasuke: so? 

you: i don't mind you seeing but it's pretty embarrassing when i'm mooning my sensei and Sakura!

Kakashi: you know there's no convincing Naruto. 

you: true.

you crossed your arms and you looked like Fiona in Shrek.
your pj's the night before were just a long shirt and your undies. you wear boycut so it was more like REALLY short shorts.
he threw you on the couch and you sat up. 

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